Jet Blue?

@Ravenladyj (22904)
United States
March 2, 2009 6:09am CST
So I'm pricing airfare to Cali and Jet Blue seems to have the cheapest fares at the moment for the time I want to go....however...I've heard mixed things about that particular airline over the past couple yrs so I'm leery... Have any of you flown Jet Blue (or maybe know someone who has) and what was your experience like?
3 responses
@TRS757 (19)
• United States
31 May 09
I know I am like 4months late, but I am in training to become a pilot and I know a lot about Airlines. The reason why JetBlue tickets are so cheap is because there a low cost airline. We have 3 in the United States (AirTran Airways,Jet Blue, and SouthWest Airlines). There planes are a bit smaller than the huge planes you would normally take from CA-NY, but its worth it. They have some of the best pilots in the United States at many airlines. JetBlue is a great airline, and have good service on board. However I prefer AirTran Airways over any other airline out there!
@erskine (72)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
Not only the smaller spaces in between seats for cheaper airlines but you'd also have to take in consideration the type of maintenance cheap lowcost airlines have. Especially with the recent number of airline accidents, I'm fearing that due to the number of cost cutting measures in effect, some of the non-mandatory tasks are being left out. It would be best to check if there has been a lot of accidents in the airline's history for your own safety.
@zhuhuifen46 (3483)
• China
2 Mar 09
Some economical airliners have the advantage of cheap price, but naturally have some disadvantages. I had the experience of one of china's economical airliner, called chunqiao, the limited room allows only very small briefcase, and the schedule is at midnight. As long as safety is assured, and there is no other choice for late booking, I had to take it.