today I'm moved by her, my daughter.

February 19, 2009 7:57pm CST
This morning I had a walk with my three-year-old daughter in the square of my residential area. we were basking in the sunshine and breathing in the fresh morning air. Everything was making me feel confortable and easy. Just at that momnet, I don't know what triggered her to do so, she suddenly stopped walking. I turned around, looking into her eyes with a 'Why' facial expression. To my surprise, she started to sing a famous Chinese song, ' Mother is the only best in the world', the whole song, out loud. she stood there in the square, ignoring every surprising passer-by, swaying her little body to the tune and fixed her smiling eyes upon me intently and expectantly. I enjoyed her song thankfully, tears welled up in my eyes. I was moved and I knew, although she was just 3 years old, such tender an age, she understand everything, the pains i took for her , the care I gave her and my love for her. Now she rewarded me in this way. she is really an angel from God. I kissed her.
1 response
@misskyla (40)
• United States
20 Feb 09
That is beautiful and sweet. How special and touching. Savor those moments forever and thank you for sharing that experience.
• China
21 Feb 09
thank you for response. yes, this is a very dear moment. Parenting, a mixture of joys and pains, makes my life so rich. Happy mylotting.