Do you read Reader's Digest?

@snowcat46 (2322)
United States
March 17, 2009 3:13pm CST
If you like Reader's Digest, there may be sad news in the future. I've read some things that say they are having problems staying afloat. I hope not. I've always enjoyed how they have so many different things in their little magazine. Humor, news, serious looks at problems going on today, heroic people, greedy people, this little mag had it all. Will you miss it? What other magazines or reading places would you miss if they were gone, and why?
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27 responses
• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Mar 09
Reader's Digest is a Canadian institution. It will never die. It's published in well over 24 countries and languages throughout the world and trust me, it's solvent. Some countries experiencing severe economic problems may suspend publication, but the magazine itself will always be available through Canadian publication subscription. So no worries, snowcat, Reader's Digest isn't going anywhere anytime soon!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
18 Mar 09
I've had a subscription to this magazine ever since I was twelve and I'm fifty-six now! LOL So yeah, I would miss it if it was gone. Here's the web address to the Canadian Readers Digest site........but I'm sure you can find international links there too:
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
That is a relief to hear!! Thanks Spark!
• India
18 Mar 09
Well! its a relief to hear it. I am a big fan of this monthly magazine.
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
My first time reading a Reader's Digest is when I'm still in grade school coz my father and brother's had a huge collection of that little mag and a subscription so I have been stay updated what's new and what's happening currently. I surely missed the humor section such as laughter is the best medicines, the health sections and the documentaries for the places and the collections that they features. But until I finish my studies and begin to work, I already don't have time to read the mag because the the popularity of internet blogs and sites arises and It's way convenient for me to read on the computer that a book...
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
The computer has its uses, but it's made it hard on the publishing industry!
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
18 Mar 09
i really love that magazine and we get the canadian version. i think it would be a sad day if they went out of business. i also like their other canadian publications (one is a magazine called 'our canada') and its a very good publication as well.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
What's 'our canada' about? Besides Canada, that is! What does it have in it?
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
18 Mar 09
I have always enjoyed reading Reader's Digest! I hope they are able to stick around, it would be a shame to not be able to read the magazine anymore.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
It sure would.
@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
17 Mar 09
I love reading the Reader's Digest. There are so may wonderful stories in there and I love the humor in uniform and laughter is the best medicine parts. They always make me laugh, but I like their serisou stories too, I love the ones about heroic people because it shows one person can make a difference.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I like reading stories about the good some people can do. I tried to avoid the "outrageous" ones, because it just depressed me seeing the louses getting away with things.
@vutum6887 (118)
• India
18 Mar 09
I shall definitely miss Reader's Digest. I hope the publishing house survives the economic crises and keep producing that superb magazine. I have been reading of and on since I was about 12 and found it to be a great source of knowledge as well as pleasure.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I hope a lot of things survives the crisis, as well as this one.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
20 Mar 09
Because the articles in the Readers Digest are gleaned from other magazines, it is like having a subscription to a dozen or so other magazines. I subscribe for myself and each of our grown children. Both my husband and I read it cover to cover. Our daughter told me that it is the one magazine that she doesn't ever want to be without. My husband would especially miss the magazine Reminisce. I can't think of any magazine I'd miss more than Readers Digest.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
20 Mar 09
Reminisce magazine is just what the title implies. Stories and pictures are gathered from the readers. Happenings shown range all the way from the 1890s through the 1960s. Most of the articles are written by people now in their 70s, 80s & 90s reminiscing about things that happened during their childhood or young adulthood. The rule is that it cannot be a work 0of fiction.
@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
21 Mar 09
I sort of figured that, but wanted to be sure. I've never seen it around here. They go more for the glamorous mags, like Cosmo or things with celebrities. Blech!
@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
20 Mar 09
What's the magazine Reminisce about, besides the past? I got that from the name, but I've never heard about it before.
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
18 Mar 09
Oh No! Don't take away my Readers Digest. I have subscribed to this magazine for...well....a long time! I love reading RD thy ahve a lot of interesting stories in it. I for one hope they stay afloat! That would be lik losing a family member! LOL
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
What, you're not going to admit how old you are? Tsk, tsk. I've always enjoyed it too. It's like an institution.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
18 Mar 09
Hi, I love Reader's Digest. It is one of my favorite periodicals..I used to subscribe to it for a number of years and i collected most of those books.My children love going through them and so do I. We treasure them and have decided never to give them away..I will definitely miss it. But i feel that with the kind importance that is being given these days to glamor and gossip, a magazine like Readers digest seems outdated with very few readers ..I love Good Housekeeping and Woman and Home and would definitely miss them if they decide to close shop...
@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
yeah, it's so sad that glamour and Hollywood stars are more important to people than what's happening in the world.
@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
18 Mar 09
I hope that Reader's Digest hangs in there. That would be a shame. Gosh I remember when my Mom had it at home. I use to get it by mail years ago. And always found it interesting to read when waiting at school, or even at a doctors visit, while waiting in the waiting room. I will miss the stories, and jokes.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I know. It would be sort of like losing a bit of history, wouldn't it?
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• United States
19 Mar 09
It sure would. It has been around as long as I can remember.
