It's official... I'm fat

@reinydawn (11643)
United States
April 28, 2009 9:49pm CST
OK, I've been telling my family that I've gained a LOT of weight. Just this past Sunday I told them I'm a bit over the 200 mark. All they ever say is "Nah, you don't look like it". And they really believe it, they think I'm exageratting. Until today. I showed up at my mother's boyfriends viewing in my new "fat" clothes that I had to buy. The first words out of my mom's mouth are "WOW, you HAVE gained weight". It was actually kinda funny because while everyone is just gaping at my mother wondering how she could say something so rude, I'm just telling her "I TOLD YOU!" Later I did go up and thank her because I told her I'd probably make a buck fifty off of this when I posted it! Don't let her down pals!!! Tell me your stories of the inappropriate but true statements your family or friends have made.
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8 responses
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
2 May 09
Truth: One leg is well over an inch longer than the other Truth: Due to the "crookedness" of the leg measure, I have high & big hips When I wore a size 7 jeans and weighed 110 lbs. (I was 16), my mother would rip on me telling me that I was fat and was going to end up like my cousin (who weighed over 300 lbs at age 16). Until that summer, my weight had struggled to stay between 120 & 130 lbs. At 110, even my classmates commented about how "fat" I was. Now all these years later that I honestly have gained faar too much weight and see how sickly thin I looked, I could just kick myself for ever listening to them.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
4 May 09
I know that people try to be all thin and lean - "model" looking - and that's usually not healthy. I know I'll never be skinny like that, but this extra weight is starting to affect my health. It's strange how some people's views of skinny and fat are so different.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
7 May 09
It is interesting what different people view as fat and thin - honestly i think alot of the models are much too thin and the "Average" woman looks really good and they arent a size zero.
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• United States
1 May 09
When I was growing up and in high school I was super super skinny. Maybe 110 lbs max. But I graduated in 2004 and now I'm married. I've gained a little weight, not anything crazy drastic but maybe 25 lbs. I went home this past summer and we went to the lake to go boating. I was on the shore and I've been lazy and haven't been working out, hence my weight gain. And my cousin wanted to walk up the car to get the kids their sand toys. She looked at me and said "common you need to walk and loose some weight." I got pretty upset at her, but didn't say too much. It just hurt my feelings cuz I didn't think that I deserved to have her say that to me. My bigger sister stepped right in and stood up for me. I was so thankful I cried to her later about it. But I know how it feels when people are mean. I dont think I've ever gotten an apology from her either. But thank heavens for big sisters!
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
4 May 09
When they're so used to seeing you one way, sometimes it's a bit of a shock when they see something different. I think your cousin was just thinking you looked different than she was used to, not realizing that you probably looked healthier.
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
3 May 09
I was fourteen, it was Christmas. I had just lost twenty or more pounds. New Christmas clothes. My cousin shows up. We are all doing dishes,the old fashioned way, by hand, with water from the rain water cistern that we heated on the propane stove. My mom says to me, "Next to Nikki, you look short and dumpy." Nikki is my cousin, she is six foot two as compared to my 5'7", and that thought stung forever it seems.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
4 May 09
Oh, that's a drag! I'm sorry she made light of your acomplishment. I'm sure you looked great though!!!
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@moondancer (7433)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I wish my family would be so truthful. When I say I'm fat they all chime in with you're not, don't say things like that about yourself it is not true, and from my hubby I get Awww honey you are not fat don't say that, you are just fine...I love you. Now I say look you all I know I'm fat I look in the mirror...I see a fat person. I really hate it when I ask how something looks on me wanting a truthfull answer and they say it looks good. When it in fact does not and shows just how fat I am or makes me look bigger. Or it just does not look good on me. I'd rather them tell me me truth so I can change.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I would rather have the truth too, but it was so funny that everyone else kinda thought she was rude. I had benn telling everyong I've gained weight, they didn't beleive me though...
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@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
3 May 09
My kids and friends have been very good for me. They feel I have been doing great. I feel they are being truthful and not just saying it to make me feel good. I wish my trainer would see a difference. She doesn't say anything one way or the other. I am glad they have all been positive and that nothing unappropriate was said. It was quite a shock when I saw myself full length for the first time when I was so heavy.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
4 May 09
I am so not happy about what I look like in the mirror, but I am also not happy with how my body feels. I do need to keep better control of what I'm eating, and I am back to my routine exercises now.
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@agv0419 (3022)
• Philippines
2 May 09
When I gaining weight my mother told me. Sometimes I gets irritated even if I tried to lose weight nothing has change I'm still gaining. It is so hard to lose weight, my biggest problem is to control my eating habits which is difficult. My mother always telling me that I need to control my weight because it is not good in my condition. Everytime I exercise my mother criticizing me she told me that nothing has change. Sometimes I told her why you are not supporting me for my effort to lose weight that why I gets angry to her.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
4 May 09
It is difficult enough to lose weight, but I'm sure you sometimes feel discouraged because of the lack of support from your mother. Stick with it though, don't give up! It will get easier and you will see a difference.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
7 May 09
I've had my mom say something along those lines too. It was "Oh, you've gained weight i can give you my fat clothes since i've lost weight - i guess you found it" She was teasing but i took the clothes anyways because well i had gained weight. Another time (I had acutally lost weight this time so this time kinda...upset me) we were at a wedding my mom dad and 3 sisters. My cousins husband walked up to me and asked if i was expecting. I think my mouth opened and closed then i said huh? here i thought (and my mom grandma and sisters did too) that the outfit i was wearing looked darn good and i looked like i lost the 15 pounds i had lost!
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
9 May 09
I actually do look pregnant in some clothes I wear. If someone asked, I'd just have to say "nah, I'm just fat".
• Malaysia
23 May 09
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