how to love again?

@HelScream (2822)
March 2, 2009 7:44am CST
Its been 8 to 9 years now since i last love but since then I havent love again. I have this special someone now we are just 3 months but I really am not certain if I could say that I love her already. I really do want to experienced again the feeling of being in love but the thing remains I think i forgot how to love again. Can you give me advices or share about your experienced on how you love again after you have lost the love that once makes you happy.
7 responses
@sunita64 (6469)
• India
2 Mar 09
When we loose our love if instead of giving in to bitterness one says to himself or herself that may be what you have lost was not worth it, now someone better will surely come then only you are able to love again. Some people do the mistake that they doubt every person after they have lost someone with the result if someone worth while comes they keep testing and finally lose the person. There is one very good saying that we keep looking at the closed doors so much that we are unable to see that a new door has opened and because of there stubborness lose that chance as well.So my dear friend do not block your vision by looking at closed door let the fresh air come in that is the way to live.
@sunita64 (6469)
• India
3 Mar 09
Well I will say that you are underestimating yourself when you say that you have given all, try to realize yourself as soul and then you will realize that you are infinite and has too much to give, but first one has to realise himself or herself.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
I dont feel bitter anymore and yes there are far more better person that than her but I hsve given her my all already and now nothings left except myself and I have to remember and bring back the feeling again or else I would be lost forever. I am not choosy too its just that I am a one women men once I love thats it. I really do hope l could love again.
@vasavi20 (293)
• India
2 Mar 09
i would just like to say one thing.if u feel u really love her.just go and express and don't think anything else in negative ...b positive and everything will b fine and cool
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
yes my friend I am always positive thinker I cant say I already love my gf as of now well i hope one day I will feel it with her.
@chabawel (329)
• Philippines
4 Mar 09
Hmmm, how can you be in a relationship if you don't have a tinge of love towards your partner? You're investing time and effort with your partner and so, why are you dating her? What is your intention being with her? You need to reflect with what you have right now. You might not see that your loving your partner in a different way but you try not to show this emotion because of what happened in your past. Are you happy with your special someone right now? How do you want to take your relationship with this person? IT's really up to you whether you want to get more involve with your special someone by deepening your feelings. Take care.
@ninaluv (338)
• Nigeria
2 Mar 09
i think u guys should learn to do things together. things like cooking, taking a walk dancing, shopping etc such memories often develop into true love. good luck.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
Thanks for the tip well I guess if we see each other soon I would do just that but for now all we could do is
@ana31798 (41)
• United States
2 Mar 09
You know....3 months is not a very long time so just take it slow. You will love again and it will just happen. There is no need to rush it.
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
no my friend its been 8- 9 years since I last love lol but me and my gf right now are just 3 months yes I am taking it slow this time and really do hope I could feel the love again and this time with my gf.
• China
2 Mar 09
I haven't lost my love because it is my first real relationship with a boy. About two and a half year ago, I met my boyfriend. Indeed, before him, I liked a boy at high school. I kept my feelings to him, because he already had a girfriend at that time. We did not contact with each other after graduation. I met him occassionally at my university campus three year later than our graduation from high school. You should know we both left home for universities. He came to look for his friend. Unfortunately, he had another girl at his college. My heart was broken. I was still single in the four-year university life and refused several pursuers, just because I still liked that boy. Everything has changed when I met my boyfriend. Maybe I have lost my love before my real relationship, but I think I have the courage to love others. If you insist, you will get happiness. Bless you and good luck!
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
Well thanks for sharing your story with us. It would really depend on how you love coz for me when I love I gave my all to that person now that was my mistake coz I didn't left anything for me. I really do hope I could love again.And this time would be my last.
@migenKC (792)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
i must agree that it had been very long since you felt falling inlove and i could see how you deserve to be loved faithfully again. my case wasnt as long as yours. it was only 3years of being single before finding the person that is making me happy again. but the breakup i had with my previous boyfriend was not very easy and it my progress of everything had been very slow. my directions were lost and i dont know my purpose anymore. i dont know if it was craziness but my only mistake was i fall inlove. there is no such thing as right or wrong when love comes in between. and that is why there are so many times love ends with pain. but this pain should not hinder us from trying again and again. the memories from the previous love should be buried and live again like nothing had happened. each person we might love has to be different from the other one. we risk for happiness just like investing our time for a goal. it does not guarantee us from anything but it only makes us see how things could be possible when we try loving again. it took me time to let go of what i had gone trough and instead of looking it as a hindrance, i treated it as a part of my preparation to be a better partner and a better person. i wish you wouldn't hurt the girl who's trying to love you now just because you are still tying your self from the previous one. you deserve to be happy, and i think she deserve to try to make you happy too...