shedding dog

@savypat (20216)
United States
March 6, 2009 5:08pm CST
It must be Spring, the Dog is shedding and hair is every where. I'd swear there were three dogs that live in this house. I brush and brush and within minuets I can get another handful of hair. How do you handle this?
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4 responses
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
6 Mar 09
Me too! MY dog is shedding too but it is a good thing meaning spring is coming! I just keep brushing him outside and vacuum, really nothing much we can help right now.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
7 Mar 09
Vacuum a lot, brush a lot, and pray for spring to really be here so I can shave them!! They really do suffer in warm weather. They LOVE below zero weather. They sleep in the snow instead of in the dog hut!!! Crazy snow dogs. I just try to endure till shearing time! It's miserable doing it to them, and they look horrid after, but they sure do feel energetic after. Sigh. Me, I feel like I've swallowed a belly full of hair...
• United States
8 Mar 09
I found the best thing to comb with is the rake comb. It really gets the under coat ! One of my shepherds has a full blow out twice a year . The rake is the best thing for him . As for furniture I've used the back sticky side of duct tape to get hair off the furniture .
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
7 Mar 09
Yes, lol, that IS a sure sign of spring. My shepherd & shitzpoo are shedding so much! I noticed today with the 60 degrees outside they're shedding even more...big tufts of it! I told my grandson there is enough to crochet a whole new dog lol. I take them outside with a grooming brush, and one of those undercutting brushes, and then give them a good comb-out. Right now it almost has to be done daily, and even then you just can't keep up with it. Look at the pet store for the undercutting combs (I think that's what they're called.) The clerk should know exactly what you're talking about. My one daughter got me one and it goes deeper down than a conventional brush does, and gets rid of far more than brushing alone. When they shed on the one chair, or on other fabrics (rugs, etc) I take a slightly damp washcloth and go over the top of it lightly. This helps take most of it off. Then once it dries I take some duct tape, wrapped around the palm of my hand, to pick up the stray ones that don't come off. I don't buy those roller thingies at the store, I get cheap duct tape at the dollar store for doing this. I find there is more tape yardage to the roll with the duct tape, plus you get a wider strip.
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@kelih61 (41)
• United States
9 Mar 09
i have 2 Chihuahuas and they are shedding like crazy. have you seen those special tools that get the undercoat out of there? they are called the furminator or something like that. they work wonders! get your dog slightly wet and use one of those and it will get that hair from underneath and it won't fly all over if it's a bit wet. i use the sticky rollers by the dozen and there is a new hair picker upper out there that works well. it has 2 brushes and you brush back and forth on furniture and it really picks up the hair.
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