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
18 Mar 09
I subscribed to RD for a few years in the 90s. Enjoy reading the magazines, I thought the quality was high till I got a chance to read old RD. Those old RD were given to me by someone who knew I was a bookworm. There were a few from the 50s, a few from the 60s and about 100 RD from the 70s. After reading the old magazines and the ones from the 90s, I couldn't agree that RD maintained high standard. Those in the 50s to 70s were really very good. The number of articles and the depth of discussion were much higher than the current RD. Many articles focus on the USSR and how the system couldn't work. I was very surprised by the wisdom of the writers, they really had the foresight and the intelligent to analyze.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I've never read any of the old RD's. I imagine it got harder and harder to keep good writers with the economy. They had to churn stuff out instead of having the leisure to really get in-depth.
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
20 Mar 09
I guess it's more the problem with society. In the 50s to 80s, the writers are more "fiery" in condemnation. They really write how they feel about the situation. There is less fear of lawsuit against them. Right now, people are more careful and more diplomatic. Plus the readers of today has less time to read. They are likely to choose a lighter reading material than in the past.
@HelloMickey (1655)
• Hong Kong
21 Mar 09
I ordered Reader's Digest ten years ago, but I didn't read the whole book all the time, so I thought it did waste money to order it. So I stopped to order, and then they kept sending me letter few years after I stopped order, it was quite annoying.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
21 Mar 09
Yes, I've noticed they have that tendency. But all places do. You wouldn't believe the phone calls I used to get when I stopped sending money to PBS! Downright rude they were!
@rashmie (947)
• United Arab Emirates
17 Mar 09
Yes, you are right RD contains too many things in little space without compromising with quality. I am a subscriber of RD for the last two years and I thoroghly enjoy this magazine. My favorite is Laughter is the best medicine' and some in depth health related topics.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
17 Mar 09
I like it too. It's the only mag I subscribe to. I like the Humor in Uniform too. My hubs likes all of the humor. I like the word quizzes too. Keeps me on my toes.
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@med889 (5941)
18 Mar 09
I read that almost all the time. Its interesting but sometimes its true as to what they write may seen hazardous. I would definitely miss that if its gone forever.I supposed its just because I used to that.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
That is expensive!! Wow! I wouldn't have bought that either!
• United States
18 Mar 09
We always had the new REaders Digest in our home when we lived in the States. Since we have been living in another country we don't have them here . I did see REaders Digest in the airport last week and picked it up . When I seen the price on it of $7.99 I put it down quick! I wanted it but didn't want it that bad ! When I go to visit family this summer in the States I'm going to bring back a suitcase full of magazines and books for people here that read and speak engish .
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@snowy22315 (171970)
• United States
18 Mar 09
I liked Readers Digest and have always found it to be interesting. I would miss it if it werent around anymore. I am not a regular reader, but my parents always got it and I definitely would miss it if it were not around to read. I think that magazine is a good one that maybe is not in vogue anymore.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Too many people are getting their news online, so it's not cost-effective to buy subscriptions. Too bad, really.
@mayka123 (16589)
• India
18 Mar 09
I love to read the Readers Digest and have subscribed to it. As far as I know the Indian version of Readers Digest does not have any problems staying afloat. So I dont think I will have problems reading this magazine for a few years atleast.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Really? Is India not going through the same problems as the rest of the world? Or is their Digest different and more practical than ours?
• United Kingdom
18 Mar 09
I used to read Reader's Digest and I think that it's a wonderful magazine, full of information and wonderful stories. I like the fact that it is so small and compact. It would be a shame if it disappeared completely. I may subscribe to it again in the future but things are difficult financially as everyone knows. Andrew
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
That's my problem too. It's a nice compact little read, and I like the book size. Those big floppy mags are difficult to work with!
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
18 Mar 09
I hope they don't end up discontinuing Reader's Digest. I have enjoyed that magazine ever since I was a kid! Mom used to tell us that she was going to send a funny story in, but never did get around to it. They have such a variety of things in that little magazine, I always find it enjoyable. The only other magazine I really ever buy is Cosmo. I buy it because I find a lot of it to be funny. My husband and I will sometimes sit together and read it just to say, "Is this really true?" and laugh about it. I don't think I would miss that one as much as Reader's Digest though.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I liked the variety in it. IF you didn't like one thing, there were always other things to read.
@Yori88 (1465)
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
I love reading reader's digest but I only read them when I was in college. I have an aunt who borrowed from her friend some books then we read it at home. After that she returned them. I don't read reader's digest now because I can't afford to buy them. They cost I think more than $3.00. I like all the content but I can't afford to buy one so I no longer read.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
Buying them off the bookstand is expensive! It's cheaper getting a subscription, but still kind of expensive.
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
I have so many reading books materials at home except readers digest because I do not have those reading materials. But I've noticed once awhile when I went to the library yesterday and I saw readers digest magazine it is one of a good source for the readers like us. It concern about things that are related to ourselves and relationship to others.
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@snowcat46 (2322)
• United States
19 Mar 09
It has so many different topics in it, it can appeal to almost anyone.