What Movie(s) Do You Wish Would Get A Sequel or Get Another Sequel?

United States
April 19, 2009 12:01pm CST
We all have movies we love. And I'm sure we all have movies that we would love to see a (good) sequel to see our favorite characters again. I recently read a two articles that stated that, to my happy surprise, Ghostbusters III is actually in the works. I've always loved the Ghostbusters franchise so that made me happy. It also inspired me to ask this question. For me, one movie I would love to see another sequel for is Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. The last sequel came out back in 1991, just two years after the original. I've always loved those movies and if anything, I'd love a third movie. The franchise has always been a personal favorite of mine. NOT a remake though. Definitely not that. Someone on YouTube once was talking about the movies and said it was like Ghostbusters III where rumors of a third movie have been going around for years. As this person said, Bill and Ted are 80s and 90s kind of guys and a remake would just not be the same. What about you? What movie sequels do you want to see?
4 responses
• United States
19 Apr 09
I would also like to se that remade or a sequel to it, I also would like to see another scream come out.There are a few more I would like to see also like the others with Nicole Kidman or frightners with Micheal J Fox or another back to future.I am just a big movie fan.
• United States
19 Apr 09
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1262416/ There you go. Scream 4. We'll have to wait and see if it pans out but as this says, Kevin Williamson was working on the script as of January.
• United States
4 May 09
Oh yes I love both those movies. I want another Hugh Jackman, Van Helsing movie. I had read online after he made that movie that they was planning on making another but nothing else have I read anymore news about a sequel. I think Hugh Jackman is an awesome actor. I am also so excited about Dark Shadows starring Johnny Depp. I hope they make a lot of sequels to this movie. Johnny Depp will make an awesome Barnabus Collins. I am also so excited to find out who will play his costars in the movie. I would also love to see a Harry Potter movie the early years about his parents. I think that would be a really great movie. I hate to see the Harry Potter movies come to an end for I love Harry, Ron & Harmonie. I have grown quite attached to these young actors.
19 Apr 09
The Ghostbusters III has been a rumour for quite a while and there are still no solid facts as to what it will be about or who will be in it, other than they are hoping for a release in 2012. Hopefully they will make it as I would love to see they guys back again. As for sequels I'd like, well firstly would be a sequel to The Breakfast Club. The film was such a big part of my life in my teenage years that I would love a follow up, some sort of reunion type thing maybe. The other one I would love would be a fourth part to Back to the Future but with Michael J. Fox's health not brilliant I doubt that will ever happen or at least not with the original cast.
• United States
4 May 09
Oh yes I love that movie too. I love anything that deals with that sort of thing.
• United States
19 Apr 09
I just went to see Fast and Furious last weekend and because of the way it ended, I want to see more. Also, because of the way it ended, another Pirates of the Caribbean movie would be nice. There are two more books in the His Dark Materials series (trilogy) but I read somewhere (I followed a News Desk link on IMDb...who knows where it took me) that New Line Cinema might not continue past The Golden Compass because of budget issues. Not finishing the trilogy would make me very sad.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
19 Apr 09
I would like to see johnny depp and orlando bloom together for another another pirates of the caribbean series.I never grow tired of them.I just love the series.
• United States
4 May 09
Oh yes me too. Johnny Depp & Orlando Bloom is awesome together. I love anything they play in whether together or apart. He made an awesome elf in Lord of the Rings. I love movies that is set in this kind of sector. I love action, fiction, sci-fi, mystery & detective. I am not much of a romance movie type. I love movies that keep you on your toes. I do not like Jason or Freddie movies. I love something a little on the horror side but not bloody or yucky. You can have scary without all the blood.