how often do you need to charge your cell phone?

@nzalheart (2338)
April 17, 2009 10:34am CST
Well I listen to the music lot on my mobile. I am currently using samsung sghM620 mobile phone. It has three bar indicator for the battery level. As because I listen to the music very much with my cell phone, the energy of of mobile decrease so fast. So immediately after the one bar goes down, if I am at the home, I recharge my mobile to the full energy again...This makes me charge the mobile daily.... Also it is good to charge the mobile often. It is better to charge the mobile when the single bar is gone down than to charge it when the charge is almost finished. This help in preventing the long life of energy on the cell phone. If we habit the habit of charging only when the energy is almost finished, then it will reduce the time the cell gives the energy...
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42 responses
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
19 Apr 09
charging cell phones - shows how often people need to charge cell phones. this picture shows a charging station in a popular fast food chain.
i think it is on average every two days. i'm just at home and i have two cell phones so it is not that actively used since i am always infront of the monitor, anyway.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
Thanks for sharing ....Happy mylotting...
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@veejay19 (3589)
• India
19 Apr 09
I have the most basic model of Nokia which i purchased 3 years back. I did not buy it for fun and games but because it had become a neccessity. Every year during the monsoon the electricity gets cut for upto 15 days due to flooding in the underground cable troughs due to which my cordless phone stops working. therefore i bought this one and it has so far given me good service. I charge it usually once in 4 or 5 days since i hardly ever use it to make calls or even receive them. There are 8 bars on my phone and when it comes down to 3 or 2 i get it charged.
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@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
Hello veejay!!! So you are very much restricted to using the mobile only for the necessary purpose...Oh its hard to get on without electricity continuously for about 15 days. Well I am from Nepal, and one major reason for me to charge my mobile so often is due to the more than 10 hours power cut daily...That's why when ever i get light, I want to make sure that the power is enough for me to listen songs to emit the boredom during the no power times.... thanks for sharing your information...And happy mylotting...
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Hi, nzalheart! It takes me a while for me to charge up my battery. I can have it off the charger for about two weeks and it will then need charging again. I guess my battery is a strong battery. That is what I like about it.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
18 Apr 09
But when I am not on my cell phone, it is always on the charger. That could be the main reason why it stays charged for so long without the battery dying so soon.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
Yeah you see to have very strong battery. Thanks for response cream97!!!
@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
17 Apr 09
once a day... My cell has a long battery life...
• Canada
17 Apr 09
I'm really surprised at how many people have said once a day! Mine lasts me about 4 or 5 days so to me that is a long battery life!
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
17 Apr 09
Charging the cell phone once a day is a better option, even if it the energy of the cell is not totally down...Thanks for the response... And purpleTeddyBear, you may have a very nice mobile. Mine would also have worked for 3 to 4 days, if I had not listened to music a lot...
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I charge it as often as needed. I may only need to charge it every couple days or I may need to charge it more than once in a single day.
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@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
Charging mobile often is very nice habit...Keep it on....And keep on mylotting...Thanks...
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I charge my cellphone every night. I don't listen to music or anything on my cell. I just think it's a good idea to charge it this often so my battery won't go down so fast. Kathy.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
Yeah I have also the same thinking friend...Thanks for responding...Happy mylotting...
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
21 Apr 09
You're welcome and happy mylotting to you! Kathy.
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
19 Apr 09
Hello nzalheart, I only charge my cell phone every two or three days. I am using Samsung too but not the latest model. I use my phone only for texting and to receive/make calls. I don't use my cell phone too often and that is the reason why I only need to charge it two or three times a week.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
Hello gr8life... Same pinch for having samsung mobile...But I am finding the mobile of samsung mobile so crazy and I don't like it personally...Its because i can't watch the videos on full screen, another hatest thing is that, we can't install software which is greater than 300 kilobyte in size...But every other phones can install any big files...This is making me too much regret in buying the samsung phone...I am just so many problems in my mobile... Anyway thanks for sharing....Keep mylotting...
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I go for days without charging mine. But I have both home and car chargers. I charge mine in the car when it gets low and I'm out. I often forget to put it on the charger here at home and may have left it on a day or two. So I'll just plug it up in the car when I'm in there. Sometimes, it gets a full charge in the house.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
Thanks for sharing friend...Keep on mylotting...
• India
18 Apr 09
Earlier I used to listen to music on my mobile every day. Now a days am too busy and i hardly use my mobile phone to listen to music. I use it only to receive or at times only to make an important call and not even receive any calls. These days I charge my mobile very less. If I charge it for an hour I can use it for nearly two to two and half days. Earlier I used to charge my mobile every day and at least two times. I use Sony ericsson k-series.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
Hello gayathrigs!!! Sony ericsson is very nice brand for mobile. I like it...Thanks for the response...
