If I left mylot would you miss me ?

@ronnyb (6113)
February 28, 2009 7:21am CST
I am not planning on leaving just trying to get an idea of my worth on mylot (yes you can say it what an egotistical, self absorbed snake, but I know you don’t mean that ).I know that I would miss so many persons here as I have persons who religiously respond to my discussion even when I have not reciprocated as much .I really enjoy these persons and I know that if I left I would miss them to death. But like I said I am not leaving but I may not have as much time to respond to your discussions as before because my company will be sending me on the road starting next week and as such I wont have that much access to a computer hence I wont be mylotting as much. I just wanted to let all my friends know . You are all still the greatest friends a guy could ever want
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20 responses
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
28 Feb 09
Well, let me register my vote on this, yes you and your interesting discussions would be missed. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way. You always seem to come up with very interesting discussions. Becareful out there on the road, and I for one, will be looking forward to updates and coming discussions.
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
1 Mar 09
Thank you for the vote of confidence ,that makes me feel really special and let me take this opportunity to personally thank you for your support .I will try to my nest to come up with more discussion that enlighten and stimulate.Yes thanks too for the warning ,things can really be dangerous on the road,luckily my friend is an experienced driver and I feel comfortable driving with him
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
28 Feb 09
Hi ronnyb! Are we getting sentimental here my dear friend? Seriously? Of course, you will be missed my friend. I will surely miss you and your once in awhile teasing. haha..I do hope that you will be able to log in here once in awhile. It makes me sad when friends get to have less time here but I do understand my friend! We all have another life outside mylot. Take care and have a great day! lovelots..faith
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
1 Mar 09
Hi there friend! Yes, it sure is nice to know that we are missed somehow. I do enjoy your discussions as well and you have been so friendly and nice. I am always looking forward to your discussions and comments and I wouldn't mind at all if you can just do that on your free time. lovelots..faith
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
28 Feb 09
Hehehe I must be getting old and sentimental .Its good to know that I would be missed and I do like interacting with you .I like getting your responses ,they are always well thought out and precise .Thank you for your support .I will be able to log in once in a while just not to the extent that I was before .And you are right about our life outside mylot because every now and then it pops up its head and reminds us that it is there
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
28 Feb 09
Yes I would miss you. Your discussions are so interesting. I don't always have the time to respond to all of them but try to get in a few each week. Let me boost your ego a bit: you are clever, interesting, funny and very entertaining. How am I doing? lol Thanks for remaining on myLot. We will miss your clever discussions while you are working on the road and away from your computer.
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
28 Feb 09
Wow now my head has swollen to twice its size .Thank you for your kind words and I kno that you are a regular respondent to my discussions and I am very grateful for wthat .You have provided some serious insight to many a troubling issues that I ahve had and I look forward to providing good discussions in the future for you to respond to .Once again thank you so much for your kind words
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
28 Feb 09
You are so welcome. You deserve the kind words.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
28 Feb 09
Uhm two thoughts hit me here: You often don't miss something or someone until it or they are no longer around. I said 'often' not 'always' Has your boss been so hard hit by the crisis that he can't afford to give you an office anymore and he has to put you out on the road?
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
1 Mar 09
Your job sounds interesting and fun too. Oh if you're not going away..... well I'll never really know then will I?
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
1 Mar 09
Yes that is true ,you never know what you have till its gone.Well I dont know if our company has been hit by the recession but this is a project that has been in the pipeline for a long while and now it is being implemented.I didnt really have a office for myself ,I worked in a large office shared by many other persons. We male maps and right now we are on a project that requires us to go on th streets and collect data for making our map products and my team is given this task And for what it is worth I wont be leaving just have reduced presence .lol
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
28 Feb 09
Hi ronny I know that I will miss you. Just remember to be careful on the road o.k.
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
28 Feb 09
I know you would miss me Kerry as I would miss you if the situation was reversed.Thanks for the advice .These days you cannot be too careful on the road.people just drive as if there is no tommorow.We will try though my friend is doing the driving and he is usually very careful ,I totally trust his driving
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
28 Feb 09
Well you will just have to get yourself a laptop because we will not tolerate any further shirking of your responsibilities to comment on our discussions. mwahh ha ha. Seriously, you can only do as much as you can so get back here when you can. We will all still be here and won't gripe about your absence too much.
