if given the chance..

@AikaruJ (281)
February 8, 2009 2:16am CST
If you were given the chance to go back in time and change something, would you? If i was given that chance, I WOULDN'T go back and change something, because if i did, i wouldn't be the person i am right now. I'm happy and contented with who i am today. I learned in every mistake that i have made in the past and every time i fall down on my knees, i always get up and keep moving forward. My mistakes molded me into the person i am right now. It made me into a better person. Sure i have my regrets but i always take them as lessons well learned.
3 responses
• India
8 Feb 09
If I get a chance still I refuse to go back in my life because it is in life many time that after getting result of a particular thing you realise that might be i would not have done this but it is already done and this is the life. Also if I would say the way i am today is all because i took my mistakes as a lesson.
@AikaruJ (281)
• Philippines
8 Feb 09
yes i think thats the way mistakes should be taken
@krajibg (11923)
• Guwahati, India
8 Feb 09
Life is beautiful, be it in childhood, teen age, adulthood or more grown up. Each stage has its own charm and spirit. Most of us become nostalgic as we grow older and older and feel the gone by days were more beautiful and enjoyable and hence lament to the extremity of depression. But I feel we should be contented as we are in each phase we enter into. So far going back to the left time I would not take that concession only for myself. Suppose if I am to go back to my college and hostel staying days I would need the entire time and people and everything that was contemporary during that period along. And still I would not be pleased if I am to stay for more days there with all those friends and all for I have the present where my wife and my son are alone and my mind would be looking for them as they would not be in the back gear phase. Therefore I am happy now with whatsoever status I am in. Thanks you.
@AikaruJ (281)
• Philippines
8 Feb 09
We should all be happy and contented of who we are today. We should be grateful.
• United States
8 Feb 09
I dont think I would go back in time and change anything because if i did then I would not be who I am today and I would have never met my wonderful boyfriend.
@AikaruJ (281)
• Philippines
8 Feb 09
Thanks for the reply. i appreciate it.