Do you listen to music while studying?

April 17, 2009 12:03am CST
I often listen to music while studying. Music can keep me out of the noisy surroundings and help me to concerntrate on books I read, problems I solve. But some of my friends say that their attention will be attracted to the music rather to books they read. What do you think? Do you listen to music while studying?
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82 responses
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
17 Apr 09
Depends on what kind of music. Classical music or just music can help concentration and improve memory. But songs are different, you tend to sing along and listen to the lyrics instead. But then some people do not have any problem with songs. Last time when studying for college examinations, I read through the notes within an hour (usually never study more than 3 hours for any examination) while listening to music and humming along. In the exam hall, if I cannot remember an important point, I just hum a few notes and then I can recall.
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• China
17 Apr 09
Amazing! I have never expenrienced like that! Recently I listen to songs of Faye Wong, a Chinese singer, while studying. Luckily, her sweet voice doesn't disturb my studying.
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
17 Apr 09
You can try and see whether it works for you. If it works, that will make it easier for you to remember things and you do not need to work so hard for your examinations. Different people got different ways of remembering things, just got to know yourself and find the best way.
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• India
17 Apr 09
at one point of time there was nothing i could do without music..eating, drinking, studying..even shower. i too know of several people who have not only studied and completed work while they were listening to music but one of my cousin has also scored an 85% while doing so. i too complete my work while listening to music. its fun and also keeps you aware of whether or not you are concentrating. it works for me. dunno about the rest..
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@katkat (2378)
• Philippines
17 Apr 09
When I'm still studying I used to listen to music. One time I'm studying for my chemistry exam and I have to memorize the periodic table (just the atomic no. and family) and my cousin stays in my room while listening to music. After a few hours I did memorize it and ace the exam the following day. Music really helps.
@katrhina23 (1282)
• United States
17 Apr 09
nope i dont. i get distracted because i sing..
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@parthu28 (498)
• India
17 Apr 09
you seem to be similar to me in the way you study.i also listen to music the whole time i study.if i have my favorite kind of music around it helps me to concentrate more easily on what i am doing.......specially since i study at night times it helps me to stay awake .....
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17 Apr 09
Yes, I tend to listen to music while studying. It is quite distracting when there's a part of a song that I really like that comes on. I'd end up singing along to it and ignoring my work. It's just as hard for me to keep my attention without music though because I get more bored.
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@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
17 Apr 09
i never listened to music when i studied and now i never listen to music while working at my desk. it is just too distracting for me and i need peace and quiet whem i am working. i do love music though and i love to dance so in the right setting it is great.
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@happy2009 (330)
• China
17 Apr 09
I ofen did as you do when I was in the college,soemone though it will readuce the efficiency of the study ,but for me ,when listen to the music I found i was far from the noice world ,there only have music and the I like open the computer and play some pop music when i do the housework,it makes me more happy.
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@vivianchen (2646)
• China
17 Apr 09
Hi Flowfire, To me, it depends. If i am reading a leisure book just for entertainment, i can listen to the music while i am reading, what a cool thing to do. But, if i am reading my study book, i really needs to focus on the setence because i need to remember it, then i can't have the music around me. Just like your friends, i can not concerntrate if there is music around me. I like to listen to the music when i am born of reading my study books though. Lol....
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@skyla26 (284)
• Philippines
17 Apr 09
i think if im studying while listening to the music i can't understand what im reading. since before when im studying i never do that. silent place and sufficient light is better and helpful when im studying.
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@adz333 (176)
• India
17 Apr 09
Ya,listening to music does a lot of help in studies,according to a scientific research listening to music improves our concentration and also helps us study longer because one part of our brain which requires entertainment is being fulfilled by the music.But make sure you hear to a music which you are very much familiar with.Happy mylotting.
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@blaqjakk (28)
• Singapore
17 Apr 09
Yes I do! I am a very music person, and I can't drives me crazy! On top of that, I am always having a song in my head. I think listening to music helps me to study and to remember. It relaxes me and I think I perform my best when I am in a relaxed state.
• China
17 Apr 09
I always feel cool while listening to music and studying at the same time. I can easily get ride of the noisy environment and make myself more concentrate on my study.
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@oo1wgw (3)
• China
17 Apr 09
I ofetn listen to music while doing something,like working,programing,studying,even sleeping. Aha. Music can take me out of the noisy surrounding,but I don't like use head-sets just because it dosen't good to ear. But I don't like someone who use a louder speaker to listen to music while someone just doing something that needs a quiet surrounding.
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• India
17 Apr 09
when i am writing some thing then i keep music on , well i enjoy music while writing , i think many do that ,when studying some think i think it would be disturbed but when writing its enjoyable in my opinion
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• Philippines
17 Apr 09
I'm one of those people who are distructed when theres music specially when I'm stydying. My attention captured by music and I can't concentrate on the reading per se.
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@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
17 Apr 09
I've always had to listen to music while studying.. However for some reason, it can't be quiet music... it has to be harder stuff.. it seems to make me focus more... ICP, Twiztid, Deine Lakaien, Korn, Lords of Acid.. LOL... I'm just backwards I guess.
• China
17 Apr 09
in my opinion,listening to music while studying is not fit for me,because it will let my attention trans on music rather to my studying. music is so a beautiful things that ir attractive me a lot,i love listening music~
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@dreamdua (48)
• India
17 Apr 09
hey it's a very nice question...i want to tell you about me that i some times listen music while studying.......strange na but give me a few seconds i am going to explain ...............suppose i don't have the mood to study but my parents are insisiting me again and again for study then in that situation i will pick the book for so many long hours just to impress parents but to time pass i listens cool music while studying BUT on the other end if tomorrow is my final exam and i am very week in that subject then definitely i will totally concentrate to study and in that case music is far away i even don't want to speak a single word from here and there.....SO ACCORDING TO ME LISTENING MUSIC WHILE STUDY DEPENDS ACCORDING TO THE SITUATION
• China
17 Apr 09
That depends. If I am studying something logical, or much difficult for me, I don't listen to music. I need to concentrate. While when I am doing some easy work, such as reading, I prefer some soft music. That will make me feel peace in my heart.