What the hell do you do with your time?

@talker96 (154)
United States
April 21, 2009 5:05pm CST
I got a new laptop today after being without one for a week(my mother accidentally ran over my other two, long story) and I almost went insane. First because I couldn't get online, my job is online, so I couldn't work, and second, because I could not get online......If it wasn't for my blackberry phone and it's internet connection I don't know what I would have done. So my question is this, when not online, what the hell do you do with your time. And don't tell me stuff like watch movies or t.v., spend time with my girlfriend or play with my kids. No I want inventive stuff. Stuff out of the norm. Let's see who's too cool for school on Mylot.
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6 responses
• United States
21 Apr 09
if the weather is nice we are outside drinking in the garage. I live out in nowhere land so there is not much to do when not online anyway.Turn the music up and just do what ever we feel like!
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@talker96 (154)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I live in nowhere land as well, so I completely understand. I went from one city(Houston) where there was something to do 24 hours a day, to a city(Phoenix) where the city comes to a stop at around midnight(It's almost like Dark City). I can't stand it.
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@talker96 (154)
• United States
21 Apr 09
What, did you move from Michigan to Minnesota? I was raised in the same kind of town in texas. There was pretty much the exact same amount of things and everything closed at 11. We even had the flooding. When I got out of college, I vowed to never live anywhere else like it. But then I moved to Minnesota for 6 months, a town of 300. The worst six months, it was pretty country, but nothing to do...
2 people like this
• United States
22 Apr 09
I moved from Chicago to a tiny tiny town in Indiana, I did have to get used to it I think I am still getting used to it LOL if has been nice since my kids where little they could run and play all over, in the city they would not of been able to play anywhere. It is funny when you grow up a bit your priority in life changes
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• United States
22 Apr 09
Plan on were I can hook up with the guy from school??.... LMAO well its true... You want the juicy details here you go.... Yea Im sleeping with the guy from school everyone knows him and me but they all think were just friends and dont talk outside of class. all the while we have been talking and alittle more outside of class haha... Aside of that I am always on adultspace to find intresting people to talk to OR laying out in the sun getting my first tan of the year..... Other then that I am always doing innocent things... you know thoes things you dont wanna hear about:P....
@Lee_Rites (845)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Read books, buy a paper and read it, read magazines, play Flatout Ultimate Carnage or one of the Guitar Hero Games. Take the kids to the park, read to the kids. On my nights off it really gets interesting. Everyone is sleeping. So, with no internet I might do some laundry, watch a spider spin a web or fight with another spider, take a walk to nowhere cause everything is closed, and then walk back home.
@talker96 (154)
• United States
23 Apr 09
Flatout is a cool game. Never could get into guitar hero though....These spiders fighting....are they giant spiders? Because that would be most awesome.
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• United States
23 Apr 09
I love Flatout Ultimate Carnage. The way his body flies through the air when you eject him from his car, it is just awesome. It reminds me of the crash test dummy commercials. Only better because he always moans as he hits the ground. I live by a river and we get big wolf spiders. They're about 4-6 inches long. I've not been able to get two of them to fight though (probably because I must kill them as soon as I see them). The smaller spiders are the ones I put against each other. Eventually, they must die too.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I spend most of my time working, playing music and listening to it, hanging out with friends, reading, writing, playing video games, trying to earn money online, and thinking. I like to do my own personal research and basically just do what I feel like doing.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
20 Jul 09
What do you mean? I am always online! I feel your pain. When I returned home after hurricane Katrina there was no telephone service and we were still using dial up! I couldn't stand it so I went out and got a lap top in order to have contact with the outside world.
• Indonesia
22 Apr 09
am chrisma if you want by notebook please visiter http://tokokediri.zliostore.com and if you want need GPS VISIT ME ON http://feby.shopmarking.com/
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