do you like to eat brocolli? how about cauli flower vegetables?

brocolli and cauliflower - add up to become a very nutritious meal
April 20, 2009 6:16am CST
yes! i dont eat vegetables but i eat some of them and this two very wonderful plants i did like them alot. when i was a little girl, i really hate vegetables. they makes me puke and they disgust me. hate its taste and smell. id rather not eat than eat vegetables. but when i grow up and mature, there are so many things to consider... and eating a nutritious food is one of them. then, when my mom cook that meal of beef stew with some brocolli and cauliflower in it, i thought i would not like the taste but im wrong... it taste so great. thats why even upto now, love it when we have a meal of brocolli and cauliflower. do you love them too???
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22 responses
@cassyisme (107)
• Canada
21 Apr 09
I really do like broccoli. I always used to eat it with like, this cheese sauce stuff or whatever. its soooo good ! :) and cauliflower is so good too. I just really like vegetables =P but I eat cauliflower plain, its just really good. veggies are great :) and I kinda needa eat alot of them because I'm vegetarian and there isnt much else to eat but healthy things =P everything is like meaty or whatever. Im not vegan, so I cant really complain toooo much :) but still. vegetables are amazing
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• Canada
22 Apr 09
yer welcome :) yeah, theyre soo goood ! veggies = l o v e
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• Philippines
23 Apr 09
yeah so yummy indeed... thanks friend again
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
yah!!!! weh!!! love them too... love it when half cooked... yummy! thanks friend
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
21 Apr 09
Yes i do! I don't eat it much often because there's no dish prepared here with broccoli or cauliflower. But in fact i love eating both of them. They're perfect for any vegetable dish. There was this dish where cauliflower was served with hot butter. It was so delicious. It was my first time to try cauliflower and now it's one of my favorite vegetables. It's not bitter but just right. Even a kid would love to eat cauliflower.
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• Philippines
22 Apr 09
and thats yummy too... hot butter huh?! what a great idea.. thanks friend
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• Indonesia
21 Apr 09
Those food in you picture look delicious! I will love to eat it if the plate was infront of my eyes :-)
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• Philippines
22 Apr 09
yup! delicious indeed... thanks
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@youless (112223)
• Guangzhou, China
20 Apr 09
Broccoli and cauliflower are similar vegetables. Here usually we will boil them for a while. After that, we add the oil into the wok. Until the oil is heat, then add some chopped garlic. After that, add some meats like beef as you like. After a stirring a while, add the broccoli or cauliflower and stir them together. The nice dish will be ready:) I love China
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• Philippines
22 Apr 09
a very good thumbs up my friend... that sure looks and taste delicious...
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@eagle_f15 (1827)
• Malaysia
21 Apr 09
Yes I love brcolli and cauliflower vegetables..they are good to eat and very healthy. Would normally steam them with carrots and button mushroom. The only veges that i don't like are brinjals,bittergourd, capsicum and gerkin. All the rest are okay to me even leafy ones
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• Philippines
22 Apr 09
yum yum indeed my friend and thanks for the comment...
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@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Broccoli and Cauliflower are two of my favorite vegetables! We actually eat broccoli a couple of times a week at my house! I love it. There are so many yummy spices you can add to it to, to give it a different flavor. I like both broccoli and cauliflower cooked and raw. I eat them cooked most often though.
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• Philippines
22 Apr 09
we dont eat them here oftenly but if we got a bigger budget, we surely add them to the list..
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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
21 Apr 09
They are actually a rarity for me so I really love eating them whenever I get the chance. Their prices are also high here in our country which adds to the frequency of us eating them or any vegetables for that matter.
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• Philippines
21 Apr 09
Good day.. I love eating vegetables and really want it to be part of my diet. They can taste good when properly prepared. I always think of it's benefits rather than it's taste.
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@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
21 Apr 09
I seldom take cauliflower, but brocolli is nice - it's easy to prepare. I either boil it and mix with salad cream, or stir-fry it with garlic.
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@berrys (864)
• Singapore
21 Apr 09
To be honest, the only vegetables that I have ever eaten in my entire life are the ones I find in my McDonald's burger. Since i was a child my parents were never big on the whole 'eat your veggies so you'll grow big and strong thing' and they never lied to me and told me that if i didn't eat my veggies I won't get presents or anything like that so I never really bothered to try. though I very much want to try and see how good they are. but my friends are always going 'Ewwwww!! veggies taste awful' and so they've pu me off veggies. and i still haven't tried 'em.
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@lou_66 (909)
21 Apr 09
yes i really enjoy brocolli and cauliflower. these are my favourite vegetables. unfortunately i do not get time to prepare and cook fresh ones, often so i have to buy frozen. i like to eat these vegetables with a sunday roast. and sometimes i even eat thyem by themselves for a healthy snack, happy mylotting
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• India
21 Apr 09
I like cauli flower very much. I like all type of dishes which prepared using cauli flower. Since it is one of my favourite, I like to enjoy this once in a day.
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• Philippines
22 Apr 09
Broccoli and cauliflower are just two of the many kinds of vegetables that i love. There are many ways they can be cooked and enjoyed. I am not a vegetarian but i always have vegetables in my diet. I feel weak when i don't have them even for just a day. Hi, jheLaichie!
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@evexky (70)
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
Hi! I'd like to eat broccoli and cauliflower vegetables especially if they are in chopseuy menu. They taste so good to me and knowing how nutritious they are really make me love them more. Happy to eat them always! Cheers... and happy mylotting!
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• Philippines
21 Apr 09
yeah!!! when these veggies are put in a chopsuey menu... it becomes more delectable and good to eat... thanks friend... happy mylotting too!
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• India
21 Apr 09
I have never had broccoli coz its not an Indian vegetable and the exported ones we get in the grocery stores and supermarkets are very expensive for regular eating. But cauliflowers are easily available and I love cooking and eating them. There are many ways these can be cooked and even had fried as snacks. I love cauliflowers.
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@chimrani (1426)
• India
21 Apr 09
I a vegetarian,i like vegetables and most cauliflower.What is brocolli i don't what it is.Is it veg or non veg
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@Ronina (185)
• Philippines
21 Apr 09
When it comes to vegetables I am not a picky eater because I am use to it since I was a kid. I love brocolli and cauliflower especially in chopsuey. I even let my son eat vegetables too.
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• Philippines
21 Apr 09
stir fried broccoli in oyster sauce - stir fried broccoli in garlic and oyster sauce
my favorite is broccoli especially if it is stir-fried with garlic and oyster sauce. the only problem is, broccoli is too expensive here in our place and it is rarely found in the supermarkets. if only i could get fresh and not so expensive broccoli i would do the recipe most often.
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@axibal (63)
• Philippines
21 Apr 09
i do love to eat broccoli with beef. i like the taste of it. also, cauliflower, it taste good.
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@xannebull (1793)
• Philippines
21 Apr 09
i love brocolli and cauli flower, it's the number one vegetable that i like most, i like it when served as a salad.. yummy, the next vegetable that i love is lettuce, i can eat it raw or cooked.
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