do you think being a mum is a hard job or a rewarding one.

@jugsjugs (12967)
April 18, 2009 1:17pm CST
i find it hard work with my 6 kids,the rewarding part is knowing that when my kids tell their mates that im the best mum in the kids friends all think im cool.some days i think being a cool mum is not always a good thing as you end up with everyone elses kids at yours arguing and making a mess.then you get their parents come round your house and treat it like a meeting place for all their friends or a cafe.not good if you want to be getting on with things.what do you think.
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18 responses
• Philippines
19 Apr 09
[b][/b]Yes I can understand your situation, I have three grown-ups, but when I looked back at the days they were still small, I was just amazed how I was able to do all those things, taking care of them, bathe them and clean them before going to bed, took them to school,help with their homework and school projects, and at the same take care of the housework, coz my hubby goes to work everyday, and how about the time when they got sick.Wow! I don't know if I can still do that today..LOL.. Anyway it really needs to be a superwoman to be a mom..and I can say it's really rewarding when after all the hardwork, they grow up to be a good person..
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• India
19 Apr 09
It is very hard job in itself. Due to this it is also rewarding for each and every person as well. But main think is that this job deserves more then any reward kind of thing.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
1 May 09
It's hard to be a mother in today;s world, especially if you are a working mother. It s hard to take care of your house, your kids and at the same time keeping a job. But I do beleive that it is rewarding to be a mother in today';s world.
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@vheilugto (149)
• Philippines
1 May 09
being a mum is really hard because your responsiblity is very big. . is not limited and you have to be more flexible enough to handle enything about your family. rewarding one, because, you will know what kind of person are you when you saw your kid getting older.
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@krizviel (26)
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
I as my self also a mom and i think being a mom is a hard job and also a rewarding at same time coz father can't take the role as a mom but a mom can take a role as a father,,,,
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
20 Apr 09
For me, being a mom is the most important, most difficult, and yet most rewarding thing I have ever done : ) Karen
@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I think that being a good parent is the hardest job in the world. You have to constantly watch them so that they do not get into trouble, cleanup after them, cook for them, bathe them, and teach them to become good Christians. This is a hard full time job. You can just do your best and ask GOD for help.
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@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
19 Apr 09
i think being a cool mom is just cool. but you have to set limits for your kids. you tell them that apart from everything and anyone else you're still the mom. sometimes kids forgot that because of so much familiarization. setting limits means you care for them.a mom should always set her discipline techniques.though the see that you're just going along with them, emphasize that you're still a mom. once your child understand that it is easier for you to implement rules even without telling them learning how to better teach your rules and avoiding methods that are lenient and passive you can help our child respect your rules.
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@xayuk69 (267)
• Malta
19 Apr 09
I think being a mum is both hard working and rewarding.With three kids I myself have to work hard but it is very rewarding especially seeing your children acheiving certain goals in life or seeing them appreciate or being thankful for what you do for them!
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@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
19 Apr 09
Hahah, but you're the cool mum, ain't that great...I wish i had a cool mum too, but then i wouldn't want my house being flooded with my mum's, besides all these trivial matters, i think being a mum has its pros and cons..But the thing is, i think the pros are really special and they're wayy more rewarding even if there are cons which i believe every mum had a little bit of difficulty going through, but got through it in the end. =]
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• Malaysia
18 Apr 09
I would say being a mother is a rewarding one. You are bringing someone up in this world. Being a cool mum is not a good thing as you said. You have to be strict to them making sure they realize what are their limitations. Regards Thanusha
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• Malta
18 Apr 09
Wow six children? That is a lot and it is definitely a hard job! I mean some people find it difficult with one or two, let alone with six! I can only imagine the amount of laundry that you do. However, being a mum is always a very rewarding thing, even if it's not easy to keep up with all the work that children require.
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@pro134 (45)
• China
19 Apr 09
my mother is more than a hundred good mum made me to be thinking to be someone's mother,i am sure being a mum is a hard job and at the meanwhile ,it is a rewarding one.i remember clearly that my mum play a great role when i was a childhood.she always spoke to me as she washed before eating her dinner,told me tales of her own childhood and let little drops of moral tuition fall into my lap."a promise is a promise",she would say,it was.she never broke one,she was my mother.everyone always think her or his mother is the greatest monther in the word,so being a mum is a hard and rewarding job.i love my mother
• Ireland
19 Apr 09
It is definitely a challenging role and and frustrating at times. I do understand the part where you can feel the difficulty of it but underneath it all, it is rewarding because we, as mothers, are just expected to be there for our children. It is rewarding to know that at the end of the day, we were able to be there for them regardless of any difficulty.
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@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
23 Aug 09
I think being a mom is one of the hardest jobs ever! I also think it is a rewarding one and while it sounds like you have a houseful what with your own kids and all their friends, I think that's great! Not only are you the cool mom, but you know where your kids are and what they are doing and who they are with! Look at the alternative, your kids off with who knows, doing who knows what. By having your kids and their friends close, you are keeping them safe. If you need the kids to leave and their parents also, just let them know that you have something you must do and ask them to come back another time. Is that possible?
@timhinyy (1653)
• United States
18 Apr 09
i would definitely say a little of both i know its been hard on my sister as she has lost alot of nights sleep since she has had her little one she will turn two this october which happens to be the same months as my best friend, me, my friends sister and my sister. kind of nice all of our birthdays so close together my sisters is the 15th of the month and the little one is right between us as mine is 11 days later. i think she probably hasn't seen the rewards of it yet but as the little one gets older i'm sure she will be glad that she had her i know we all love her alot. my sister has enough trouble keeping up with her one child you must be the most paitent mom dealing with 6 kids. i know that i appreciate all that my parents did for me. my dad went out of his way to make sure we had it better then he did when he was a kid. good luck and good wishes
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@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
18 Apr 09
I firmly believe that tis both
@harmonee (1228)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I think being a mother is very hard work. It's just different from going to the office everyday, especially when you are juggling 6 kids. You have a lot of cooking, cleaning, problem solving, etc. I think you are doing an admirable job.
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