Do you pray and how often?

March 22, 2009 12:47pm CST
I'm a more spiritual person, preferring to meditate whenever I find the time. How about you? Do you pray often during the day or only when you need something from God?
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7 responses
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
12 Apr 09
I usually pray at night before going to sleep. Not on a regular basis though. I don't really pray for the sole reason that i need something. I pray too just to give thanks or ask some blessings not really for myself but for other people. My prayers are usually effective if i pray for the sake of other people, i don't know why.
12 Apr 09
:) yes praying for others works wonders for them, which in turn makes us feel good too.
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
That's true. Even Jesus prayed for the sake of others. I guess we're doing a little service by praying for others.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
2 May 09
Hi luckyattraction, I’m used to say simple prayer before going to bed. I have been doing this for quite a long time. I could hardly remember when I have cultivated such habit. I feel relaxed and comfortable after saying prayer. Yeah, it’s some sort of meditation. Though I take only a few minutes to do this, it still could keep my mind pretty peaceful. I usually could fall into sleep easily. Happy posting
6 May 09
that's great. Praying even as you are lying in bed is akin to meditation and relaxing. A state of mind that is perfect for prayer, I'm sure. Thank you for your response. Happy mylotting :-)
1 person likes this
• Philippines
22 Mar 09
I pray every time I go to bed. Just the usual, I thank God for every day and all the blessing He had given to me and my family, I say sorry for all the mistakes I've done and I ask him to always guide my loved ones. I'm very appreciate of Him for I know he will never leave me, all of us and if we could just have faith in Him and entrust Him with our lives, He'll lead us to the right way.
• United States
1 May 09
Well to be honest I pray when I need things but I also pray for people here at mylot as well. If I feel they need it I do right at that moment so I do not forget what or who I am praying for. I know that I should pray every chance I get and I thank you for bringing this to my attention. Take care and happy mylotting as well.
6 May 09
awww momtrying. In our jet-speed lifestyles, even sparing a thought for others is a great thing, I'm sure :-) You are doing good already by praying for your friends here who are in need. God bless
@iamsolucky (1241)
• Philippines
7 Apr 09
i pray a lot especially when i am travelling, walking, before sleeping, before eating. I do like to do it because i communicate with god and thanking him that i am still living and doing my task in this world. I thank him more because i wake up alive everyday. I pray to him that hope he will give me long life so i can still do more and support my family. Happy mylotting and smile always!
@skyla26 (284)
• Philippines
7 Apr 09
I really pray every time i eat, sleep and wake up. i felt that everytime i pray i have a guard and he makes me safe at all times
@yzedxw (357)
22 Mar 09
When I was young I was praying every day..Sometimes few times a day.But then I don't know why I stopped and now I am not praying.I still belive but I don't know why I've stopped..