Any1 got paid on Toroads lately ?

@huzefa85 (127)
February 15, 2009 2:56pm CST
Hi, did any1 get paid on toroads lately ? I had requested a payment on 10th feb and havent recieved it yet. The late it gets, more it makes me believe toroads is a scam. If any1 has recieved a payment lately, do let me know, i m thinking of stopping clicking on this one :)
2 responses
@amoldeo (54)
• India
28 Feb 09
I had reached the payout limit i.e. 1 pound and had requested my payout 6 days ago... while requesting they informed me that they will pay me in 2 to 5 working days... but 6th day has been passed now and im still waiting for their payment... as days are passing my doubt over toroads is increasing...will once again let you know...after 3 to 4 days..
@jason1308 (1586)
• France
15 Feb 09
I would also be interested in this answer as well, as I am coming close to payout, so it would be nice to know how it all stands as recently a friend warned me that they were going to scam so I am not sure. Anyone any news ?
• India
21 Feb 09
even im close to 1 pound payout.. so will let you know in this upcoming week that is it really a scam or not.