Would you lie for your parents?

@maezee (41996)
United States
February 12, 2009 11:22pm CST
I recently found out my dad is having an affair with a married woman, and that's why I've found myself asking (myself) this very question: Would I lie for my parents? This isn't a problem to his own spouse, seeing as how him and my mom have been legally separated for almost seven years, but is certainly dishonest to the other husband involved. I'm torn between what I believe to be right and being "loyal" to my dad! It honestly makes me sick. Luckily, I'm not in a position where anyone would force me to discuss the issue - but if someone asked me honestly if this was true, I don't think I would be able to lie about them and their illicit affair. It makes me sick. Have you ever been in a similar situation? Have you ever been caught in the middle this way? Would you lie for your parents? How far would you go to protect your parents?
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6 responses
@wheel416 (1019)
• Canada
16 Feb 09
Hi there Maezee, 95% of the time I can decide my opinion about a given topic here on Mylot by the time I finished reading it. Your discussion is in that top 5% that is a very difficult moral quandary. You have articulated the problems so well. The problem between doing what you believe is morally right vs. being loving and loyal to your father. As you have already said thank goodness he is no longer married to your mother and so you are not directly in the middle in that sense anymore. I'm wondering do you have contact with him very much? Or with the married woman that he's having an affair with? Because if you do, I would have to address the issue in some way. I would not necessarily tell my mother anything about what my father was doing or not doing because they're no longer married. If I were going to be spending any significant amount of time with my father I would have to have some sort of conversation with him letting him know that I was aware of their relationship and the fact that she was married. I don't necessarily think that you have a right to ask him to change his behavior or do anything differently because he is an adult and is entitled to do as he wishes as long as it doesn't hurt you or a minor child. I would have a conversation with him letting him know that I in fact knew of the affair and that I thought it was morally wrong and then leave it up to him. I would wait to see what his response is and go from there. The situation you describe is definitely a very tough one and there are no easy answers. The good thing is is that you do not have to do anything at this very moment or even in the near future. You can sit back and decide before you do anything. But the problem is I don't think any amount of thinking about it is gonna allow you to come up with an easy solution. Yup, this is definitely a tough one end of the very least I would have to tell my dad that I knew about his affair and as I said whether not he chose to change it or end it is a whole other matter but at least I kept the lines of communication open. If the situation were slightly different and he were still married to my mom it wouldn't even be a close call. I would tell him that I knew of the affair and that he had acts amount of time to tell her or I would tell her myself. However, since they're divorced I don't see the same need there. What an excellent discussion and even with all that I wrote I'm not convinced that I adequately answered your question because that's how difficult it is. Until next time, I wish you all the best and happy Mylotting!
@maezee (41996)
• United States
16 Feb 09
Thank you! I will definitely take your advice to heart. You were definitely more helpful than you thought. I will most likely let him know that I know, and remind him of his moral obligations, and then allow him to decide for himself (as he is an adult and everything and can make his own decisions). So thanks so much for taking the time to write this! I honestly appreciate it.
@wheel416 (1019)
• Canada
16 Feb 09
For me it would depend on how much I see my father. If you don't see him often you may not want to say anything... but, on the other hand, if you see him regularly, there is going to be a tension in between you both. That is the reason I would tell him I know, for the sake if his and my relationship in the future. In that way his affair is your busines because it affects your own relationship with him.
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
16 Feb 09
I live with him, so I see him on a day-to-day basis. (Although we have overlapping schedules and I'm barely home), but I will definitely confront him about it. If I didn't live with him, I suppose it would be a different story. I probably wouldn't even have found OUT about the affair if I didn't live with him; but because I do, I'm now in this position. Thanks again!
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@delkar (1712)
• Romania
16 Feb 09
well, until now, i wasn`t in this situation . I even chill out the spirits from my house. My parents used to quarrel almost every week, some years ago, but now, i`m proud to announce that they arent`s in a quarrel hole months . Every couple has some fights sometimes. I think that it`s something normal when you`re in a little dispute. Sometimes when you conciliating it`s so sweet, sure, when you`re young, but i think that even when you`re a little older. i understan you so well, because i was suspecting my dad too. I saw an sms on his cellphone, from someone, who told him that she loves him. I didn`t told my mom, but i`ve taken that number, and send her a private sms, without my number, and i said someting..and after that, my dad was some days a little mad, but from then, in the house it`s was so quiet and my mom and dad were so different. Now they make jokes a lot, laugh, and more.
