What would you do to someone who sexually molested your child?

@tjades (3591)
March 18, 2009 12:01pm CST
An item of news recently was about a six year old girl who was molested by a teeange boy (19 year old I believe). The mother related that she was giving the child a bath in the evening when she noticed the child wincing when she attempted to wash her privates. She asked the child what was wrong and the child said nothing was. She then took the child inside and inspected her, noticed some bruising and took the child to the doctor where it was revealed that she was molested. The case was referred to the police to whom the child related what had happened to her and who had done it. Now this made the news as the relatives of the child were very angry that shortly after being taken into custody the child's molester who is a neighbour was released and could be seen around the community. Now I know I would have been more than hopping mad. What would you have done if you were in this woman's shoes? Sometimes the justice system just seems to punish the victims more than it does the offenders and its just not fair. The child was traumatised and you know that is something else that the mother and relatives will have to cope with and try their best assist the child. It must be all the more difficult with the molester living right next door. Would you have been tempted to take matters into your own hands or would you have kept at the lawmen to do something about it? I believe that situations like these are just so hard to deal with and that those who hurt children really ought to be severly punished.
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2 responses
• United States
18 Mar 09
I would be torn between letting the law handle or doing something myself. I could not remain living next door and would find a way to move for sure. As a parent I would want him to be punished and might want to hurt him but I wouldnt because my kids need me and would just get me in trouble. Would just keep fighting to get him punished by the law and maybe make flyers and post all around making him want to move.
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@tjades (3591)
• Jamaica
18 Mar 09
I love the idea of forcing him out of the neighbourhood but the thought of him still being out there and having access to other children is unnerving. These people sometimes have a way of marking and following their victims around while laying low. I think they ought to be locked away where they have access only to themselves.
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• United States
18 Mar 09
I agree the best thing would be for people like that to be locked up but what do you do in the mean time. This is why we as parents need to be very active in our childrens lives and now what are children are doing at all times and who they are around. These days you can not trust anyone, it is a sad thing.
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23 Mar 09
It would be maddening to be in the position of the parents in such a case, but people can't just go around dispensing their version of justice willy-nilly and ignoring the law. If everyone did that, the world would be more of a madhouse than it already is. The legal system, imperfect though it is, needs to be allowed to act in these cases just like in all other cases.
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