SNN what do you think about those super expensive bags owned by celebrities?

@migenKC (792)
March 2, 2009 12:26pm CST
ive been watching SNN since it was launched recently and i couldn't help but react to the one they featured tonight. the Php 3 Million bag owned by Sharon was sooooo unbelievable. and then Kris followed it up informing the viewers that she heard Sharon has 12 pieces of those super expensive bags. i dont know if ill do the same if i were super rich so i dont think i have the rights to criticize her from having that collection. as what boy and kris said, Sharon had been very generous to other people and never had been selfish of all the blessing she had.
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12 responses
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
i think that's plain vanity - but i don't think there's anything wrong with being vain (at some degree..) as long as you know you can afford, and you know it will give you happiness, and you know you're not harming anyone, and you know you're still keeping your promises to others, and your doing well at fulfilling obligations and responsibilities. and don't forget to thank God for everything.
@migenKC (792)
• Philippines
2 Mar 09
i have to agree with you.
@gelay07 (588)
• Philippines
16 Mar 09
people who earn millions are expected to spend millions as well. I mean, if you reached that level, there's no reason you can't buy expensive things. for regular people, it is but natural we get shock because we don't earn millions the way they do. lol
@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
6 Mar 09
I am not criticizing any one who owns a very expensive bag. But for me, that's so unnecessary and I will better use the money for more useful things such us giving something for some worthy foundations. Others are saying that Sharon deserves something like that for herself for she was never selfish, but come on. I always think of Sharon as one of the most amiable and generous actress in the Philippines. Unfortunately, this story makes me rethink if she's indeed an unselfish person. As we all know, the essence of unselfishness is giving or doing more than what you can afford, and spending P3,000,000.00 for just a bag while other people can not even afford to pay a decent meal can never be qualified as an selfless act.
@cupcyke (363)
• Philippines
5 Mar 09
yes i heard that also and even Ruffa Mae Quinto had a 1million bag also. for me if i am that super rich, i will use my money for the more important things in this world. that's my opinion only.
@icecroft (449)
• Philippines
16 Mar 09
I didn't get the chance to watch that episode, but my mom told me about it. I honestly think that if Sharon has the money to buy it, then we don't really have any business with it. I mean, it's her money and if it's what she wants to do or buy, then we just let her be. As long as her money is well-earned and from her hard work, then I have no problem with that. However, the problem I have here is that I don't think this kind of things shouldn't really be publicized or sensationalized at all. It shouldn't be a big deal at all. They are just encouraging the idea of being "materialistic". These things need not be blurted out to the public. And it is especially insensitive, most esp. because a lot of people are actually struggling to make a living nowadays. But ofcourse, this is just my opinion. If they think this will fire up the interest of their viewers, then let them do it.
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
6 Mar 09
it's easy to get lost in admiration when you see the bag or any accessory of the celebrity first. i say, look at the celbrity first then the things they own. many respected and successful celebrities are not loud on what they have. to those celebrities who make it a focal point of their presence the things they have probably don't have enough presence of their own. or enough sense to be conscious that their pictures are seen all over the wrold where not everyone can buy what they have. they should be conscious because they are teaching vulnerable minds importance of nonsense things.
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
5 Mar 09
Well if you can afford it and the money was rightfully hers then I guess there's nothing wrong with it. I think for sometime Sharon has been with the Industry already I think she really deserves to pamper herself for doing good in her craft. So for me if you can afford it why spend your hard earned money for it.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
4 Mar 09
Well, there's nothing wrong in showing them off or buying them if one can afford it.. For, money earned is meant to be spent.. If they choose to spend it in that way, nobody can stop them either.. Also, it all depends on the designer too, and it's because of the brand which makes one bag so expensive.. Given for any other average ple, we can be collecting thousands of different kinds of bags, but they only cost about less then hundred bunks.. Then are we only different from those celebrities?? I dun think so right?? lol =D IT's just our way of spending money ^_^
4 Mar 09
For me its just plain vain and over the top.. Its not even practical as items such as handbags never go up in value. I would much rather buy something that has value or creates it.. e.g buying paintings helps supports artists but in return the art may also increase in value. I just couldnt value any bag over P2,000 unless it was something for a specific task e.g. medical use.
@dong1970 (1572)
• Philippines
4 Mar 09
I saw that episode of SNN,it was fun watching bag collections of celebreties.I don't care if is so expensive,it is their money and it is their happiness owning that luxurious bag.It is not a big deal as long are they are also generous to other people.
@rakittera (802)
• Philippines
3 Mar 09
I don't know if I would have bought a bag as expensive as that even if I had the same amount of wealth as Sharon Cuneta. I would have splurged on other things like travelling, but that's just me. I guess anybody has the right to spend their money the way they want to, especially if they worked hard for that money and earned it in an honest way. While the report was showing on TV, I couldn't help but think, I could have bought a nice house with 3million!!! But, I don't have 3 million, so there. :-)
@cathya (704)
• Philippines
3 Mar 09
as what boy and kris mentioned, since she is not selfish on sharing her blessings to other people, i guess she also deserve to have what she want anyway she works hard to get it.