
March 24, 2009 10:29am CST
So, the first time I stood in front of a crowd of people and read out something to them, I was six. I've done loads of public speaking and stage work. I'm outgoing, can and will talk to anyone (people often mistake it for flirting *sigh*). I'm confident in almost everything I do... yet I still blush. Even if I'm just talking to my friends. There's no rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes I'm just fine, and sometimes I turn into a tomato. I'm not embarrassed, I'm not nervous. I can keep on talking, just as I was before. I won't be breathing any faster, I won't be panicking... my face just goes red. And it's really starting to get on my nerves. I have very pale skin, but rosy cheeks, which just makes matters worse. Does anyone else experience this? Any idea on how to overcome it?
2 responses
@jimbomuso (950)
6 Apr 09
Hi Shard! sorry I've not responded in a long time... I don't use notifications anymore, so I found this after profile huntin' lol. I was pretty outgoing and confident but since the anxiety problems started- I get nervous 'tics', sometimes it can be hand automatically twitching or muscles in my face, and if I try to 'constrain' it, it gets worse... it can be a real downer because people jump to all sorts of conclusions, usually starting along the lines of ..serial killer, mental patient, random wierdo etc. I try to see the funny side but it can wear a little thin. I have a friend who has the same problem as you, his solution is to mentally acknowkledge it - tell yourself it's ok(it does happen to everybody at some point) - deep breath and carry on. on a lighter note I read somewhere that blushing actually improves how attractive you are to both sexes(I'll try to find the source). with my 'tics' if I stress out about them it makes it worse, if I relax and concentrate on something else it settles down. hope that helps.
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Hi shard...I envy you... I get very nervous and upset when I have to do something - anything in front of a group of people. Usually I blush and my ears turn red also...I don't know why. I sincerely try to calm myself by breathing slower and pausing to collect my nerves but it still happens. I have no idea why you're blushing with no other physical symptoms of the blushing. Are you sure it's not something simple like the heat came on in the room?