Blonde Moment

By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
February 6, 2009 4:56pm CST
Yes and I am so glad that no one saw me, well I do not think they did As most of you know here in the UK we are having Snow and I mean loads lol, well unfortunately I had to declare my Car of the Road for now as it failed it's MOT and I have to get the Money together to get the Repair done, anyway with it being declared of the Road, I had to ask if I can keep on the Yard for that time, the Landlord had no problem with that So I had to park it in front of the Shed next to my Flat, well there was a pile of Snow there but hey, the car was not going to move for a while anyway The Landlords Daughter suggested that I park my Car where hers is normally parked, as she works away a lot and she can park in front of mine. So the Next Day when she went out in her Car to go Shopping, I went out to move my Car in her Space, I stared my Baby, then gently put the Foot on the Accelerator, the car did not move, it just wheel spun and Snow was flying all over, great my Car is stuck in Snow, I try going forward, I try reversing, nope she will not move. Well I was determent to move it, I kept on trying, but no go, after 10 minutes of trying I gave up, I went to put the Handbrake on and Guess What??????? I had not taken the Bl**dy thing of so no wonder the poor Baby would not go, I took the Handbrake of and WOW the Car moved, I felt so stupid and embarrassed, I just could not believe I did that, I was also using not nice words to myself (sigh) I think the Blonde Moments are back Helpppppppppp
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31 responses
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
6 Feb 09
Hey I've done that a lot. And it doesn't even snow where I'm at! LOL! But us blonds have to stick together. So now....WHO exactly is the princess and who is the queen of this club? Teeheehee!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
6 Feb 09
Hahahaha I shall make you the Queen I prefer to be the Princess
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
Lol ok you do that let me know when you have it ok Love you
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
6 Feb 09
ROFL!!! I'll wear my crown with pride...when I have it made that is!
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@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
6 Feb 09
What does a person do when they do stuff like that and they aren't blonde? Did anybody see you? I like my duh moments to happen only in front of my dog. And even then he looks at me funny.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
6 Feb 09
Lol I don't think so but I don't know I don't know what you do when you are not blond, my Children use the Excuse that their Mum is blond lol
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
6 Feb 09
Too funny. I don't know about the UK's cars but the newer ones here in the States have a feature that when the car is put into drive the emergency brake gets released automatically. I have never had this blonde of a moment. Too funny. I needed a good laff tonight. Thanks. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
7 Feb 09
That's because you don't have any hair bob!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
Lol well my car is 5 years old and I love it to bits so no my car would not have that Grandpa Bob but I just could not believe I did that, I MEAN 10 Minutes before I even noticed why the Car would not move Lol Jill I love it, see Grandpa Bob that is why it has not happened to you
• United States
8 Feb 09
Awww sweety that's funny but I think we've all done it! I know for sure that I have done it a couple of times. It makes for a good laugh at yourself. Some of my best laughs are at my own expense so have a good chuckle and just hope you don't do it again anytime soon. It's not stupid when you do it once, you only get to feel stupid if you do it again!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
8 Feb 09
Lol knowing me no doubt I will do it again The worse is I have a light telling me that the Handbrake is on and still did not notice
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• India
9 Feb 09
LOL!! That was really amusing. I still remember the story where you thought your car was stolen when actually, your son had borrowed it for sometime. LOL!! You sure seem to have plenty of blond moments with that car of yours, Gabs. :) Cheers and happy Mylotting
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Feb 09
Lol yes I remember that to My Son still reminds me of that now and again lol
@gemini_rose (16264)
8 Feb 09
Oh gabs I am trying not to, but hahahahahahahahahah!!! SORRY! What are you like? I can just see you sitting there swearing and wondering why you were not going anywhere and blaming it on the snow, funny!! Have you had snow today because we have had about an inch or more this evening and there is more forecast for tomorrow as well.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
8 Feb 09
Lol well I guess it is quite funny but at the time I did not think so the words where not very good and what I called myself was worse Then my Neighbor Jo tells me that she saw it and was laughing but did not come out as she could not stop laughing she knew it was that because of all a sudden the car went so she guessed it was that Problem lol Nope it is pouring here with rain right now
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@gemini_rose (16264)
9 Feb 09
no rain here, still got the snow with more on the way apparently!!
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@nannacroc (4049)
7 Feb 09
Lovely to hear you are being you again gabs. I have these moments and I've never been blonde.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
Lol Nannacroc I guess I have been pretty good actually I just hope this is not the start of more to come hehehehe Hugs to you
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
7 Feb 09
poor you hon, I hate goofing up and I am doing more and more of it lately.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
I just hate it when that happens lol Good to see you hope you are ok Hugs to you
@Darkwing (21583)
7 Feb 09
Didn't I just KNOW what you were going to say then, my dear friend? You must have had something else on your mind, I reckon! It might have been a lot easier had the car had ski-runners under the wheels... ha ha ha. Brightest Blessings, hugs and love. xxx
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
Hmmmmmmmmm lets see lol, you knew because you know me ?????????? Lol I guess that is it then I have to be honest I have a lot on my mind right now but well I will let Gissi move it next time lol
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@Darkwing (21583)
7 Feb 09
Yes, I knew because I know you! lol. You'll have to steer clear of the pub when you take Gissi out now, or he'll have a field day telling his little friends over there! ha ha ha. He'll be looking to get his own back for those pics you've been putting around, no doubt!
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@Darkwing (21583)
7 Feb 09
Blonde Moment Award - Awarded to Gabs for the umpteenth time... the Blonde Moment Award!
