A cheap trip out for enjoyment

@maximax8 (31053)
United Kingdom
February 15, 2009 2:19pm CST
Where do you like to go for a cheap trip out for some enjoyment? Yesterday it was a fairly sunny day so I took advantage of that and took my dogs to the beach. They so very much enjoyed racing up and down the sand dunes. I liked feeling the fresh ocean breeze and enjoyed looking at the fine views. I could see the two islands, the headland and an old pier. I live next to a footpath, beyond there is a river and then countryside. In the summer I love to have a picnic in one of the fields. Do you live near the sea or near any countryside?
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17 responses
• China
16 Feb 09
yes, i like trips of this kind very much. u neednt spend so much money, and the main reason is u can enjoy urself. i like little hills, and even i like to go there with my close friends, just talking and looking at the sky, stretching myself on the grassland. and i dont want that there r so many people around u. but in china, especially in beijing, it's not so easy to find such a good place. the places of interests are over exploited, soooooooo many people go there, maybe u spend much of ur time on watching the people. u'll not be in a good mood.
• China
16 Feb 09
watching all kinds of people passing is also another cheap entertainment~ keep your mood peace~ ha...
@amanda333 (739)
• France
15 Feb 09
I live in the country, near a forest, I wish I did live nearer the sea, that's about an hour and hour away. Its not to far away though, so in the summer we often go to the beach
• France
15 Feb 09
I mean an hour and half
@laglen (19759)
• United States
16 Feb 09
I don't live close to a beach but I am with in a 30 minute drive to the mountains. We have a lot of nice parks and paths. On colder days I like to hit the museums and library. Our library has so much more than just books. we have internet access, classes, all different types of media.
• Canada
16 Feb 09
I LOVE getting out in the countryside or beachside. Right now it is winter so we don't get out much. Yesterday I took my kids out to the Lake a little ways away from our home for a nice winter hike. They all loved it but they are city girls...talked the whole time...lol, But it was nice to get out and we saw some rabbit tracks and the girls were soooo impressed. LOL That is my cheap entertainment. I love to do it but my kids do only sometimes...My 12 year old was EXHAUSTED by the time we got home...lol She is not the most physically active child.
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
16 Feb 09
if we are close to the sea we would love to go picnic near the sea.but fish pond with a bit of fishing is enough for small happy family to go on picnic
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
16 Feb 09
A cheap trip for me would be to the mountains. Where I live, it gets pretty hot in the summer and the mountains are 15 to 20 degrees cooler. Our city is surrounded by mountains. I could also go to the beach. It's probably no more than four hours away. Of course if I was going to travel for four hours, I'd want to stay a bit longer than a day.
@tutul0045 (2630)
• India
16 Feb 09
Hi maxi, I live in mUmbai and its surrounded by sea. We have some outstanding beaches near by but most of them are crowded and iam a person who likes peace and i love to spend time in quiet places. So whenever we get time we friends meet and go to a hill station. Its a quiet place .. away from the city noise and the pollution. Its not a cheap place by any means everything is priced double there as its in an remote place. But i prefer to unwind there. Well likedthe way u described yr location. A river near by sound so nice. A long time back when i was living in a differant state of India we had a water fall very near to our house. I never got near to it as i was very young that time but it was awesome to c from a distance as well. Cheers, Tutul
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
16 Feb 09
Hi maximax8! Oh you have such a lovely place! I however live in a city. Although, I do live in a quiet neighborhood except for the cars that gets to pass by most of the time, basically I still enjoy the silence most of the time. Living in a city is not as beautiful as living near the countryside but there are advantages I must admit and I do enjoy such amenities of living in a city. The nearest countryside is a lot of kilometers away from my home and I really am not sure now how many but in my assumption, it is an hour and half drive if there will be no traffic. Take care always my friend! Celebrate life! lovelots..faith
16 Feb 09
I don't have a car at the moment but, when I did I too used to go to the beach with my dogs - it is too far without the car so generally now the local field is good for the dogs! However for a different kind of day out I go to the local pub which is at the end of Manchester airport's runway - we sit and watch the planes land and take off which I love so much!
@missybear (11391)
• United States
16 Feb 09
I love both,the ocean and the mountains. It would be perfect to live in the mountains with a nice big lake right outside my window.
• Philippines
16 Feb 09
Hi maximax What a nice way to enjoy the sunny day. Our family usually go for a cheap bonding time. WE usually pack our lunch and meryenda. First we attend a mass, then after we will go to a place called Market! market! There is a free playground for the kids. my son, and my brothers love it. Then there will also be a time for malling. We will just eat our lunch or meryenda in our car. It's good and fun with little costs. take care
• China
16 Feb 09
admire you ! I live in a city,and there are no sea.The country side is too far,about 2hours in the bus ,so I go the the nearby garden occasionally. Living in city for long time , I dream of the countryside life. Wish I can have a long trip this year !Wish all of you enjoy you life.
• China
16 Feb 09
The place I live is auite far from the sea, and unfortunatly I 've never been to beach, the only way is from TV or movie. I don't mean i am isolated in a forest or something like that. But I like live close to coutryside, my family often drive to countryside to visit some relatives on holiday yearly, to breath the fresh air, enjoy the clean sunshine..... to enjoy everything that I had when I was a child... countryside often let recall all childhood story...
• China
16 Feb 09
i feel happy when i read your discussion, i think the most important thing is enjoy the life. i am live near the sea but my hometown is in the countryside. that place is far away city, and it's very clean and quiet,at that time, i am still a little girl, freedom and simple, play in the field all the day. now i often remremember that time.
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 09
I like to go up on the South Downs, and look down over the Weald. There's a beautiful view and if you turn one hundred and eighty degrees, you can see Brighton and the English Channel. I love it up there, being at one with nature. You can take a picnic, or buy a snack in the tavern up on Devil's D*ke. That's a *y, but word not allowed! lol. I also like to wander through the local woods and past the millponds. Sometimes I'll sit by the middle millpond and watch the wildlife. The geese out on the island, ducks swimming in the water, fish coming up for insects and the beautiful dragonflies, turquoise in colour and huge. I can spend hours out there. Brightest Blessings, my friend.
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
15 Feb 09
On a nice day, we like to drive out to the beach and have a fish'n'chips lunch. We sit on the grassy bank and watch the boats coming and going in the little harbour - then have a walk along the sand and over the rocks. Sometimes we have an ice-cream on the way home!
• United States
15 Feb 09
Sounds like you had a wonderful time enjoying the nice weather. I used to live near the ocean when I was very young growing up in San Francisco. But now I enjoy the desert like surrounding of Idaho. For a cheap fun excursion, I like to take my puppy down to the river. It is called the Snake River and I live almost on it's bank. I feel very lucky to live this close to such a wonderful piece of nature. I can sit for hours there, reading a book and listening to the beautiful music the river creates. It is so very relaxing. It is not the ocean, but a great find in a desert.