an hour and a half of sleep...

April 24, 2009 1:30pm CST
yawn.... hi all! it is only 2:30am now. i woke up around 1:30am with our baby squirming and starting to cry. i got up to hush her and she wouldn't and so i went to heating her milk. after feeding her, she just went back to sleep and so i laid her down on the bed. my husband also went back to sleep. and so i did, too. sadly, i could not go back to sleep. the scar of my surgery is itchy. and so are my mosquito bites. i remembered sleeping around midnight and so i barely have 2 hours of sleep but i couldn't go back to sleep. i wonder how i will be tomorrow. sigh...anyway. i got up to mylot and post in another forum...and then maybe i will do the editing of my baby's photos on adobe photoshop for her digital scrapbook. i think i can manage some posts and earn some more money for this month here. i did not qualify for payout last month. i hope i get enough to get some money by the end of april. take care all and God bless you! happy mylotting! :D
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6 responses
@rsa101 (38013)
• Philippines
26 Apr 09
The firs few months you will indeed experience irregular sleeping habits since you have to adjust with your daughter's sleeping habits too. What the mothers usually do is to go along with your baby's sleeping habit like when she's awake you also sleep with her and when she is awake you be awake too. It takes lot of practice doing that since we adults are not that used to that kind of sleeping habit.
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
24 Apr 09
oh how i remember those days. i am a horrible sleeper and i find it hard to get back to sleep once i am sleeping. i remember being hugely sleep deprived when our girls were young. unfortunately i have no advice for you, but this too, shall pass (then they become teenagers!!!)
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
hehe yeah, i agree i agree, this too shall pass...:D i hope to sleep in tomorrow morning...i mean later.
@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
26 Apr 09
You surely take a lot of care of your family . Have a great time ahead .
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
24 Apr 09
Hi spoiled...My goodness I'm so glad those days of the baby waking in the middle of the night are over - well at least I hope they're over. Is there anything you can put on the scar or the bites to help calm them so you can sleep? I hope you get some rest soon!
@Jae2619 (1483)
• United States
29 Apr 09
LOL... I know it's not nice to laugh but I too get up in the middle of the night and my lot and do odd things around the house. My little one is 19 months old and still sleeps like that. Up all hours of the night. I kept thinking... oh she'll out grow it and that's honestly the only thing that keeps me going... is to keep thinking that she will outgrow getting up and down threw out the night. She's got a stomach issue, so that keeps her up and down threw out the night... I had to have an emergancy c-section and I remember those itchy scar days. I used Aquaphor to keep the itch down.
• United States
24 Apr 09
I am running on little sleep as well. I am so happy that it is the weekend that way I can finally sleep in a bit. All week things have been coming up and I haven't been getting to bed until after one a.m. And then I am having to get up around seven a.m to get the kids up, ready and of to school so I am only getting about five hours of sleep a night and I am the type of person that needs at least eight hours of sleep to be able to function throughout the next day. I try and get on here daily to read and post but I haven't been getting in as many posts as I would like because I am so tired and once I sit down on the computer I fall right asleep so I try to get up and do the thing I need to get done throughout the day before I will sit in front of the computer. May you be able to catch up on your missed sleep this weekend!!!