Tried and True Ways

United States
March 3, 2009 2:36pm CST
So I'm trying yet again to shed some major poundage. I always start out strong then peter out at the end. this time i'm going to incorporate slim fast into my daily routines. has anyone tried and succeeded with slim fast? it's been out there forever which is why i chose it. if people didn't buy it then it wouldn't be in the stores. one shake a day plus substituting fruit and yogurt for snacks during the day and adding my fat burning work out tape i'm hoping should work...fingers crossed. i'm looking for success stories with slim fast or any other shake or appetite suppressant you have tried?
9 responses
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Any successful weight loss program needs to be one that makes permanent changes to your way of eating - otherwise, as soon as you revert to your former way of eating, you regain the weight you have lost and generally a few more pounds as well. I don't find Slim Fast to be something I want to buy/use for the rest of my life, so I wouldn't want to change my eating habits to include it permanently. This is why I would not choose to use it. I would prefer to make changes in my diet as it regards everyday foods in order to keep the weight off permanently.
@Archie0 (5640)
4 Mar 09
Well i did not try this slim fast thing, but i am eating pills called as obecure 5 mg daily in morning which is up till now tryint to loose some pounds which also needs a low diet i am working on it seriously and it is helping me too, its effective makes feel weak also. i am also trying to workout everyday but since i am too tired from college and sleepy cnt get up most of the times in morning but still i am trying very hard hope i reach the goal faster best luck to you too :)
• United States
4 Mar 09
I tried Slim Fast for a year and it didn't do anything for me. But I did lose 25lbs in two months, gained more energy, lost 2 pant sizes, got rid of my seasonal allergies and just had been given a clean bill of health from my physician last month all becuase of our weight loss program and products and it was so easy. I was skeptical at first, but after my girlfriend told me that she lost 112Lbs in a year and I saw her pictures, this was before we met, I thought I'd give it a try. It's not all about meal replacement, it's about replacing your meals with a nutritous substitute filled with essential vitamins, minerals, the right balance of calories for your size and build and vegetable proteins. I agree that you should check out Sparkle People, even our Weight Loss Coaches and Personal Wellness Coaches, including myself, recommend them for support and healthy ideas. Also I would recommend the book "The L.A. Shape Diet" by Dr. David Huber M.D., Ph.D. Nobel Prize winner and director of The UCLA Center of Human Nutrition. He is also on the medical advisory and development board for our company along with 20 other physicians for Herbalife. The book is all about meal replacement shakes, high in protein and low in fat and works great with our system. It also has really great recipes that you may be able to incorporate with the Slim Fast system if that is what you choose to try. So good luck on your journey to health and happiness and if you would like to check out our products your free to visit us at Your friend, David Cobb, M.A.(AAMA) Personal Wellness Coach Healthwerks Herbalife Independent Distributor
• United States
4 Mar 09
I don't like meal replacement plans because they aren't teaching you how to eat properly. If you want to really change your life, you need a life change-not a diet. I would recommend "Dr. Weils 8 weeks to Optimum Health" as your starting point. It's a great 8 week start and you'll never look at things the same after reading it. Namaste-Anora
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
4 Mar 09
gee, i don't know if you'd like my suggestions but i lost 16 lbs. of post pregnancy weight after 3 years. that's right. it took three years after my son was born to get rid of the pounds he helped bring about. there were some theories from a lot of dieting methods that i applied: a) eat whatever you like. because if you don't you'd stock up on "healthy foods" in major amounts to substitute for that "wanting feeling". healthy foods in major amounts is tantamount to not dieting at all. have a taste of what you like then stop. in my case i like caramel popcorn and i take it with coffee (black = no cream, no sugar for breakfast since that's the way i enjoy coffee) and stop the minute my 150 ml. coffee runs out. less calories but satisfied craving. b) however, eating what you like isn't equivalent to eating regular servings. eat recommended regular servings when you're famished. those recommended 1 serving is only for individuals who want to look like the majority which, sorry, are mostly overweight. especially when you're 26 years old up. experts say children need to grow up that's why they can get away with eating a lot. adults can't grow up anymore that's why the servings they were used to had then when they were growing up results now to them growing wide. c) invest in multi-vitamins. there are essential vitamins and minerals that can actually help you lose weight by gearing up your metabolsim and making it function properly. d) 8 glasses of 8 ounce water never goes out of style. e) in instances when you don't know what one serving is: the size of one's stomach is equivalent to the size of one's fist. so remember that that is the only size you are filling up. f) remember the mind set that once you take care of your basic hygiene everything follows. your appearance changes for the better due to glowing skin , you get a sense of bliss and your mind can think clearly and everything just falls into place and you become mindful of not just your weight but how much you eat. g) before i forget, check what you're eating. a lot of recipes are double in protein or even carbohydrates. take the simple french toast. it's got carbs from the bread, carbs and protein from the milk, protein again for the eggs and the accessories of an ingredient sugar once you put syrup on it. don't forget also that the bread itself has sugar and milk in it already. no wonder we end up double and even triple the ideal size. something really worked here. i'm 34 and 102 lbs. in my 5 foot frame now. my height is bad...but i can't say the same for my weight. good luck!
• United States
4 Mar 09
I am a recent member to spark people. Its a great site with lots of ideas, motivation, recipes, and a great community. I've just started mine so im not sure how well it works but they have tons of people with success stories. I would consider going there and just viewing what it has to offer. It doesnt suggest any sort of supplement but more mind control.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
3 Mar 09
The best way I shed pounds once was when I went to the beach every day during the summer! I boogie boarded and without thinking I worked on my pounds, my tan, and my mental health (it was soo healing!). I also lost a lot when I jogged everyday just for 10 mins! I think the best way is by sweating and exercising.. and of course eating a lot of veggies and fruits. Good luck!
@daneg33 (1128)
• Canada
3 Mar 09
Slim fast will work initially, but in the long run, it is a very bad idea. Why? Because you are not getting enough calories in the day. You may be determined, but your body will eventually gain control of your mind and you will fall off the wagon, no matter how good your intentions are. If you go to, they have free menu plans, an idea of what your weight should be and how many calories you need to incorporate into each day. Another site I hear a lot about is "spark people". I don't know how good that one is, but it's free. Weight Watchers follows the food pyramid, so it is very healthy. You can even go to ediets and set up a plan, but that costs money. To be honest with you, I have tried every diet shake, pill and tea. None of them really work in the long run. You need to have a sensible eating plan, and burn off a certain amount of calories each day with exercise. Eat less, move more. Simple. And make sure you drink plenty of water each day. Starving yourself is not going to get you to your goals. I have been there, done that, many, many times. It has never worked for me. The only way to succeed is to change your eating habits permanently. Cut out sugar, processed foods and when you shop, stick to the outside square of the store - fresh produce, whole grains and unprocessed meats. All meat should be lean, avoid pork and beef. I really enjoy using 1% cottage cheese as a protein as well. Yogurt is great, just make sure it is fat free and sugar free. You can buy the plain stuff and add your favorite sugar free jam to it.
@kaven08 (84)
• United States
3 Mar 09
You could definitely try it. If you've failed before, just set your mind to it. Start slow, and work your way up. Keep on it if you're serious. You can do it, just believe in yourself. Even if you feel like it's going nowhere. Hopefully it will work for you.