Why do so many people mispronounce the word "Sudoku"?

@maezee (41996)
United States
April 24, 2009 11:16pm CST
Does this annoy you, too? Why do so many people mis-pronounce the simple word "Sudoku"? I've heard people call it SO many different things that it's ridiculous. Some examples are "Soduku", "Sodoko", "Sadaku" and pretty much any other butchering of the word. It's like - how hard IS it? What kind of mispronounciations have you heard? Do you think people do this on purpose?
1 response
@goolonga (75)
• Australia
25 Apr 09
this happens withi a lot of asian originating words, such as kanji (pronounced carn-ji) where i have heard it called "can-ji". Since we are trying to say something from another language in english sometimes people will think it sounds different. i have heard some weird ones like "sudeki" which is far from what it is. it doesnt frustrate me though, after all, it makes them look stupid, not me
@maezee (41996)
• United States
25 Apr 09
LOL TRUE. It does make them look stupid. I think I'm a little more open-minded (than most other americans!) because I'm studying Japanese - and I believe Sudoku is something that originated there. But I mean - REALLY? It's just three syllables, easy enough, you'd think - SU DOH KU. And I can't believe ANYONE would call Kanji "can-ji" LMAO! That would be quite funny to hear.