What Kind of Driver Are You???

@LadyMarissa (12148)
United States
February 7, 2009 3:52pm CST
I met a friend for lunch yesterday & ran several errands on my way home. Of course I pulled into the only parking space available in front of the restaurant. As I was leaving, I looked in every direction as I backed out. Still looking in my rear view mirror, I see a car flying into the parking lot & right up on my bumper. He lays down on his horn as to dare me to hit him. Since I knew he was there I had already applied my brakes & was mumbling under my breath wondering why he felt the need to get so close while I was backing up. In my opinion, he was begging to be hit. I had to stop at my post office to get a package. Once again as I was backing up, a car flies into the parking lot blowing its horn & slides into the space 2 over from me. When I pull into any parking lot, I watch for people backing up & stop to give them all the room they need to maneuver where they need to go. Even when in a hurry, I don't rush in behind them...just in case they can't see me!!! When driving are you one of those in such a hurry you just have to beat a phantom vehicle into a spot at the risk of causing an accident or do you drive responsibly & watch out for others??? The only time I have ever had a parking space stolen from me is when a rude driver cut me off & just turned right in front of me. OK, what kind of driver are you???
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16 responses
7 Feb 09
Hi LadyMarissa, I can't understand why these motorist are in such a hurry, there is something wrong with them when they get behind the wheel, I don't drive but I have seen idiots drivers doing silly things. Tamara
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I've had people fly past me only to be sitting right next to me at the next red light & actually arrive at the same destination behind me!!!
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@littleowl (7157)
7 Feb 09
Hi LadyM, I am so thankful that I don't drive mainly because you are always watching the car infront of you to try and think of what they are going to do...not only that it can be just as dangerous as a pedestrian having to concentrate when crossing the road the next move of a car, and down busy shopping aisles making sure not to bump into other people...so there is no-way I would drive I would be an accident waiting to happen!! LOL...littleowl
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Feb 09
You are smart!!!
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@annjilena (5618)
• United States
8 Feb 09
iam a good driver at least i try to be.but there are some bad driver out there who will cut in front of you and think they are right for doing it.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
10 Feb 09
well not to me
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
8 Feb 09
What they want is more important than your safety!!!
• United States
13 Feb 09
When I use to drive I would be the one who would give the dive of backing out of a space the right a way. A lot of the time I would want their space. Now that I do not drive I am the passenger and I ride with most people who are not in any hurry.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
13 Feb 09
To me it only makes sense to give them the rightaway. If not, there's a good chance they'll hit you!!!
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I am like you. I do not find it as much where I live now, in Pennsylvania, but when I lived in New York City, it was the norm. I just ignored them, like they were not there. That ticked them off more than anything, LOL. I am always trying to be nice on the road. I do not like to tailgate, unlike my husband, who drives me nuts. I told him that if someone tailgates me, I slow down more and most people tend to do that, so by tailgating, he is only going to take longer to get there. I am very slow driving in and out of parking lots and spaces. Some people fly down so fast and I fear little kids coming out of nowhere, as you know how fast they can get away, even with parents paying attention.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I like your new avatar!!! NYC drivers are the absolute worst. When visiting NYC, I always just picked a spot & headed for it. It was the other drivers' place to miss me. Seemed to work. Now I drive a lot more careful. It seems everybody's attitude is What I need is much MORE important than what you need!!! So, I decided that if they need it so bad, they can have it. I slow down a little to let people merge onto the Interstate. I wait for people to get out of their parking space. I try & do the speed limit & if the guy behind me is in a hurry, he can just go around me!!! I used to have a bad case of road rage. Now I enjoy the peace!!!
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
8 Feb 09
I have been driving for nearly 20 years now and i have had my ups and downs.But generally i am a careful driver. I have not had any major collisions except once, when a Huge truck came and banged into my little maruti car, and that while i was waiting at the traffic signal.The car was pushed with such force that it went and hit another van in the front with me inside it.Thankfully i was not hurt, and there was a police who took charge and confiscated the truck and helped me in every way to posiible ! I love to drive especially on the highway and do most of the drive when we go for a vaccation..
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Sounds like you were lucky!!! I prefer to drive as I'll get sick riding. I've been lucky with wrecks too (knock on wood)!!!
