Rude people

@nangel78 (1454)
United States
April 5, 2009 5:42pm CST
When I went to the grocery store this morning, I was grabbing my cart to get ready to head into the store. There was this lady next to me who nearly ran into me. I told her to watch out so that way she did not get hurt and I did not either. She was oblivious. Then I start heading into the store and the same lady had left her kid behind in another cart and started to transfer the kid into the new cart in front of me. She did not even look around her to see if anyone was behind her and was taking her time. She did not even say pardon me. I got rather upset because I had been sitting there waiting on her after she nearly ran into me. She finally noticed me and said "Oh, you can't wait for a minute." Ugh! I went right past her. Do rude people irritate you? What has been your experience with stupid people?
1 response
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
5 Apr 09
hi nangel! yeah, i hate those kinds of people. and if they are caught doing something nasty, they would return the thing to you, as if you did the offense. most of the time, i would just turn around and say nothing, telling myself that these people are not worth my time. but sometimes, it just pisses me off that i have not told them a piece of my mind. but i also think that after a confrontation, what good will that bring me? i think i will just have a high blood pressure and the other person will just continue to be rude. i wonder if these people were even taught manners while they were growing up. my guess is that they were not taught proper manners that is why they are rude and inconsiderate. there are a lot of people like them. i am a small person and people will just push me if they are in a hurry. when i was younger, i would run after the other person and push him or her as well. but as i grew older, i just realized that it isn't worth it anymore. my person is not diminished because of them. well, let us just make the world a better place by being considerate and courteous and polite. hopefully, rude people will just take the hint. take care and God bless you! happy mylotting! :D