Powdered chocolate mix or syrup?

United States
February 11, 2009 3:08pm CST
I tried using Nesquick powder for a while. I noticed it never completely dissolved and didn't taste very chocolatey... I tried using off-brand chocolate syrup and made the best chocolate milk ever. Besides deans of course! =] What do u think? Powdered chocolate mix or syrup?
8 responses
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
12 Jun 09
I love powdered chocolate milk than syrup. Since we live in a topical country, liquid chocolate milk spoils faster than powder. And besides, there is not much of a difference in taste. Just that powder lasts longer that syrup.
@tasha19 (254)
• United States
25 Feb 09
i know what you mean when it doesnt total dissolve...that happends to me all the time and all i have is milk with little balls of powder floating in it...i like syrup better.its quicker and i can make it as chocolately as i want it.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
24 Feb 09
I think the syrup does taste a little better, and mixes easier than the powder. However, the power lasts longer and is more storable. But I actually prefer to buy it already mixed at the store. For some reason the pre-mixed chocolate milk at the store is so much better tasting, I just love that stuff. I buy it at least once a month.
@bmorehouse1 (1028)
• United States
11 Feb 09
I love Nesquick! I actually prefer that brand over Hershey's. It has a really good flavor and I prefer it over chocolate syrup. I've never had any trouble mixing it in milk. I also like to stir it into vanilla ice cream. I guess preference is all in your own taste buds! Best wishes!
• United States
24 Feb 09
Def. syrup! I wish I could drink chocolate milk more often, but we never have the syrup, and with having 5 younger siblings in the house, it's impossible to keep a good supply of it. But boy does it sound good just now!
• United States
23 Feb 09
I prefer chocolate syrup with my milk. I don't like the powdery stuff. It doesn't taste the same.
@raxxie (128)
• Mexico
11 Feb 09
Did you try mixing first the powder with just a little of milk? That way, the powder gets a syrup-like consistence and it's easier to dissolve when you add the rest of the milk. Also, it gets a better flavour!
@joosh00 (121)
11 Feb 09
I Had The Same Problem As You, It Never Fully Goes And Isnt Very Chocolately. So, I Got Some Syrup And Its Soo Much Better, Much More Chocolately :D