How can we compare life

@lak2jai (806)
March 27, 2009 8:28am CST
With what is it suitable to compare life with?
2 responses
@dashawk (275)
• Philippines
27 Mar 09
Life is wonderful yah know, life can be so difficult, but you know, we tend to learn from it, it might be difficult to live but that's what makes it enjoyable. You will not feel alive if you cannot experience difficulties in life... Have a great life ahead of you guys... Cheers to all.
@lak2jai (806)
• India
28 Mar 09
Thanks to your comments. Enjoy the life in a fruitful way
@saktiyp (53)
• Indonesia
27 Mar 09
Our life can not compare with what and whom. Because everyone has their own way of life
@lak2jai (806)
• India
28 Mar 09
Thanks for your comments. It is very much right and we should live our own way only.