when does a person become indifferent

May 5, 2009 10:21am CST
"The opposite of love is not hate. It is indifference." I got this line from one of the leading TV series nowadays. It somewhat struck me after reading it, considering that there are some people whom I am indifferent with right now. But before incorporating a new idea in my system, I usually make a deep assessment of what it means, and how it is manifested at some point in my life. Being indifferent, as I may surmise, is the pinnacle of ending any form of relationship towards another person where no concern or trust remains despite the amount of time that was spent together. A person you are indifferent with can be compared to a dust in a cupboard; it just lies there, unnoticed, undisturbed, practically worthless. You can easily set them aside, as you may literally say wipe them our anytime. They exist for a certain reason, and definitely it has nothing to do with you anymore. There are a lot of reasons why you might end up treating a person this way. It is where you simply let go of a person, make him/her decide for themselves, live their lives free according to what they believe and how they wish to do it. What possible reasons can you think for a person to do such?
1 response
• Philippines
5 May 09
when a person does become indifferent... he or she may have fallen out of love... grew tired of loving and giving... lost the ability to hold on to the relationship and to the other person... gave up on the hope that the other person will change for the better... or just accepted the fact that he/she can no longer take part in your life... that there was no longer a need for him/her to be in your life. my dear... where do you get these serious discussions all of a sudden? (being new to mylot and all) hehehe