
United States
April 23, 2009 9:17pm CST
has anyone else noticed that there has been a rise in murder suicides lately? At least once a week there is a story about a father killing the children and himself, what do you think about that?
4 responses
• Canada
24 Apr 09
I agree that their is a lot more of this going on. But we have to look at the people who are doing this, and their mental capability. This behavior is a mental issue, so now why is their an increase in all of this compared to 20 years ago? What are we doing differently?
• United States
25 Apr 09
good point. do you think it could have anything to do with the fact that each generation is more spoiled than the last and therefore aren't sure about how to react when they are stripped down to the bare necessities.
• Canada
25 Apr 09
I agree with that!! I use to tell my friend she was heading that way because she was always served with everything on a silver platter, and each one gets worse and worse. People aren't taught how to survive anymore, just taught to ask for things. Asking doesn't help get everything you need. Their needs to be some realization on how things are effecting everyone as they are raised.
@KUSHANK55 (2437)
• India
24 Apr 09
hi dear tashanda, good that you are alive to what is happening in the world around us!! but sticking to sad or negative news will make you think negatively always!1 one must try to derive the best . i mean if you go to the vegetable market you will have all variety and all quality. what you pick up for yourself is your choice!! similarly better keep away from negative news and be in the positive frame of mind!1 life as the God created is very beautiful . lets enjoy it!!
• United States
24 Apr 09
Thanx Ill remember your advice
• Canada
24 Apr 09
I completely agree kushank55 but look at the news that is brought towards us. Whats on the front page of every newspaper usual?? So and so killed this person, economy this economy that, to many people in debt, to many homeless people, so on and so forth. We should focus on the positive, hence why I stopped watching the news and reading the newspaper because the good news is far and few between.
@net_ankit (643)
• India
24 Apr 09
I am reading news paper everyday morning but sometime I don't read last page and 3rd page because everyday ya (you told every week)not 1 but sometime 2 or more story about killing , rap and sucide. I hate this things, I hat those people who do sucides, I hat those people whos not able to stop those crimes.
• United States
24 Apr 09
I dont like it either but I still read and watch not only because it can give you a sense of the direction of where our world is going but also you can learn how to recognize when a situation is developing around you by what happened to these people. I don't know about you all but in my city we can have up to three serial rapist prowling the streets at one time. Of course its always good to read about the good thats going on but you cannot ignore the bad.
@Q_Savvy (131)
• India
25 Apr 09
Yes it's quite true. I have noticed a large increase recently about such events. It's indeed disturbing. Usually the cases are for money, stress, fights between lovers(increasing greatly!), ragging, etc. I think it's because of the publicity of all this in the newspapers and TV channels to such an extent that any person with a weak heart or mind gets the idea that the only way out is now what I see others doing, and they go for it. It definitely isn't constructive on the media's part to show such information on the front page or Headlines, because right from that moment the depression starts and some people start getting the wrong ideas about how to find a way out. It really is a disaster to be honest.