Finally, I bathed my newborn baby

@kaka135 (14916)
April 13, 2009 6:08am CST
My baby boy is going to be 7 week old soon, and I just started to learn hoe to bathe him yesterday. It's actually not that difficult to bathe a newborn baby as others told me, or perhaps my baby is over one month old, and it isn't that difficult to handle him, and I've been taking care of him since he was born (except bathing him), so he behaves quite well when I'm bathing him. I wanted to bathe him earlier, but as I had the c-section operation, my wound still made me feel quite painful until about 6 weeks. In order not to make my wound worse, I gave up bathing my baby, and let my mum do it. Now I'm getting much better, and finally I learned how to bathe my baby. I am very happy that finally I can fully take care of him by myself now.
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28 responses
@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
13 Apr 09
I had two c-sections and I know how you feel! The first one made me sore for weeks but with the second, I just wanted to get back to my baby so I left the hospital the next day and took up life as usual. Be very careful and never take your eyes off your baby while he is anywhere near water. Many people go to answer the phone or answer the door and come back to find their baby is under water. I'm glad you can take care of your child now. He makes all your pain and discomfort worth going through!
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@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 09
Hi there, thanks for your response. I've heard from my friends, some of them have recovered within two weeks, I was quite worried as my pain last for quite long. But then, I realized that it depends on individual. Hearing from you, I think it depends on individual surgery too, right? I think it's really dangerous to leave the baby alone with the water, actually I don't dare to leave him alone even on the bed. I always keep an eye on him.
• Singapore
13 Apr 09
hey that is so cool. congrats first. well i knw it wud have been great to do that for ur new kid. well i guess it shunt be very tuf. but i knw it is not ec with c-section. do take rest and do the exercises. i heard it really helps for the sutures to heal faster. have fun with ur newborn
@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 09
Hi there, thanks for your response. I had hard time even carry my baby, as he likes to kick, and he always kicks my wound, so I always have to protect my wound. I'm getting much better now, though still feel a bit painful when my baby kicks me.
@mayka123 (16590)
• India
13 Apr 09
Congratulations to you and your family. Looking after a new born is indeed a full time job in itself. Surprising that you are able to mylot also. Please try and rest more especially since you had a c-section. All the best to you.
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@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 09
Hi there, thanks for your response. My parents are here to take care of me in these two months, and they are really happy to spend time with my baby, so sometimes I will let my baby spend time with them. Also, sometimes when my baby is sleeping, I just come online for awhile.
@mayka123 (16590)
• India
16 Apr 09
For a couple of months after a c-section one should try and rest as much as possible and not sit for long hours.
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@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
congrats to you and you new baby, congrats to mister hubby as well. my wife under went C-section as well, but she was the one who bathe our child from the day that we arrived home. her mom is 75 years old already and was just here to assist. my wife want to bathe our child from taht day so maybe the operation wounds has pain but she is more enjoying bathing our son. i can not bathe our baby. i have to large fingers and i dont think i am delicate enough for that job har har har. now that he is three i can bath him already.
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@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 09
Hi there, thanks for your response. Your wife is really great, I can imagine how painful she was. But I understand mothers always do things for the kids, and won't have any complaints. You can teach your son to bathe himself when he grows older.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
13 Apr 09
enjoy him dear friend. Every happiness to you all. Blessings
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@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
14 Apr 09
Hi there, thanks for your response and blessings.
@Niah1976 (739)
• Paranaque, Philippines
13 Apr 09
Hi there! Congrats to you!!! I was never a C section. But either way having a baby is such a wonderful experience. Hope you get even better for you to enjoy your baby well. Happy my lotting to you!!!! God bles you and your baby..
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@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
14 Apr 09
Hi there, thanks for your response. I was going for natural birth, but until the "push" stage, due to some difficulty, my doctor advised me to have the c-section operation. I'd prefer to go for natural birth, as it takes less time to recover, I suppose. But you are right, either way is a good experience, and I've experienced both of them.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
13 Apr 09
That's wonderful. It's such a nice experience to be able to bathe your own baby. Just wait until he gets older and can really enjoy splashing around. You'll need to have towels all over the bathroom floor then. Enjoy these moments.
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@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 09
Hi there, thanks for your response. Yeah, I think it's really nice to see the kid splashing around in the bathroom too...
@suzzy3 (8342)
19 Apr 09
It is such fun bathing a baby as mine used to kick and laugh in the water.After I dried mine in a big towel,I massaged baby oil into them and they loved it it used to relax them so much,you could feel them sigh as long as you don't rub the spine or joints to hard just a comforting gently rub.I am so glad that you have recovered enough to be able to look after your baby yourself.good old mum.I helped my daughter after her c section.Her husband took two weeks of after the birth then I got over two days a week,to clean the house ect.xxxxx
1 person likes this
• Germany
26 Apr 09
Hi, Kaka. First of all, wish your c-section wound will be recovered soon. I can imagine how much you will have even though i had normal delivery. I had to take care of the episiotomy wound for few weeks. I am sure that you had fun during the baby bath time, it must bring you a lot of joys. I bathed my newborn baby boy 1 week after he was back from hospital,i dare not bathed him yet in the beginning due to the slight bleeding in navel. Therefore, my husband and i only cleaned him with warm wet towel in the beginning. My husband and i always bathe our baby boy together, we are the first time parents as well, there are really lots of things to learn, but it is interesting and fun. We learned how to bathe baby from the demonstration video online. During the bath time, we even took some photos for future memories. We really enjoy bathing him, and he seems enjoy staying in the warm water too. We always want to take care of our child fully by ourselves. But since we will go back to kl soon, so that we let my parents and sister involve in the caring tasks too, like bathing. But changing nappies is still my husband's job. Happy mylotting and have fun with newborn baby. :-)
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Hi kaka...and congratulations on your baby boy! I don't think it's necessarily difficult to bathe a newborn - just a bit nervewracking as they become slippery little things! I'm sure the boy smells just like a baby should smell now and I hope you feel better soon!