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@delkar (1712)
• Romania
17 Feb 09
well, i think that you must think better before you want to do something. Sometimes it`s not so good, to get in their relation. But if you find out that one of them is cheating, then you must act. But think well before, how it`s the best for all.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
16 Feb 09
Thanks for responding! I appreciate you explaining your own circumstances. I'm glad your parents get along now! My parents are legally separated, and both have their different lives - so it's not as if it affects THEIR relationship. I'm more concerned about the other husband and their marraige being in jeopardy.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
13 Feb 09
I've actually had the same thing happened to me. The only difference was that I didn't know my dad was having an affair at the time. When I was 9 years old my dad had taken my sister (who was 11 or 12 at the time) and I to Great America with him. Our mom had gone on a trip to Reno, I believe. Anyway, he had "accidentally" ran into one of his co-workers, which happened to be a woman and her 2 sons. As my family and I have ran into people we know there before I didn't think anything of it. We spent the rest of the day with them. I think it was sometime during the drive home that my dad might have commented to my sister and I not to say anything to our mother about it. I never was one to question things (back then). When we got home I was excited to see my mom and tell her of my day when it slipped out how we ran into one of my dad's co-workers. Oops. Needless to say his affair broke up my parents 20 year marriage. I can't really say that I regret blabbing though. My dad shouldn't have been cheating in the first place.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
13 Feb 09
True true! Thanks for sharing your experience. I feel obligated to tell the husband who's getting played, but it's also not in my place and would break up the husband & wife's 20-year (or so) relationship as well. *Sigh*. Thanks for responding!
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@wheel416 (1019)
• Canada
16 Feb 09
Hi there sacmom, well in the scenario you describe since they're still married or were married at that time. It would not even be a question in my mind. I would tell him that I knew of the affair and that if he didn't tell my mother I would! I would then give him a set period of time to tell her or I would tell her myself. As you say they shouldn't be doing it in the first place and it's better to get out in the open as soon as possible so that it can then be dealt with, rather than pretending it doesn't exist. That will just prolong any hurt and anger. I just had to add my 2ยข worth to your posting as well. I'm glad that you don't feel guilty or regret saying anything and revealing his secret though because you did nothing wrong. Your dad was the one who was cheating and he was the one who was wrong. Happy Mylotting!
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@mscott (1923)
• United States
13 Feb 09
I would probably lie for my parents but there are limits. I wouldn't lie to one about the other. I wouldn't lie if they did something horribly illegal. They brought me up better than that and would want me to tell the truth. I couldn't lie to one of them if the other was cheating.
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
13 Feb 09
It's a little different of a story when parents are separated/divorced, though, as one no longer needs to know the intimate details of the other's life, don't you agree? But that's a very practical way of looking at it. Thanks for the answer!
@pmcepe (194)
• Philippines
15 Feb 09
Let your father know that you are aware of the illicit affair. Maybe he would be embarrassed and try to stop it. How long do you think it could be kept from the husband, what do you think will he do to your father? Lying or covering up for your father will only work for a while, eventually the truth will come out, and maybe much damage would have been made already by then. But as children to our parents we can only tell them what is in our mind,(that's the end of our duty), it's up to them to do what they think they want. It will not be in our conscience anymore if they do not do the right thing despite what we want. Just pray that they will have wisdom and courage to do what is right.
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
15 Feb 09
Thank you! That was a very nice & inspirational thing to say and I appreciate the advice, really I do. :)
• India
13 Feb 09
thats very difficult position... I will be in a calm situation... cant say or xpect this..
@maezee (41996)
• United States
13 Feb 09
That's what I'm trying to do too.. Just take it one step at a time and be calm about the whole situation. I just feel bad and caught in the middle. I wish I'd never found out. Thanks for taking the time to respond!