How Much Water do You Drink Everyday

@cyrus123 (6363)
United States
April 27, 2009 6:35pm CST
Doctors tell us that we should drink six to eight glasses of water a day. I don't always drink this much but I try to drink a lot. I have been diagnosed with sjogren's syndrome and my throat stays dry due to this. I started a discussion about sjogren's when I first joined mylot. If you look in my profile, you might see it because I explain more what it is there. It's not a very well known syndrome. Anyway, my throat stays dry due to this. The hallmark symptoms are dry eyes and dry mouth. I also have a lot of allergies and this can cause dry throat. I think more people drink water in the summer because it gets so hot and we're outside doing more things at this time of year. It's always so good at this time of year. I wish the water were colder at this time of year because it would be better. The water is always colder in the winter where I live. It's also good to drink a lot of water if you're trying to lose weight. It flushes out your system. If you drink an eight ounce glass of water before your meals, you won't eat as much. It's also good for constipation, which I have a lot of due to sjogren's. Somebody once told me that if you've eaten a heavy meal, if you drink a lot of water afterwards, you will get rid of that full feeling. There is nothing in water that can hurt you. How about you? How much water do you drink everyday? Kathy.
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34 responses
• India
28 Apr 09
I drink lots of water when I am at home, but when I go to office, I try to consume less water because we are not allowed to take too many breaks, but i see to it that I take at least four to five glasses of water when I am in the office. But at home and even when I go outside, I prefer coconut water than any kind of soft drinks. Summer is too hot here and if we take less water we can easily be affected by the sun's severe heat and may be prone to sun strokes, drinking lots of water helps maintain the body cool and we will not be affected by the bad effects of heat. We do get cool water even in summer season, so there is not much problem drinking water at all.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Hi gayathrigs! I never have drunk coconut water. I bet it's good. Is it anything like the flavored water we have in the united states? Or do you know? Thank you for responding. Kathy.
@anniefannie (1737)
• United States
27 Apr 09
some days I don't drink any water and some days I drink alot I don't keep up with with how much. I know you need to drink water it just not good to me somedays.I do keep it the fridge so it is there when I want it.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Apr 09
My mother told me one time that my grandmother (her mother) didn't like water. I like it, myself, especially when it's good and cold. I volunteer at a therapeutic riding center and we have a small refrigerator out there where we keep bottled water all the time. I gets so hot and dusty out there, especially in the summer. We don't ride if it's so hot, though, like 90 degrees. Kathy.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
27 Apr 09
i dont drink enough water every day but i know i need to drink way more than i do now. i need to drink more to help my waste system plus i find that i get dehydrated pretty easy. they say if you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Apr 09
thanks for responding. I didn't realize that if you were thirsty you were already dehydrated. That's interesting. I'll try to remember that. You learn something new all the time, don't you? Especially here at mylot. Kathy.
@sanuanu (11235)
• India
28 Apr 09
I try to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day but I think my first glass of water goes into my mouth at 1000 hrs. Strange, isn't it?
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Apr 09
At 1000 hours? I've never heard of such a thng! I'm sorry this happens, though. Kathy.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
29 Apr 09
I mean at 10AM not after 1000 hours!
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Sep 09
Glad you cleared that up! Kathy.
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@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
29 Apr 09
eight glasses of water - shows the no. of glasses of water a human needs in a day with all reasons pointing out to being beneficial to health.
i always drink eight glasses of water a day. i drink every two hours since i am just at home. when i was working i make sure that i already have 4 glasses in my system the moment i step out of the house. it is hard to remeber to drink when one is working. the remaining 4 glasses is easier to fill in during the rest of the day. i was still in the elementary grades when i abide by this. am now 34 and i still do. it helps me control my hunger pangs and i proved its importance when i was pregnant. no constipation for me
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
29 Apr 09
my husband is like you. my child seems to be picking this up with his habit of more than 8 glasses of orange juice a day. he is just 3 years old. i found out that if i dilute the consitency of a liter of juice with another liter he still drinks all of it but often asks for food now. also, it is like water he is drinking with this diluted juice.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I bet your little boy is cute! I can just see him drinking this much juice. I don't have any children, myself, but it's good that he drinks this much liquids at this age. I believe I drank a lot of liquids when I was this age, too. Mother always said I did, anyway, especially when I was sick. My throat stayed dry a lot. Happy mylotting! Kathy.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
28 Apr 09
On an average day, I drink close to 1.5 gallons of water. On a typical day I am only slightly active and am awake 19-21 hours within a 24 hour time frame.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I'm not sure if I know how much 1.5 gallons is. How many glasses is that? Do you know? Kathy.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
28 Apr 09
If I recall, 64 oz = 2L. I usually drink 55-80 oz of water a day... so more than I thought!