@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
Hi there! Awww... makes me weepy...It must be a Kodak moment for you... You are so lucky that you are blessed with a wonderful gift. These are the moments that you should treasure.
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@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
14 Apr 09
Hi there, thanks for your response. I think it's really a gift of being a woman or a mother.
@jimbo88 (231)
• Indonesia
13 Apr 09
Congratulations for that. I hope your baby will be a nice child. That is first experience for you, it will be a great moment. :D
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@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
14 Apr 09
Hi there, thanks for your response. Yeah, it's really a great experience.
@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
13 Apr 09
hey there~ Congratz on your newborn baby...^_^ It must have made you year to bathe him when you were recovering from your c-section huh? How are you feeling now? I hope you're doing fine...Heehee, i know nothin about feeding or bathing a baby but i know i will be able to do all that once i have a baby of my own...I am thrilled at the though of motherhood..^_^ Wishing you all the best =DD hugs and kisses, mira
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@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 09
Hi there, thanks for your response. It's really great to be a mother, and I feel really great when I learn how to take care of my baby. Trust me, it's not that difficult. It's just the nature of mother to take care of baby. Many thought I may have difficulty on taking care of baby, as I have no experience before. But, the day when my baby came home, I did everything for him, except for bathing him.
• Malta
13 Apr 09
Well done mummy :) After seven weeks, you should be doing much better after the c section. I got back to driving after six weeks, but there were still chores I wasnt happy doing. Honestly I was scared to bathe my boy, not because of c section, yes it was painful especially moving around but not bathing the boy... that was something I was putting off. I used to bathe him always with someone around, my mum, my husband... i felt he was too delicate and i thought i was not good enough. Then I decided that I had to do it by myself and realised that if you prepare everything for the bath, with clothes, diaper, towel ready, it becomes easy. Good luck dear!!
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@kaka135 (14916)
• Malaysia
14 Apr 09
Hi there, thanks for your response. Actually I was quite worried about my wound, as at first I heard from my friends it only took a few days to two weeks to get recovered. It will be really troublesome and painful if something goes wrong with the wound, I suppose. That's why I tried to be more careful when I moved around just to avoid affecting my wound. Yeah, I always get everything ready for my baby everyday, so that I can react as fast as I can when my baby cries for any demands.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
5 May 09
Congrats on the baby and glad you are starting to heal. I know different people heal differently.. I have had two c sections, but i wasnt lucky enough to have my mom around when i had them, we were living in a different province and my mom doesn't fly. I had to do everything myself while my hubby was at work, but i didn't much mind.. seems i must have a high tolerance for pain, or something.. the incision didn't bother me a whole lot. I was up walking around the hospital helping other moms while my baby slept after my second baby, less then 12 hours later.. i think the adrenalin from actually having the little joy in my arms after 9 months of waiting helped..
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
5 May 09
Hi Kaka, I am really happy to read about your baby. You can take care of your baby independently, really nice thing. All are saying it is difficult to handle small baby because they are too small, in the beginning don’t know how to hold and take bath etc. but we are getting practiced day by day. I hadn’t bathed my elder son till he is one year old. At home my mother was taking care of him and when we back to the work place my mother-in-law was with me she is expert in handling babies. But in the case of second son I started to bath him after he become 58 days because in my place my mother was not there and mother-in-law was not supposed to accompany with us to work place due to her aged problems. But later she accompanied with us. Now the younger one is two year old and I think the difficult part is over.
@leeapollo (611)
• China
20 May 09
congratuation. that's so nice! I can see how happy after that. happy mylotting.
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
20 May 09
This is the first time that I read about someone bathing her child for the first time - I didn't know that moms thought it was special :P I guess there are a lot of "firsts" that moms experience and you cherish every moment! I am happy to hear that you got to bathe your son finally, and that you're healing from your c-section. May I ask why you decided to get a C-Section instead of delivering normally? Thanks for the response on my discussion!
• China
19 Jun 09
I think it's very difficult.
• Singapore
22 Sep 09
I actually envy you as you have the chance to bathe your baby. As I am working overseas, I have left my baby in my home country after a month. At that time, I still do not have the courage to bathe her as she seems so fragile and I am scared if I accidentally done something wrong while bathing her. It's always my mom who did it and I am just assisting her. The first time I bathe my daughter is after siz months when I came back I got the courage to take things on my own. It feels wonderful and a memorable experience for me.