Do you share your computer?

@ajithlal (14716)
May 5, 2009 8:22am CST
I share my computer with my brother and he uses my computer when he needs. Do you share your computer?
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23 responses
@annierose (20011)
• Philippines
6 May 09
hi ajithlal, We only have one computer at house. The one who is using the computer most of the time is me because I have my online job. I also use it when I chat with my boyfriend.The second one who also uses most of the time of the computer is my youngest sister. She is using it for researching and sending email to her classmates. She also uses it to communicate with her other friends who are studying in different universities. My elder sister seldom use computer because she is busy with her new business. Sometimes, it is my parents who are using my computer when they are chatting with my boyfriend.I got jealous sometimes with them. In short, I share the computer to any members of my family.Sometimes I let my cousin use the computer. Especially if it is very important. I let them use it for doing their projects at school.And also when they have to talk to a very important person who is in different country.I trust them because they are my relatives. I not worry much about my computer because I know they will take precautions using this.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
14 Jun 12
I think it is always great to share computer with our family and with our friends whom we can trust.
@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
10 May 09
I luckily own my own computer. I purchased it so that I can use it on my own. My family members have also purchased their own. Since I come online and have so many photos, etc. to keep, if we shared, it would explode and break down too often from being overstuffed. Also, another family member does his work on it. Makes me feel a big greedy now that I know you share. One day you'll have your own, completely private to use whenever you want to.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
16 Sep 10
I know how it feel great to have a computer of one's own. Now a days there are lots of second hand computer available in the market one fourth the price of the original one. I hope the cost of the computer comes down very quickly.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
19 May 12
I finally have to one computer myself. It was great to have a computer ourselves.
@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
16 Sep 10
Wow, that took a year to hear back from you. ;o) Do you think you may get you rown computer in the near future? When I was a child, my whole family shared the computer.
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@locolou (111)
• Spain
5 May 09
No. I have my own Computer and my own netbook. I'm bad boy and i don't like share my things... XD
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
9 May 09
ooh. First time I am hearing a person doesn't want to share things..
@locolou (111)
• Spain
9 May 09
Hehe... I don't share my computers from past experiencies. My brothers used the computer and broke it or installed virus. Usually, people doesn't care the things when aren't their. It's just that. It's the reason that I not share: the car, te computer, my books, my music or any valuous thing :))
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
17 Sep 10
I think virus are sometimes very nasty and we sometimes have to format the harddisk to remove them.
• United States
5 May 09
Ha yes, I share my computer with my mom and sister and some times dad. But we have two so it kinda works out :)
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
10 May 09
I think it is good to share computer so that everyone get the opportunity to use it.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
12 May 09
Sometimes we do have to wait for the computer for our turn.
• United States
10 May 09
Hmm, yeah but its also good if everyone had the seperate computers so that they can do things all day long instead of waiting for some one else to finish off the computer.
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• Philippines
1 Apr 12
Yes, I do. I live in a boarding house and we only have one computer here. I don't have a personal laptop on my own so I just use the main computer here in the house and other boarders use this too so we all share.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
20 May 12
I think places like boarding house and schools shares computer. Long time ago I used to go to internet cafe and spend time there because I did not have money to by a computer and wished someday I could buy a computer of my own.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
11 Jun 12
Yes now I have a computer my own and very happy about it.
• Philippines
23 May 12
So now do you have your own computer?
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@Chikezie (385)
• Malaysia
11 Jun 12
I share my laptop with anyone especially as I know that you can operate and very gentle in handling things. I can share as long as you will go into personal areas, I would gladly give ot.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
13 Jun 12
I think it is good to share time when we need to share computers.
• India
10 May 09
Yes of course, I share my computer with my son or rather he very magnanimously agrees to let me have a go at 'his' computer when he is in a good mood.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
17 May 09
I think it is good to share computer and to adjust with each other.
@Darkwing (21583)
17 May 09
No, not unless I have the kids visiting and they're lost for something to do, but that doesn't happen often. I prefer to go out walking with them and showing them the beauty of the countryside which surrounds me. I have a desktop and laptop and they're almost constantly in use when I don't have a load of other stuff to be getting on with. Brightest Blessings.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
19 May 12
I think it is great to spend time with the mother nature and to enjoy the beauty of the countryside and the waterfalls and the green nature all around. I like hearings sounds of birds.
