Will you go for studying if your superior ask to complete some course?

@ajithlal (14716)
May 5, 2009 8:38am CST
Will you go for studying to class if your superior ask to complete some course?
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8 responses
• China
5 May 09
of course! because learning is our own business forever!
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
8 Jun 09
I also think learning helps to increase our knowledge.
@youless (112190)
• Guangzhou, China
5 May 09
I will be glad to accept it. It is a very nice offer because learning can be always beneficial for myself. As you know, nobody can take away your knowledge. If I can have the company's support to study, why not accept it?:) I love China
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@youless (112190)
• Guangzhou, China
7 Jun 09
Thanks for the best response
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
6 May 09
I am working at home for the moment right now. I would take classes from my superior if I worked outside of the home though.
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
5 May 09
If your boss is going to pay for you to attend, then yes, you should take the opportunity to gain the knowledge. Why not? You should gain as much education as you can during your lifetime. Now if your boss wants you to attend a course at your own expense........I would have to think about it. Can I afford it? Do I have the time? Will it help me to advance in my job? Is the class/course relevant to my job?
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
24 Mar 12
I also think that we must see if we can afford it and I think it would be nice for company or bosses to pay for getting more education for their employees especially the skill training.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
11 May 09
I would, as long as I wouldn't loose my pay or my position at work. Hopefully having the course paid by the company LOL I'm assuming the course would be related to my job and maybe even a possibility for better pay, but even if it wasn't it would be one more course under my belt. Good stuff :)
• United States
5 May 09
If you don't go you might not meet the qualifications for your job, as each day goes by new technology is introduced into the work place. Sometimes if it requires you to go back and take a course to learn about a new procedure or to better your self on behalf of the company you are working for. Most of the time if they ask you to go back and take a course they will pay for the course, the company is investing in you, since its free why not? I mean even if somewhere along the line you get fired from that job you will still have the knowledge and the credentials.
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
5 May 09
Helllo ajithlal. I think that I am sure to like it if asked to complete some course because I like to study and I find that it is easier to study well with some obvious purposes. From time to time I study to upgrade my current knowledge and fulfill it.
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@haiershen (1080)
• China
8 Jun 09
yes, if my superior ask me to complete some course,i will accept it. in fact,it is a good chance for me if the company can be pay for the edduation fee, if not, it is also very useful,as you know, we should learn more and more knowledge and skills for grade,or improvide ourself,especial under finance crisis stateation.