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• Philippines
6 Oct 09
Uhmm... I do drink water everyday, I just don't know if I am having the required eight glasses a day. We mainly drinking bottled water and I don't usually count how many I had gobbled up in a day so there's no way of knowing my daily count. It would be great if I am drinking the required amount and it will be blast if I am surpassing the daily requirement, won't it? Water can help in proper digestion, it helps our skin to rejuvenate and it helps us refill the bodily waters that we looses like sweat, so it is necessary to drink water, if you can make it to the 8 glasses a day requirement, it would be better. i do hope I am an 8 glasses a day water drinker.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
6 Oct 09
Hi pinkmagnolias! Yes, it would be a blast if you are surpassing the daily requirement. I think it's all right as long as you're drinking a lot, anyway. Water is very good for you. I used to keep up with how many glasses of water I had had everyday by marking it down on paper. I need to get back in that habit again. I'm just dirnking a lot, that's all I know. Thank you for responding and happy mylotting. Kathy.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
29 Apr 09
Although I am guilty of too much coffee and soft drinks I do make myself consume at least eight glasses every day. I noticed it really made a difference to my skin and it can prevent over eating just before a meal. It is good for so many things! You are right in saying that there is nothing harmful in water unless we put whisky in it!
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@arkasen (748)
• India
28 Apr 09
Well I drink more than enough water every day. Probably three liters of water every day. I drink water in regular interval. Suppose I am working on my laptop for a load hours and I don't have the time to grab a glass of water then I will keep a water bottle with me so that I can drink water at regular interval. In my place its pretty hot in summer so our body gets dehydrated and to sustain in this kind of weather you have to drink good amount of water. It is sometimes better that you put a little amount of salt and lemon in you water.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Apr 09
It's good that you drink water at intervals like this. I can't have lemon in my water, myself. I tried this one time and although it's good, it bothers my gums. I have very sensitive gums. Thank you for responding. Kathy.
28 Apr 09
Lemon water is very good for health. Every day I drink at least 2 glass of lemon water It's very good for skin & Kidney's function.
@jheLaichie (4438)
• Philippines
27 May 09
i am not the type of person who drink alot of water everyday because i dont like only plain water. i sometimes make an ice tea, lemon juice or anything that wont make me vomit because of the water. i dont know why really, but i am doing my best to atleast drink plenty of water daily. 8cups daily would do really good to me. but i am still not that used to about it. thanks friend.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 May 09
You might could try adding lemon juice to your water. This will make it good. I can't use lemon juice, though, because I have sensitive gums. My grandmother, which was my mother's mother, didn't like water, either. Some people don't for some reason. I just about have to have a glass of water with me all the time because my throat stays so dry. Six to eight glasses of water a day is good for you. Happy mylotting! Kathy.
@umamahe (99)
• India
28 Apr 09
i drink a lot of keeps me fresh through out the day..i usually carry a water bottle along with me wherever i summer has started i recommend everyone to carry their own water bottles..drink at least 8 glasses of water..remember water flushes out the toxins in your body..just take sips whenever you feel can mix glucose in the water and carry it in a bottle..this will not only quench your thirst but also energize your body..
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Apr 09
This is great advice. Thank you for sharing this with us. One of the other mylotters yesterday said that water is good for preventing cancer. She also said that it's good to fight depression and it helps strength your immune system. I didn't know these things but I knew that it was good for you when you're sick. I volunteer at a therapeutic riding center and we have a small refrigerator out there where we keep our own bottled water. This is a good thing because it gets very hot and dusty out there in the summer. Happy mylotting! Kathy.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I forgot to mentioned that water keeps me refreshed, too, as I'm sure it does other people. Kathy.
