destiny or choice??

@reanne (83)
February 24, 2009 11:57am CST
do you believe in destiny or choice in loving a person?
8 responses
24 Feb 09
I don't think you have a choice about who you fall in love with. SOmetimes I have fallen in love with the most unlikely character who I never thought I would fancy in a million years. I do not believe in love at first sight however - I think the best love grows over time and then hits you like a train!
@reanne (83)
24 Feb 09
well yea you are right we cannot choose of to fall in love with but they are destined for us...:)
@tarachand (3895)
• India
27 Feb 09
Destiny may play an important role in love, but then one has the choice to love or not to. Now for tangent to your topic: Often love is just one sided un-reciprocated love, nay even hatred from the loved one, that maybe is destiny.
@sunita64 (6469)
• India
25 Feb 09
I feel it is more of a destiny in loving a person. Because you meet a person by destiny after that comes the choice, it also happens that initially you may not have liked a person but gradually you start liking the same very person, so it is more of a destiny.
• Philippines
25 Feb 09
I think life presents opportunities for us and we have the "free will" to accept and pursue or decline. I don't think God (yes I believe in God) picks a mate for us. I believe we meet a lot of people in our lifetime, and there are some that are better suited for us. I do believe that God will bring people in our direction, but if we are not watching or choose to relate to them, then we have to live with our decisions. We are free beings and we have to be wise and watch for the exceptional opportunities/relationships.
• China
25 Feb 09
Since i haven't got a boyfriend now ,i believe my Mr.Right is just waiting for me somewhere .I believe destiny,somehow.
• India
25 Feb 09
hi reanne... i think it is the destiny in loving a person. we dont have any choice in loving a person. If we choose a person to love then it is not love.
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
25 Feb 09
For me even you avoid to fall in love if it was meant to be it will just happen. Can I answer both hahaha! It's also a matter of choice. Cause you know whats best for you, and you know what you want, cause we just make our own life. Sometimes you just feel strange and that is what I call it was meant to be. Cause when you fall in love you are blind ed with what you feel. Have a nice day to you reanne!
@maezee (41996)
• United States
24 Feb 09
My personal opinion & experience is that we don't have any choice over who we fall in love with.