What do you think of narcissists??

March 20, 2009 6:06am CST
/i am really not in a good mood as one of my brilliant co-worker has resigned yesterday because of some selfish n self centered people here. I simply hate such people who leave everyone else to do the drudgery and came in the end to take all the credit or show up when there is an opportunity to be admired. I wonder what people get from troubling others, being so egoistic, selfish and hungry for power and attention. They selfishy take advantage of others to achieve his/ her own ends and doesnt consider the cost of such behaviour on other people. I am sick of these people..
2 responses
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
20 Mar 09
God I hate narcissists! They think the world orbits around them, therefore they are all-knowing and that they are all that matters to other people(barf!) They are so assured that they are the best in everything and the worst part is, they have this dumb idea that they are never wrong, therefore can't ever be proofed otherwise. In all my years of living, I've met 2 people like this. Never would i want to come across one again.
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
Narcissits are so pathetic in everyway, they think they alone existed in this vast world, as if they are the only one who can make something or at everything, thinking they are the only ones who can achieve and accomplish a task. They are so sick at such point that everyone but themselves are like gods who others couldnt withstand.