this is what i thought

United States
March 15, 2009 4:14pm CST
i'm a clicker,surfer,marketer,love knowledge about interesting what does this have to do with the subject "make extra money"?it has everything to do with this subject because the internet can be the biggest gold mine for you if you know how to operate the internet.yeah there are good earning programs out there like paid to click and paid to complete offers,affiliate programs and more.the key to the internet and to make money from it is,to become a webmaster.what is a webmaster?exactly what the word says really.someone who knows the internet and codes and etc,but yet has his/her own program and earns income from it and from the "advertising" on it.It's really not that hard.some,should say most programs are already programmed with codes and ready to start making income.By owning your own program,you'll be in control and instead of you making money for someone else,other's will be making money for you by using your program:)and wanting to advertise their product/program on your web space,the charge is up to you and the duration of the advertisement.the only thing you'll have to do is advertise your program and that's pretty easy when there are tons of ways to advertise for free.take traffic exchanges as an example.the only advertising you would have to pay for would be targeted traffic for higher rankings and members.I've been researching for a couple weeks and did some demo's.Looks like a 10 our of a 10 on how to earn income on the net.This would be good for people who have a lot of time on their hands just like someone who does paid to click,and other programs.
1 response
• United States
15 Mar 09
yea there are many ways that you can make money on the internet but you do not make that much really unless you are good at getting many referrals there are alot of people that barely do anything and get paid 5 times as much as i do just because they focus so much on getting referals instead of spending there time trying to make money for themselves
• United States
15 Mar 09
yeah i agree but those who are getting lots of referrals could be paying for their sign ups.which is basically targeted traffic