Sleep Paralysis

@BarBaraPrz (45818)
St. Catharines, Ontario
January 30, 2009 3:11pm CST
I was lazing on the couch, listening to the music on the radio when I started composing the following article in my head: [i]Sleep Paralysis Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? You know, your brain and eyes may be awake but your body is sleeping and just refuses to move... well, maybe a finger or toe will wiggle, but that’s not going to get you out of bed/off the couch. Then the cat jumps up on you and settles down for a nap, using you as a pillow or even entire bed, and it feels so cosy now you really don’t want to get up. But eventually you have to pee, so you slowly stir and the cat gives you the evil eye... “Hey! Where are you going? I just got here!” And you feel guilty for having disturbed her.[/i] Then a friend came over and I lost my train of thought. I don’t know where I was going with this, maybe because the cat had made herself cosy on me. Do you ever start writing something and then don’t know what to do with it? What do you do?
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5 responses
• Philippines
30 Jan 09
yeah, there's some stories that I think I started great but I just don't know how to continue or to end it. It's frustrating. But, as to sleep paralysis, I've experienced it once and it believe me, it's not as cozy when even the cutest cat settles down for a nap on you. It's like the feeling of being helpless, I'm panicking and I can't move any part of my body, I wanna shout but my body wouldn't allow me. It's so disturbing. All I did was to pray on my mind and thank God, He saved me.
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• Philippines
30 Jan 09
thank you. take care, too.
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@BarBaraPrz (45818)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
30 Jan 09
That's good that you got through it. Remember this, and try not to panic should it happen again.
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• United States
30 Jan 09
Yes, this has happened to me more often than I can count - and it's SO frustrating. I write it down in what I call an "idea notebook" until I can get some more thoughts about the article down. Sometimes more thoughts come later on, and other times the pages are never touched again. However, I might be able to... wait... hold on... I can't remember where I was going with this .... where's my notebook?
@BarBaraPrz (45818)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
30 Jan 09
I'm a Cat Bed - My quick sketch of my cat's favorite sleeping place.
Ha ha ha... I did a little sketch to illustrate that bit of story, and then didn't upload it! Here it is:
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• United States
30 Jan 09
LOL! That's a cute picture! My cat used to sleep on me like that, too. :-)
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@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
30 Jan 09
The worst thing for me is that I frequently think of stories (or the beginnings of them, anyway) when I am out walking. Of course, I don't have a notebook or pen with me to write them down, and by the time I arrive home (or wherever I am going), they've already started slipping away. I like the idea of keeping a notebook, which some other poster mentioned. Maybe if I always had one with me, I would at least get something down. Lying in bed thinking of things is dangerous, too, because you are likely to fall asleep instead of crawling out of your comfy spot and grabbing a pen. I am not sure what the solution is. At least you have this one story started...good luck continuing on....
@BarBaraPrz (45818)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
30 Jan 09
Thanks for the encouragement.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
30 Jan 09
Hi Sweets You sound like you may have been dozing a bit. Snuggling with a furry is always nice. I'm not sure I've had this happen to me but I can easily doze is warm and cozy. xoxooxxoxo
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@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
30 Jan 09
Yah, I experienced this one,too. I am feel so numb that it seemed that I could not move my body. But in reality, i was just too lazy to wake up because I wanted to rest more. But i need to get up because of so many tasks to do.
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