• India
28 Apr 09
i drink 5 to 6 litres of water a day because 36c to 42c hot in where i live.... water is my life i forget about lunch but i did no forget to drink water.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I think it's great that you're drinking this much water. I don't think it's so great that you forget lunch, lol. Don't you get hungry? It looks like that would be a reminder. I know that water fills you up but you still need to eat. Kathy.
• India
29 Apr 09
thanks now i can't forget to eat..
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29 Apr 09
well i drink water when i thirsty so during winter i consum very less water but during summer, i drink more amount of water due to my condition
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I think most people consume less water in the winter than they do in the summer. It's due to more people being outside and the hot weather. More people are doing yard work, participating in sports, etc. at this time of year. We sweat more in the summer and 60% of our body is water. A lot of water is lost due to sweating. Happy mylotting! Kathy.
@dhawanbm (3705)
• India
28 May 09
cyrus hi, I am drinking almost 4-6 litres of water now a days as its good and it keeps the kidneys also fresh and free from any trouble, its hot in here and I have kept some fresh water bottles in fridge too!
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 May 09
I'm glad to know that you are drinking this much. Yes, water flushes all of the poisons out of your system. Water is very good especially when it's hot. Here lately, I have been keeping glasses of water in the freezer part of my refrigerator. since the weather is warming up, it helps the water stay cool. One of my mylot friends said she keeps hers in the freezer. Happy mylotting. Kathy.
@jimbelle (485)
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
I try to drink a lot a day - about 5 to 8 glasses. Doctors advise us to drink water a lot to keep ourselves healthy.In a tropical country like ours it is warm and humid. So there is really a need for us to drink water to keep us hydrated and well.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Yes, it's very good to drink a lot of water in a hot and humid climate. It gets very hot in Alabama, where I live, in the summer. It gets up in the 90s and sometimes over 100 degrees and water really comes in handy. Kathy.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
28 Apr 09
i do not drink alot of plain water but i do drink about 36 ozs of home brewed tea each day and a bit of spring water with my vitamins which i add vitamin c powder to. i drink abou 4 cups of half caf/half decaf daily also. it adds up.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I drink two glasses of iced tea and one diet coke everyday along with my water. Yes, it does add up, doesn't it? I used to drink coffee but I can't drink it any more, not even decaf. It makes me sick at my stomach. I have a sensitive stomach, anyway. Kathy.
• United States
28 Apr 09
Hey {{Kathy}}, Wow! I'm so so sorry to hear you have this disease; I did some reading on it; Are you able to take anything to help with this? I don't drink enough water myself, and I know I should as I am diabetic, I do drink water with my meals but throughout the day I've got that blasted glass of diet Mountain Dew in my hands, ( very addictive) and a hard habit to break... I know I need to drink more water as we all should but maybe that good sense will reach my thick head someday LOL!! I wish you well with your sjogren's syndrome; Love & hugs to you
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@mzj033y (185)
• United States
28 Apr 09
yes, drinking water is good for you. There's no harm in drinking more than enough. I think I drink 2 bottles of water a day. If I was doing exercise or sports, I think I would drink more. Anyway, water is the only liquid i drink. I don't drink soda or juice. i agree with you, sometimes drinking that whole bottle of water for lunch gets you so filled up that you don't want to eat anything anymore. So yeah for water!
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• United States
28 Apr 09
Not enough from what i have read and learned about drinking water. I drink water usually with medicine if I take any. Of course there is water in the iced tea I drink so if that counts then I drink a I have tried to drink more water but I just cant drink too much of it. I dont drink alot throughout the day anyways so that doesnt make drinking more water any easier. I dont like bottled water too much either, the only kind I like is Zephyrhills.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I've always heard, myself, that it's better to take medicine with water than with coke, tea, etc. I've been told that the medicine works better with water. My mother told me one time that my grandmother (her mother) didn't like water too much. I like water especially when it's so hot outside. Kathy.
@hxstar (510)
• China
28 Apr 09
Hi,cyrus Well,I don't drink enough water everyday because I usually forget to drink water.I usually drink tea which needs hot water,if there is no hot water,I will forget to take water!You are right,drinking water do contribute to our health.Thanks for sharing! Have a nice day!
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Thanks for responding. Maybe with the warmer weather coming you will think to drink more water. I drink two glasses of iced tea and a diet coke everyday along with my water. I also drink 100% cranberry juice because I have a lot of bladder problems. It really helps, too. Kathy.