@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I've slowed down a lot since I hit 50, I used to be in a hurry but why? I try to be courteous and will let someone have a space, especially if they're old. I always try to pull into 2 spaces so I can just drive on out and not have to back up, I get very nervous precisely because of the situations you outlined! I also save gas by coasting whenever possible and if I see a light turning red up ahead I'll let off the gas. Surprisingly, it doesn't seem to bother people when I do stuff like that, I think because a lot of them are doing the same thing!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Feb 09
I drove like a mad woman up until I got 3 speeding tickets in about 2 months & my auto insurance went from $700/yr to $2,100/yr. That got my attention. It took me 3 years to work it back down!!! In the meantime I found out that I got there just as fast if not faster...& definitely MUCH safer!!! Then I found getting there was MUCH MORE enjoyable when I didn't stress myself out!!! So, I started driving slower & being more courteous to others.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
8 Feb 09
Something happens to some people the minute that they get behind the wheel of a car LadyM. They develop an arrogance and selfishness that one rarely encounters elsewhere. My view is that if an idiot pulls into a space behind me when I am obviously maneuvering out then he deserves a lengthy wait! Oh, my how I'd have to creep backwards and forwards! LOL. I endeavour to be courteous to other road users. In the UK, courtesy is one of the the things that you get tested on. Giving way when you're supposed to. Making appropriate warning signs (not with your fingers in a reverse victory salute or the singe extended digit!) etc.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Courtesy should be mandatory...given a ticket if not courteous!!! If I had hit either one of those jerks, they'd still be b!tchin!!! Only reason I didn't hit both of them was because I bought special mirrors to be able to see the blind spots!!!
• United States
8 Feb 09
I drive careful and can not stand drivers in a hurry or that are rude! I always have the kids in the car. So I must be carful. I hate rude bumper riders!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Oh yes, I despise those people who ride my bumper. I always slow down so they get so frustrated they have to go around me.
@TnWoman (1895)
• United States
8 Feb 09
hello ladymarissa i guess that i consider myself a good driver and a safe one as well. i always buckle up and i also make sure that whoever is riding in the vehicle with me as well is also properly buckled up. if i have to stop at a red light and i am back from it some and i see somebody needing to pull out onto the roadway, i will let them go ahead in front of me. the last speeding ticket that i got was years ago, knock on wood, and i watch my speed these days and i at least go the speed limit but i do not speed anymore. when i arrive to wherever that it is that i am going, is when that i get there. take care and have a beautiful evening.
• United States
8 Feb 09
I am a very cautious driver!! I always check my twice before pulling out of anywhere and I am very careful when backing up anywhere!! I hate it when people speed through parking lots never thinking about all the children that could be walking in the parking lot. I am always more careful when I know that there could be children around. When you see that someone is backing out of a parking space I think that it is the right thing to do to stay back and let them finish backing out instead of flying past them. Some people just have no regard for other drivers on the road.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
8 Feb 09
I don't care for drivers that drive fast in parking lots. Especially when they are small lots!!!
@Kenzierou (108)
• Indonesia
8 Feb 09
Couple of years ago, when I was riding a motor bike I got hit by a car from behind, passed out and sent to hospital. I'm a careful driver now.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Bike riders need to be extra careful!!! People don't always see them until it's too late.
@tastemee (111)
• United States
8 Feb 09
I'm an okay driver. Some days i make more mistaks than others. At times, I drive over curbs, get stuck in sharp turns as in fast food drive lots
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Sounds like you need to practice more!!!
@tastemee (111)
• United States
10 Feb 09
haha right! but i only drive over curbs when i am stressed out lol not on purpose though
• China
8 Feb 09
i am a new driver
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
8 Feb 09
Then pay attention & learn to be courteous!!!
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
9 Feb 09
I'm a very nervous driver - and hate being on the road with a passion (or even without a passion)! If I can help it, I stay off the highway. I have a well-travelled route into town to do the grocery shopping, and rarely deviate from that. I get into quite a tizz if I have to do anything different. I hate the way people tailgate on the highway - if only they realised if they gave a bit of space, the person in front (me) would have room to pull over and let them get on with it. However, with some arser right on your tail, there's not much you can do! And no, I don't travel TOO far under the speed limit ... just a teensy bit!
@camomom (7535)
• United States
17 Feb 09
I wait for others to back out. I try to avoid accidents not cause them. I have had a space stolen from me before like you said by someone that cut me off. I also watch for turn signals in parking lots. If soemone has their signal on for a space I won't take it from them. I also always use mine if I see a spot that I intend to park in.