@krajibg (11923)
• Guwahati, India
18 Apr 09
The basic function of a cell phone is to talk. But now it has a lot of functionality and this aspect has increased the popularity of the mobile hand set. When I had my first hand set it was simple and the display was black and white but later I got a 6600 and that was trendy at that time. Now they have been fully metamorphosed and at the best it works an alternative of a laptop. Recently I bought another handset - motorola l 8 and this is very good, just user friendly. Of course I change my handset when it is necessary or else just let it go off.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
yeah I too had a black and white mobile of samsung company few months ago...Recently I have got the newer one which is also samsung company....Thanks for sharing....Keep on mylotting...
@csrobins (1120)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I have heard that it's good to wait til it's about to die before charging your cell phone. I hav eto charge mine daily. The one befor ethat had a life of three to fours days so I am not used to having to remember charging my new one so much. I think the newer ones require a more charging because they hae so many applications and features thtat wear down the battery. Like the Iphone-the only major complaint I've herad about it is the battery doesn't last long.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
21 Apr 09
Yeah your are absolutely right csrobins!!!Well I didn't need to charge the old mobile this frequently as because it was only used for calling or recieving calls. But my newer cell phone has many facilities in comparision to the old one. So I get more use of my mobile. consequently my battery drains faster than the old one... Thanks for the response csrobin....
@fasyahime (629)
• Malaysia
21 Apr 09
when my phone battery turn to orange color huhu! i always wait until my phone become KO,then i will recharge !!!
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
21 Apr 09
I hope you play a lot of street fighter games in your mobile hehe....Insert the coin the play again lol...
@sameeer (76)
• India
18 Apr 09
i use a nokia n70 at the moment and i need to charge it atleast 2 times daily, reason is mostly as i recive and do lots of calling with it but the last phone i had needed to be charged for 3-4hrs daily to keep it on so i am happy with the current one lol
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
you see to be very heavy mobile user. So you are charging two times daily. Its good to charge mobile in time...Thanks for responding...
@Devil23 (40)
• Nepal
2 Jul 09
Hi nzal...about this one i would have to say i charge my mobile once in 4-5 days..the reason is simple..i am right now using Nokia 1600 model with only simple i don't use my mobile that much other than to call...but when i used to carry Sony Ericsson w200i..i had to charge it daily...i used to listen music whole day and then in the evening i would charge it full and the cycle would a days i charge it whenever there is only one bar left in the battery guys if you are tired of having this kindaa problem..i suggest you carry the one of my will get rid of all your charge problems...kepp mylotting....
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
4 Jul 09
Hello devil23!!! How are you? Yes I also used to carry the simple mobile some months ago and I didn't have to charge it a lot. And now I am using the cell phone with music and me as a great music fan keep listening to music most of the time which drains away the battery soon. That's why I have to charge the cell phone more frequently. haha...I got promoted and you got demoted. That was nice idea to use such kind of cell phone, but I prefer to charge daily but listen music on and on... Thanks for your response... happy mylotting...
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
18 Apr 09
i usually charged mine once every two days... i didn't really make lots of phonecalls or sms everyday... so my battery can last for quite a long time... sometimes i didn't even charge it for 3 days and the battery still have 3 bars on it... take care and have a nice day...
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
19 Apr 09
Thanks for the response lingli_78...
@youless (112222)
• Guangzhou, China
18 Apr 09
This is a good question. Since I have many features in my cellphone and some of them really use up battery quickly, such as GPS. So I often charge my cellphone. Usually I will charge it next day:) I love China
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
so your have lot of features on your mobile. Hopefully you have very nice mobile...Thanks for the response...Keep on mylotting...
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
18 Apr 09
ey m2015 - this is the sample of my mobile phone. It is a Chinese brand with very good quality and it is cheap. I love it a lot for its good quality.
Hello nzalheart. My previous Nokia 1100 lasts seven days before I charge it. Now I have got a new one, which lasts seventeen days before the energy is finally consumed. It is a Chinese brand and I love it very much for it has offered me so much convenience without having to get it charged every day. By the way, it is under the situation that I don't use it to listen to music that it lasts that many days. I also use energy-saving mode to make it last longer in energy. This mobile phone of mine is branded with EY M2015. I love it a lot.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
Hello williamjisir!!! You have got very mobile and very nice battery in your mobile...I am jealous lol...You don't really have the tension of charging the mobile again and again...Thanks for sharing friend...And Keep mylotting...
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
18 Apr 09
my cell is also my home phone so i charge it as soon as i get up in the morning and again midday. i have to keep it charged because it is my only phone and i rely on it for all my calls both home and out of the house.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
Yeah it nice to charge the mobile at time...Thanks for response mikeysmom...
• China
18 Apr 09
I usually have to charge it twice a day. My phone has a short batter life...
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
20 Apr 09
Thanks for sharing...happy mylotting...
• Philippines
18 Apr 09
i usually charge my phone like 2 hours only bec. i don't want my phone to get a problem...playing games or listening can make your phone easily low bat it's good if were using it in case of emergency or important call or text.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
19 Apr 09
Thanks for the response adolfojanice....keep mylotting...