Ok... I know what you're after... a bit of recognition. Here ya go then, you haven't had one for a while.:)
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Of course we all have experienced blond moments such as yours (Blonds though may take offense to us labeling it that.) We would be lying if we didn't. At least for one thing you know that the handbrake works.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
Well Terri I am blond so I can say it lol and I do not see why they should feel offended as I never do lol
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Good one gabs!! I do things like that all the time...daily. I'm blonde too and it is a way of life here. You know ...try to start the car when you leave it in drive and then get all wound up at the "stupid" car.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
Hahahahaha Sid you are worse then me lol I have to admit this is only the second time but the First time I took note of the Light that was telling me it was on but not that Day lol I called it more then Stupid lol believe me and I called myself worse when I realized
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
Hahahahaha Sid well I have not done that yet lol My Son would have a Field Day with me if I called him out to something silly lol Hugs to you
7 Feb 09
well gabs i must be honest, i am such a wimp, i will not drive in the snow at all, even to park, but another confession, i have actually driven away with the handbrake still on( dont tell the husband , he'll go mad) but its only the fact i have a red light on my dashboard that tells me the brake is still on. i have my MOT the end of this month, so i am keeping my fingers crossed , and toes etc., !! to add to the above, i have also driven out a brightly lit supermarket carpark in the evening and forgot to put my headlights on, and then wondered why every one was flashing their lights at me !!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
Hahahaha well I won't tell him I promise And guess what I have a light on mine to but never even noticed it this is what I do not get But I am pretty upset about it all at the moment, as that is not the only thing that has gone wrong, the Fridge Freezer packed in last Weekend I never noticed till it was to late and the all my Food was rotten, so the car just topped it The thing is I took it to a different Garage this time and the Guy told me looking at Brakes and Pads the Car has been like that for a long time so I now have to get the money together to get it fixed But well never mind lol still no excuse As for the Lights I have done that once to lol I shall keep my Fingers crossed for you to Hugs
@scorpio19 (1363)
7 Feb 09
Hi gabs8513, I really shouldn't worry it sounds a perfectly normal occurrence to me, I'm full of blonde moments, I wouldn't mind but I aren't even'm sure it was just a lapse in concentration after all you hadn't drove it for a little while.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
Lol I am blond and believe me I have had loads of the Moments to go with it lol
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@ladynetz (968)
• Canada
6 Feb 09
I think that everyone of us has its own "blonde" moments... What about having the soup on the stove and you forgetting about it, totally, and go out with friends for hours? Luckily it was on "very low" and I called a friend who came and took it of the stove. Or, when one of my guests forgot to flush the toilet? Or, when another was not paying attention that the outside slide door was closed and went through it? or my friend's dad, had a bad hungover, and instead of going to the washroom, used the cabinet instead? Or, getting ou the car, lock it and forget the keys inside? I can just on and on, but the point is...don't be to hard on yourself.Happens to everyone.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
6 Feb 09
Lol Lady thank you I will try not to
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• United States
7 Feb 09
Uh - as long as you know that you need to turn the screwdriver clockwise to tighten them, & counter-clockwise to loosen & remove them, I guess we'll be OK. Uh - with the car not on the road, is it you who's safe from the lamp posts, telephone poles, other cars & people & objects that like to jump out in front while you're cruising? Or is it those people & objects I mentioned that are safe? Should I remind Mel_87 that she needs to learn how to remove a car engine? See: to refresh your memory. Speaking of Mel_87, I hear that MyLot is disabling accounts of people who have not logged in for three months. Hopefully, if she cannot get on, someone can log in & out for her.
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• United States
7 Feb 09
Go to: Select on that pull-down menu, "why is my account inactive?" Read that answer very carefully about the "three months"
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
Lol lets say everyone is safe lol Mel will not be coming back to Mylot she is to busy at work now but thanks for this Info Krazy
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Feb 09
Now you will remeber to take the brake off next time!. but glad ya got it moved to where they really wanted it. hugs
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
Lol well you know me No matter I will probably do it again lol Big Hugs
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 Feb 09
yup I know!
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
11 Feb 09
;hand over eyes Ohhhhh! I gotta say, gabs, given the title of this discussion I kinda saw this one coming. Blonde, fowl-mouthed, woman driver (I kid, I kid) and all, we love you around here no matter what.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Feb 09
Lol yes Sweetie that was me lol I was so angry at myself and Embarrassed lol but hey you know me
• United States
12 Feb 09
I can cure you of that dye you hair. heehee I know I have dumb things like that. I am so sorry it has taken me so long to answer this discussion. We leave on Sunday to see the kids I will keep you posted on what is going on. hugs and kisses. tea
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Feb 09
Do not apologize Sweetie you have a lot going on right now You have a safe Journey Hugs to you and lots of Love
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• United States
2 Mar 09
I am home now and so tired and achey all over. I will write more later.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 09
Dye your hair red! LOL Then those not so nice words won't sound out of place! ROFL
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
Oh yes sure lol I do not believe I would suit red how about Pink hahahaha
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
7 Feb 09
Well Pink is not MY favorite color Gabs, but on you it just might work.....go on, do it, I dare ya! LOL
• United States
7 Feb 09
LMAO!! Oh {{ Gabs}} what would we all do if we could not tell stories on ourselves? LOL!!! Trust me I've got plenty myself but I did enjoy reading yours! I saw on the news where you all have been getting slammed with a lot of snow, how much did you get in your area?? take care now and watch out for the hand brake next time? LOLOL!!!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 09
Lol a lot maybe that is what knocked my Brain the shock of all this Snow
• United States
7 Feb 09
LOLOL! Could be, could be !!
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