@surajben (262)
• India
6 May 09
I do not like to share my computer. I believe each persons computer should be personal because we might have our own settings and way of handling the computer. If another person uses it, he might not handle it well like the way we do.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
12 May 09
I also think computer should be personal and we might not be able to put personal things in it.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 May 09
share my computer with my husband and my daughter if they need to use it. It is mainly my computer to work with though. I am the only one who knows how to maintain it also.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
9 May 09
I always think it is great to share things with others.
@youless (112222)
• Guangzhou, China
6 May 09
I don't have to share my computer because we have more computers at home. I know it sounds crazy. But each of us will have a computer, including my son:) So we don't have to share it. I love China
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
9 May 09
I think it is good to share computer, but also good if everyone has his or her own computer.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
16 Sep 10
Not any more. I was sharing with my husband but I used my computer for my business as well and he needs his for work occasionally as well and we kept bumping heads over the need to use the computer. So I started saving up money and I bought my own lap top. Now I don't have to share any more and now life is happy again. It took me about 6 months to save up but boy was it worth it.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
17 Sep 10
I am also trying to save money to buy an additional computer. I also work in the computer so I need one additional one so that I can have the computer when needed.
• United States
5 May 09
We only have one computer in the house and me and my mom both use it. I use the computer for schooling, finding a job and then of course making money on the internet. my mom said she will be buying a laptop soon and that will help with the computer sharing thing we have going on because i can't always be on the computer when i would like to be and that breaks my time for earning money on the internet. We did have a laptop until someone stole it and we know who and all that good information so we have been dealing with the local sheriffs office about it and when we had the other computer in the house everything was fine and we did what we all wanted to do on the internet.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
10 May 09
Yes we cannot use the computer all the time.
@jheLaichie (4438)
• Philippines
17 May 09
sometimes i do. but i hate when someone uses my computer without an extra care of using it. thats why when someone uses it, its better im there to look it out. or ill remind her/him of what things to do. to off the computer properly and avoid many downloaded stuffs. because thats my property not theirs. atleast they know what right stuffs to do as to not to make me mad at them. happy mylotting!
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
31 Mar 12
I also does not like people using my things without giving any care. I would never give the items to people who does not care the things.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
12 May 09
We put together our computers so each one of us has one, however we all share each others computers as well. I mean, we can always log into any computer in the house if we need. But we keep our own stuff in our own computers. We each has different needs for the computers. My daughter for example is music and facebook and all the pictures she takes. My son is games, manga , and photoshop. Me is mostly graphics and research and hubby is a mix of all of us LOL We each save the things that interest us to our own computers and even when we use someone else's we send whatever we're saving trough email so we can get it on our computer later.
• India
5 May 09
Yes, i share my computer with all my family member. You can say that it is not personal computer(pc) to me like the name pc suggest. When my brother or sister has some task to do then he use the pc.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
10 May 09
I also think pc doesn't become personal computer when we share it with others.
@pengbubu (1011)
• China
5 May 09
If you talked about the personal computer, I would say I don't have one. But I have one for my work in the office, it's not mine but my company's. I have to share it with others when they need. It's a little boring to share our computer with others as we definitely have some private messages on it. Happy mylotting, Ajithlal.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
10 May 09
I also think we can't keep our personal things or personal messages in the computer if we have to share our computer.
@menulis (468)
• Indonesia
5 May 09
Nope. I use my computer myself. There is only one pc in my home. However, only me who use it. So it is not share pc (although i permit my friends to use it)
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
10 May 09
Sometimes our friends do come and use our computer.
@orang13 (723)
• Philippines
5 May 09
Yes, we only have one computer in this house. Me and my sister would share this pc of ours to save electricity. But i am much blessed since, i am the eldest so i can control the time usage of this computer. I can always use it but my sister can't. Well, she is still not old enough to use the computer at all. She can only use it, if i am not using it or she must first ask my permission. Poor little sister of mine, but i think she's not really into computer because she is more on playing outside.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
10 May 09
I think you must be enjoying the previlage of sharing the computer and aloting the time.
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
11 Jun 12
Sometimes no especially when I am doing my online job but most of the time yes with my husband and niece when I am cooking or cleaning the house. I love my computer because it gives me happiness when I am sad and alone,also my computer was given to me by someone who's I really care so I am very careful in terms of sharing it to others.
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