Is Congress at blame for the state of this Nation????

April 22, 2009 4:14am CST
Well its been 60 odd years since India got her independence out of which 50 odd years India was under congress rule. Now the big question... Do you blame the Congress and its leaders for the state in which the country is. The gap between rich and poor, the corruprion, vote bank politics and the development of nation(rather lack of it) your views and opinions are welcome!
4 responses
@rashmie (947)
• United Arab Emirates
22 Apr 09
If Con is opposite of Pro then Congress is opposite of Progress..... The establishment that run country for the last sixty years are responsible for the state of the nation. Though not wholly responsible, but Congress is responsible for all wrongs that are associated with the nation.
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@vipinl (802)
• India
22 Apr 09
still there are some who feels congress not given enough time to
@vipinl (802)
• India
22 Apr 09
Tamildude read carefully before commenting, none else but you are going blind commenting without reading... so you need to wake up none else.. wash your face and return again to read the whole discussion before commenting
• India
22 Apr 09
@Vipnil Man have you heard of blind faith and blind trust? I can attribute these aspects to you when it comes to congress. Jagoo Re Jagoo! @Rashmie Yes COngress is not wholly responsible, the responsibility also lies with people who elected them time and again. It might be because the Independence of nation was attributed to Congress or maybe some other reasons. COngress rule has been 60+ years of lies, corruption and division. Their vote bank politics has resulted in appeasement of muslims. A terrorist would be spared even if he had bombed the parliment or killed a few citizens in Mumbai. The reason being, gettin vote of muslims! How long congress is goin to play this type of politics God Only knows!!!
@vinslounge (1295)
• India
22 Apr 09
Its been 62 years since our Independence and Congress was/is in the power of more than 50 years. Yes, Congress is absolutely responisble for the state of this nation. Even after 60 years of Independence, we have not emerged as one of the super powers inspite of having all the resources and Man Power with us. It is the most Corrupt form of the Government. In a recent meeting Sonia Gandhi reported that "Congress is Proud of Poor People". What is making them proud in having poor people? For vote bank, they goto all sorts of non sense. I am not a supporter of BJP but their administration in the 5 year term from 99-04 was far better than what these people in the 50years. India became nuclear sufficient only because of BJP. Although Nuclear tests was conducted in 1975, the Congress Government succumbed to the external pressures from the Foreign countries and the Mission was fullfiled only by the BJP. According to Congress especially Nehru family, they never Consider India to be their country but consider them to be their Propety.
• India
23 Apr 09
Dear Congress Worker Niship, In my 22 years life span, I suppose I have done better than what you are doing now. I am paying my Taxes regularly which is the utmost duty that can be done with utmost perfection by a Common Man like me. Inspite of You asking everyone what they have done for their country, can you please tell me what good have you done for the country? For heaven's sake please do not say that by Supporting the Congress you are doing something great. You are just supporting family bussiness people in Politics. Well you have asked me about my suggestions right? Well please ask your Government to bring back the Money of Rs.25Lakhs Crore being held in the Swiss banks. Please do ask your leaders not to be "Proud of Poor and Illiterate people in India" This statement has been said by Rahul Ganhi in one of the rallies you very well know. They must be proud only if they "Eradicate the poor and Illitracy & transform them into an Educated and Well-to do beings". The "proud of poor and Illiterate people in India" statement of Rahul proves that the Congress only desires of a Poor India and Not a Developed India.
@vipinl (802)
• India
23 Apr 09
Nice to hear that you are congress worker, and more than that mice to see that you are the only person here in the whole discussion supporting there policies. And for your knowledge none of the others who are saying against there policies are member of any party, so there views are more valuable than you as party worker. They all have heard and assessed a lot of congress big leaders so no clarifications required from so called worker or..
@vipinl (802)
• India
24 Apr 09
hope you always keep on following your role model.. and keep on arguing here on valentine day and all distracting from the real issues, cos thats all you know about. And you talking of women power, there is a discussion started by you titled something "womens are always jealous of women", reading that one can tell better how much respect you hails for women.
@amirev777 (4117)
• India
22 Apr 09
hi yes the congress,gandhi and nehru are fully responsible for the sorry state of affairs our country is in at present.had these leaders been shot earlier-we wud certainly not have had so many riots, terrosrist attacks that we have had to face in last 60 years. Congress has been a blatant anti-hindu party which has pampered the minorities for their vote bank politics.The soft attitude towards pakistan and the terrorists is due to the vote bank poltics of congress as it fears it will lose its vote bank of minorities.
@amirev777 (4117)
• India
23 Apr 09
mr whoever u r.. I have brought lot of foreign exchange to this country for past 10 years and i have also paid taxes in excess of 10 lakhs which have been siphoned by your congressman for their own gains.Now i m concentrating in mobilizing all the Hindu youths and bringing tham together to make thsi country a strong nation like Israel.
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@vipinl (802)
• India
22 Apr 09
Yes none else is there to blame, Congress ruled for more than 50 years, and there president still claiming that they have genuine concerns for poor, while the fact is that they have done nothing for poor since independent other than claiming to eradicate the poverty every time they goes into election. There wrong policies had always posed a threat to the country's security, from innocents killed in Pakistan supported terrorism to china extending its surveillance on Indian army. INC was formed to get the independence from foreign rule, by the individuals with right vision from Hindu rightists to Social lefties. And it should have been disbanded once the purpose of getting freedom was over, which didn't happened. The result is there to see for everyone by not doing so.. congress has fallen into hands of a family, surrounded with self seeking individuals.
@vipinl (802)
• India
23 Apr 09
Can't say if did lot of things or not but clearly have done much more than what you have done in your life, here also can say doing for country talking about the wrong policies of govt. and there vote bank politics, to make some blinds aware about there policies who are following the congress blindly from the independence. And one more thing i will do on 7th by voting against this govt.