I'm always tired

Chatsworth, California
March 22, 2009 10:52pm CST
I don't know why but I'm constantly falling asleep during the day. No matter how much I sleep it's never enough. Mountian dew works but it gets me sick, so does coffee. Any ideas?
3 responses
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
23 Mar 09
If I were you, I would go see a doctor and have some blood tests done. Your iron could be low, your vitamin B levels could be low, you could have low or high blood sugar, a thyroid condition, there are many things that could be the root cause. If you don't want to go to the docotr right now, try taking a multi-vitamin everyday. I take one before bed every night and it helps me wake up feeling much better and a lot less tired. Sometimes, when I am really feeling faitgued, I will take a B-Complex vitamin in the morning for a boost.
• Chatsworth, California
23 Mar 09
Possibly. I'm trying to take vitems now.
• Canada
25 Mar 09
Sorry you are having such a sleep problem. Lack of sleep adds up and it just seems to get worse. There could be many reasons for not getting a good sleep. How's your mattress? Maybe time to get a new one. I did and it helped. Felt more comfortable. Also, keep it dark in the room where you sleep. Light keeps you awake...the brain thinks it's daytime. Are you afraid of the dark? What about your dreams? People Need to Dream. Dreams are healing. If you can't sleep and dream, your health will suffer for it. Are nightmares keeping you awake? More info on dreams/sleep: http://adreams-teller.blogspot.com
@maezee (41996)
• United States
23 Mar 09
Maybe you should consider eating a bigger breakfast, eating more healthy meals, drinking your daily recommended amount of water each day, and even getting a little more exercise (such as going on a jog in the morning before work or school or whatever you do in the day). Changing your health-related behaviors can definitely help. Also, taking a daily multivitamin (in case you don't) is a good idea. Otherwise, you should maybe go to your doctors & have some blood tests done. You could have hypothyrodism, which causes fatigue or weight gain (those are some of the main symptoms), and medication can usually help. Otherwise, if that's not the case, you should still consider talking to your doctor and maybe asking for some suggestions as to what you could do to increase your energy levels throughout the day. Good luck!