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
28 Feb 09
I do have a laptop but while on the road I dont know how much time I will have to use it .I may carry it and try to get some work in and I am sorry for beingthe shirk I am already and I willtry to make it up to you when I get back lolol seriously . Well you did say you would gripe too much si at least you will gripe and taht means so much to me lolol
• United States
22 Mar 09
I would miss you if you left. I really enjoy responding to your posts.Promise me if you do leave that yiou will send me a private message so I can give you my email address.
• United States
1 Mar 09
you know i would miss you, ronnyb. you are one of my favorites to hear from. i look forward to your discussions & the banter i get back from u. i will miss you.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
1 Mar 09
No, I will not miss you at all. This is what you are afraid of right? We all think that are we important to this world? Would this world really need me? Am I really worth for this world? We all try to find that answer in our own way. Like you have asked this question. Do you really think that memories of your 1562 posts would get lost in the way? No, it will not. It will be here as long as mylot not decided to delete it. So, we could always see your responses, your discussions and comments. You will be missed, if you were better and since you are here for a long time, you are good.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
1 Mar 09
Well ronnyb I haven't known you very long but I have enjoyed your very original discussions. I have not responded to as many as I would like because I am always chasing the clock. This working for a living is a pain! I hope you can still drop in every now and again and say hi. I will miss you darn it! I like your clever discussions! Don't go! Just over dramatising! Hope you enjoy your life on the road and as I said drop in occasionally!
@suzzy3 (8342)
1 Mar 09
Dear ronny, I would miss you like crazy good friends are hard to find these days.Someone you can have an honest discussion with ,someone who you don't always agree with but what the heck.There are others that I would miss as well,the lady who is having a baby,the man who lives in the snow with his snow blower you are not allowed to mention people names.I look forward to hearing what they think and how they are getting on.I never thought I could be friends with some one I have never met but I am and it is great.We have a real commuintity here with everyone helping each other.getting advise or in my case sometimes getting put right,no I think lots of people would miss this if it was not there anymore it is more of a way of earning money ,Take care love suzzy3xx
@suzzy3 (8342)
1 Mar 09
Will wait for you to return.xxxx
• India
1 Mar 09
Hello my friend ronnyb Ji, In my case, the day i am not having excess to myLot, I feel very much un-easyness and some times, I do reciprocate to my family members, I am very much addicted to mylot. So Iam missing everyone, they never miss me, because they have many more to share their platform here. But your job should be first, and myLot is secondary. May god bless you and have a great time.
@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
2 Mar 09
Totally. I know I don't respond very much. I really don't know what to say to a lot of discussions! But I'd miss you.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
2 Mar 09
I don't know you, so, probably not. lol. =)
@LouieWpHs04 (4554)
• United States
1 Mar 09
Well I don't know who you are so I would have to say no. You do seem like an interesting person though so I guess it could be a possibility if I did know you? Aha. Make sense?
@regal_aeros (2605)
• Singapore
28 Feb 09
your presence would definitely be missed. you're always coming up with lots of discussions that give me the "chance" to respond to.
@rainmark (4302)
28 Feb 09
Hi ronnyb, yes of course im gonna miss you and your discussion but you need to go away for your job and that's the important,it's for your living and your family. Im sure you not be long on your work and you can visit mylot sometime. Good luck for your work. happy posting
• India
1 Mar 09
Don't even plan that, 1st i joined here only checking that above $ symbol. Now its getting more than that for me. i have so much to talk here. Somany responding & people are here to hear me. Don't EVEN THINK ABOUT LEAVING MYLOT. Its nice place, One may leave mylot & seldom smeone will know that. But You can be replaced absolutly by You Only.
• India
28 Feb 09
definitely everybody will miss you.
@vasavi20 (293)
• India
1 Mar 09
i may not miss u much.as u r not friend .....anyway nice question happy mylotting