Why doesn't any1 make a friend that has less posts?

March 9, 2009 2:19am CST
Dont look at me as if im complaining to you,its just the dark side of mylot that no one likes to make a friend that has less posts in his column.Its a simple equation of mylot that if u have less friends u will earn less money and if u will have a friend that has more posts than more money.Plz be truthful and tell me that do u make friends that has more posts only?????
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5 responses
@elghrasya (501)
• Philippines
9 Mar 09
Is that so? Why not try to add all the mylotters here. lol! haha When I first joined here in mylot and don't post too much I don't feel like that. I don't even add people here in mylot I mean I am not the one who send a request but them. I am just accepting all the friend request.
1 person likes this
• India
9 Mar 09
Then surely u have to accept my request,Hahahahaha.But seriously its true if u would have 1000 or so posts in ur bank than people would definately accept or give u friend requests.
• Philippines
9 Mar 09
Yeah sure no problem..haha
@mymytri (2030)
• India
9 Mar 09
No.I have made more than 6 friends when i made around 100 posts.This is not true.You just make good posts constantly and visit mylot often.You will make many friends.Happy mylotting.
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@pratik87 (1927)
• India
9 Mar 09
hey i do not think people do that here... personally i add woever i like i do not see what star they may have or the number of posts they have..frankly i have not understood the star system here
@pratik87 (1927)
• India
9 Mar 09
ok i understand about the first star but what abut the stars after that as i ahve seen people with less number of posts with nmore stars than people who have more posts but leesser stars..and i know after 500 posts we can paste in posts i think but do comments count as posts
• India
9 Mar 09
Well thank u for ur response,talking about the star system i think for the first hundred posts u will get 1 star n u will be able to copy paste things into ur comments.
@dmrone (746)
• United States
9 Mar 09
I honestly don't care how many posts someone has, if they would like to be friends with me i add them as a friend. If i see someone i would like to add i ask to become a friend.
@ronit_mat (176)
• India
9 Mar 09
i do not work that way i make friends with whoever sends me a friend request regardless of the posts or stars..you send me a request i will add you as simple as that
@liaamur (417)
• Philippines
9 Mar 09
i think you just need to add THEM as a friend, and not wait for them to add you. a lot of people here added me up even when i was one day old! heheh