marriage for love or marriage for money?

@jzybabes (286)
January 30, 2009 10:19pm CST
which do you prefer?...are you going to get married for love or just married for money? mostly now women wants to get married just for the sake of money.. is it sound good?
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10 responses
• Philippines
1 Feb 09
Hello jzy, I think when two people are in-love, really really in-love, plays a magic...Even someone would marries a peasant, if Love is in their midst, together they can obtain wealth and money... But for those who will go for money, do you think they will be Happy? maybe for overcoming some financial crisis for a while they will be top happy but not the real Joy of people in love...There are some exception ofcourse, not all that marries for money are unhappy in the end, because sometimes Love would just grow between two people at the time and place.When their love developed then that makes them happy...Happy mylotting
• Philippines
3 Feb 09
Hello jzy, I still believe that in this era, women are very smart, and most of the women now a days equals and sometimes earns more than men. I do not believe that most of these women will go for marriage for money sake...I think and I believe that about 90% of the women will marry because of Love and bout 10% only for money and that 10% includes not only asians but as a whole, those are the less unfortunate, and maybe because of poverty they would tend to go for money in exchange of the better life. Now, if you see that many westerners or Europeans are coming to asia to marry asians, we could not say that the asians are just marrying them because of money, most of them are first into (boyfriend and girlfriend relationship) until they are in-love, then they decide to get marry and for that they don't fall in the category of(marriage for money) Happy my lotting my friend
@jzybabes (286)
• Philippines
3 Feb 09
hi perla.. i think the common life that we have right an individual is to live with the money and definitely, life without money...,how can you survive without it? first thing that a women think for hapiness is to have a money first,mostly women are looking for marriage just because of money,correct me if i'm wrong,..have you noticed now that asian women are married to a foreigner?..they can do what they want..,,,,yes,it's true..! but they believe that love would grow and develop for the near future..!
@jzybabes (286)
• Philippines
4 Feb 09
that would be... you are right and it happen now here in our place.. many women here are marrying a foreigner...
@celticeagle (160806)
• Boise, Idaho
3 Feb 09
I would hope for love and a partner who made a good wage. In the olden days that was the most important part of the whole thing. Now days it has gone to other lengths in this country. But, I would hope for love.
@jzybabes (286)
• Philippines
3 Feb 09
hi celt.. i know you are thinking of old times...yes, that would be the most important part of the whole thing,..and everybody hope or love...
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
31 Jan 09
I would like to believe that not all women like that kind of idea. But then I prefer the first one (love) than money. Sometimes money just comes in once there is love in the relationship. But if you go first for the money before love they do fly away and many times end up unhappy at all because the comfort they are lookig for is not present in the relationship.
@jzybabes (286)
• Philippines
3 Feb 09
yes, that's true not all women prefer that kind of idea.. but first and involves wisely......
• United States
31 Jan 09
i want to get married for love not money. money runs out and love never goes away as long as it's with the right person. money isn't everything and it doesn't buy you happiness, it might seem like it does but it doesn't. my last two relationships, my guys didn't have a job and just as long as they were there for me to come home to that is all i asked for. i just want someone who i can hold onto and love for the rest of my life and make me happy with just the touch or sound of their voice.
@jzybabes (286)
• Philippines
31 Jan 09
hey, some men really take an advantage to some women who have everything.. i have a boyfriend before when i was working in a restaurant, and the same with your last two relationships that he come and asked for his needs and other matter.. what i guy? i broke up him after a week 'coz i'm thinking that he just used me for something!
• United States
31 Jan 09
I think I'd establish myself as a businessperson first without even thinking of getting married. I'm definitely going to get married for love -- I don't want to be stuck with some 80-year-old billionaire as a husband. But I do set certain standards for guys; the man I marry doesn't have to be super rich, but I'd need to marry someone of equal status as I am. Don't know if that sounds condescending or not, but IMO women who marry for money go for it because their looks are the only thing they have to offer. Gold diggers only care about themselves, after all when have you heard about in the paper of a loving wife murdering a loving husband for his money? (Or it could be the other way around. Nevertheless, my point remains the same.)
@jzybabes (286)
• Philippines
31 Jan 09
you're right and i think a true to herself is one of the aspect of being a good thing for sure, have it!...nice respond city girl..
• United States
3 Feb 09
I think the women that marry solely for money are few and far between (hopefully). However, money does influence a woman's idea of a man. Not just money, but success and stability. I think this is not just because of money but because the man can provide her with a comfortable life. So probably most women are somewhat influenced by money. I don't know many women who would marry a homeless man off the street, even if she loved him.
@jzybabes (286)
• Philippines
3 Feb 09
yes, you are right turan... its simply because they need a comfortable life and can provide them with their lifestyle.. they need success in their life and being stable to stay or have a good life..not only for their own good but also with the family involve.. they will do that not for their own sake.. ..
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
31 Jan 09
I got married for love and I would never even consider getting married for money. I think that it is quite greedy for a person to marry simply for money, and there is no true happiness in that situation.
@jzybabes (286)
• Philippines
31 Jan 09
i've been married for 14 years and i love my husband as well.. we have already 4 children and i'm very proud that because of love we've been married for twice!... there is true hapiness if you truly love each other...
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
16 Feb 09
I would never get married for money. I can understand why some people would consider getting married for money . If you have been very poor your entire life and has been struggling to pay the bills it might be temping to marry someone who has a lot of money, but I don't think that is the right reason to get married. My fiance is not rich and neither am I, but that is not important to me. I love him and he loves me and that is all that really matters to me. I think I would get very unhappy if I married someone just for money.
@Jax2700 (12)
• Canada
9 Feb 09
I am getting married for LOVE .. this is not a nice thing to say but neither of us really have a lot of money. I think we are so much better off this way learning to love each other and then the money will come someday. We know what its like to struggle and we know what its like to worry but most of all we also know what its like to love through the struggle and worry.
@miccant (154)
• United States
6 Feb 09
Love. I always tell my husband that our love will get us through time of less money and money cant buy you love. To love is to live