Men who COOK for you!! Aren't they sexy??

April 17, 2009 10:11am CST
Hi guys!! I'm sneaking again LOL... Ok... one of my secret fantasy is to have a man who cooks special meal for me...The way men move in the kitchen is so hot. Forget about the food, pretend its good even it is bad just think of the entertainment... Its a kinda getting warm in here... don't you think? LOL
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27 responses
@rtslvtwy (1088)
• Malaysia
17 Apr 09
I can't really comment on this as I am a man myself....and i cook. But, my wife don't find that I am sexy. I know my cooking may not be that superb but it's edible in a way or another. In fact, i do breakfast every morning for my daughter to bring to school. nothing much but just eggs, toast bread, beans, bacon, ham and bacon. It's interesting how women think about men this way. Anyway, i like your thoughts ..... :)
• Philippines
17 Apr 09
She may not say it but I know she is thinking it... believe me... LOL~~
• United States
17 Apr 09
It's not so much the way he Moves in the kitchen, but the fact that he loves me enough to want to help me out by cooking for me, that does it for me. I don't care what he cooks, it can be hamburger helper or a hot dog on a bun, if he's cooking dinner and giving me time for a bath, a nap, or just a break from the kids, you can bet my clothes are comin' off tonight! ;)
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@landi927 (657)
• China
17 Apr 09
It's wonderful to have a man who are willing to cook for me! I always persuade my bf to cook a meal for me. But he always say no to me. Our relation has been lasting for more then two years.But he didn't cook for me until now.
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@rtslvtwy (1088)
• Malaysia
17 Apr 09
Then show him this post and I am sure he will go pick-up a cookbook right away or probably by some take-aways and bring home to re-heat them for you and tell you that he cooks it. Ha Ha .... Anyway, not all men can cook. That's just God's creation ...
1 person likes this
• Philippines
17 Apr 09
• Philippines
17 Apr 09
I also think that men who cook are hot My bf usually cooks for us while I clean the dishes and the kitchen. I know how to cook but he prefers to cook for me, thats why I called him my Romantic Chef
2 people like this
• Philippines
17 Apr 09
Aaaawww... now that is exactly what I am trying to say... If only there were a lot of them... LOL
• United States
17 Apr 09
I love a man who cooks. And I have yet to find one who sucks at it. Most of my boyfriends have been good cooks. ;)
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• Philippines
17 Apr 09
Are you saying that most guys you know are GOOD cooks? YEEEESSS!!! There is still hope!
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Apr 09
Yes actually, most of them are. And they cook on a regular basis for me. :D
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I guess it could be sexy..I like the way my husband will come in the kitchen if I'm cooking, and he'll take charge, and tell me move over that he'll finish it for me. I used to think that he was a better cook than I was, he knows how to spice things up, and he'll go to the cabinet where I have all my spices, and start taking this and that out, and adding them to the dish, I like that. I also like when he grills outside, so that way I get out of cooking, he'll do most of it..haha.
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17 Apr 09
Hiya asianwind One of the reasons I married my husband was because he was a brilliant cook and cooked a wonderful meal for me one week after I met him. I have learnt so much from him, in the kitchen that I class myself as a good cook now as well. We fight nowadays over who is going to do dinner. All I can say is if you can find one, grab him quick before someone else does. These men are in demand, or should be.
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• China
18 Apr 09
o(n_n)o...haha!so interesting~ yeah,you are right!you know i am a male,in my surroundings there are rarely females who my country like my age if a male could cook he will get high prides from his neighbor,in fact i also like who can cook,there is a statement in our courtry if a male could cook he is a successful mam on his marriage!
@ellijah (244)
• Nigeria
17 Apr 09
Hello, I want to ask what you mean by sexy?
• Philippines
17 Apr 09
~~ means a lot of different things depends on how you see it...
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
14 May 09
I have to agree with you. I love it when a man cooks, and I have been lucky enough that the times that a man has cooked for me........the very few times.....the food has been as delicious as watching them move around the kitchen. My own cooking skills are not all that good, and having them giving the details of what they are doing, is kind of an added attraction, as well. It would be even better if he did it dressed only in an apron!! You think??
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Yes, I love men that cook. I dont love them to hog the whole kitchen but yes a cook sure is nice.
@sweetyethot (1737)
• China
19 Apr 09
Its really nice if a man cooks for only you and it will be great if the dish is Men in the kitchen look sexy.
@baileyq (67)
• Philippines
19 Apr 09
As long as he's not dripping sweat into the food, I guess. Seriously, though, anything that a man is willing to do to please his wife/ a huge turn on. It lets you know he loves you, that he's thoughtful, and that he appreciates you. Personally, I like watching men cook...Bobby Flay and Gordon Ramsay are just two of my favorite chefs.
• Netherlands
19 Apr 09
I agree, I think a man that cooks is sexy. I have been married for 26+ years. When my husband cooks for me...I never see him, because you can not see the kitchen from any other room in the house, but I Know darn good and well he is doing it because he loves me and wants to take some pressure off me. Allow me to rest and relax. And when I am sick...he is even more sexy because he will go out anywhere, no matter how far, to get me what he thinks I will enjoy so that I may possibly eat for him and get well.
@csrobins (1120)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I agree, mean who can cook a good meal on their own is attrcative. I had an ex that could could incredible pasta dishes. THen they serve you and you feel like a queen. They are usually very good at it too if they know how. I don't know about watching them cook though lol, that has never done it for me.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I'm not married, myself. I do know that not many men will cook and their wives wish they would help out occasionally. I'm also aware that there are some men who love to cook and are good at it. Kathy.
@dodo19 (47188)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
18 Apr 09
My fiance, who is a man, does cook for me, once in a while, which is really sweet of him. It makes me love him more. It's not the only thing that I love about him, but it's one of the many things, to say the least. I find it really sweet, when he cooks for me, and I tell him so.
@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
18 Apr 09
Yes, that's very sexy, hope I can find a man too who is willing to cook for me. Most men are excellent cook, so they!
@substance (585)
• India
18 Apr 09
ya!! Definitely. And it is one of the qualities my bf have that attracts me to him specifically. In this society its rare to find a man who takes cooking not as a chore but as an entertainment, something that he is passionate about. He picks out each and every ingredients that he is going to cook meticulously leaving the flawed one behind and have a wide range of diversities- exotics ,chinese and so on, i should say. I wonder whether you know this, but a guy who cooks well in the kitchen happens to be a real charmer in the bedroom scene too, meticulous to a fault and it have been proven too ( by courtesy of the cosmopolitan magazine).Hmmm.. i guess you guys reading this will know what turns us girls on by now.. huh!and coming to the topic, guys who cooks well are definitely hot+sexy!!i do agree.
@kawalnarang (1095)
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Apr 09
yessssssss, that's true,, Any man wishes to cook for u specially has to be special,, don't leave him all
• China
18 Apr 09
never agree with you more! hehe the guys are so sexy when they are cooking for you! yes,yes,yes!! unfortunately, there is no such man in life so far, and i'm expecting one!
@starplus (16)
• Indonesia
18 Apr 09 who cook for you not only sexy but romantic too, he saw you how deeply his love to you by service you in all you need.. include...