Monkey Puzzle Tree Looks Poorly = please help!

@rainbow (6761)
May 6, 2009 7:47am CST
Last Summer I finally found a baby Monkey Puzzle tree, only about 6 to 8 inches high. I named him Clyde as he looks like he's drumming and planted 3 different heathers in his new bigger pot, it looked really cute. He wintered down the side of the house and was moved into the south facing front garden at Easter. I think he got a sunburn! I know that sounds funny but apparently they can. It was really warm and he now has some sickly looking yellowish leaves, he looks a bit limp too. Some of his leaves have little brown specs on them too and the ones on his trunk look to be browning. I have taken the heathers out of his pot, he still has some roots so that's a start. His pot is well drained and he gets watered/fed with the rest of the containers in my garden. Any ideas?
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