today was friday the 13th, how was your day

February 13, 2009 4:53pm CST
today was friday the 13th, did anything happen to you. thankfully nothing has of yet has happen to me (touch wood lol)is this day really all that. if you have had anything happen today lets hear it
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5 responses
• United States
13 Feb 09
it just feels like it was a bad day for me i mean i dont know why but i just dont feel like it was a good day hopefully monday will be better
13 Feb 09
oh sorry to hear that i hope it get better for you not just on mondsy but saterday also. why dont you tell us what happen.
@loveyevi (513)
• United States
13 Feb 09
Well I have been at home all day and probably will be for the rest of the night. Luckily, nothing horrible has happened to me, at least not yet. Oh, my earnings did not update for yesterday, Im thinking maybe its cause its Friday the 13th. And if I wasnt gonna leave the house for something bad to happen to me, it'd have to be done on my computer, lol.
13 Feb 09
lol am sure it will sort itself out, maybe the guys that do the earning updates whated o stay at home today lol
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
14 Feb 09
Hi lorraine, I've never had anything bad happen to me on Friday the 13th and today was no exception. I went about my daily daily work as usual and didn't think much about it. I'm sure that bad things happened to some people today, just as it did yesterday and will again tomorrow. Friday the 13th is just like any other day. Blessings.
@SuperJay (37)
• United States
15 Feb 09
Actually, the day went by pretty good, though it felt like it lasted forever compared to normal days. I usually don't believe in superstition, but my family does and my sister was acting differently that day. I actually forgot that it was Friday the 13th on that day because and thought it was just a normal Friday as usual. It just came to me as a surprise when I was told it was Friday the 13th, and that nothing happened to me as usual. In general, the day was great!
• United States
13 Feb 09
my day is going good just staying home with my sick daughter
13 Feb 09
oh i hope she gets better soon