Why She Kept Staring At Me Like That????

May 10, 2009 11:01am CST
Today as i entered the supermarket, i saw a girl who was looking very beautiful. i just started purchasing some maggi,milk,sugar. when i turned my eyes towards her, i found her looking at me, rather staring. i turned to her side and also looked at her. she kept staring at me for 1 minute then something came to her mind and she pretended to look else where. this incident was pretty amazing to me. as it is obvious that boys stares at girls. but girls don't stare at boys. do they? i felt very uncomfortable at that time as its not in my habit to be stared at. but still i don't know why i am feeling so happy at this? can some one help?
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23 responses
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
10 May 09
And you don t use this oportunity? you are shy? i don t think so...you look to your face? maybe you have something on your face, who knows? For me, is strange because woman in general don t staring to a man..only if she know him, or if she is with few girls friends and they want make fun. Or maybe was love first sight? If is your destiny you will meet she again. Destiny is destiny.
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• India
10 May 09
sometimes appearances are deceptive, i am shy. i feel like i have ruined my destiny by not talking to her
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
11 May 09
How do you know that she staring on you? Who told you? She staring on you, because you staring to she too.
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• India
11 May 09
i saw her staring at me. someone doesn't need need to tell me. yeah its my habit to stare at girls. so i was staring at her too :-D but none of the girl tiil date has returned my stare at me like that.
@sanuanu (11235)
• India
11 May 09
Do you want me to break your sweet dream? What if she was looking at the banner just beside you?
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
11 May 09
Indeed it was and I am glad that you saw that dream because I got a BR. Thank you very much.
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• India
11 May 09
ha ha ha the dream was quite a beauti ful one :-D
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
10 May 09
Maybe in your country girls do not stare at boys, but they do in mine. If it made you uncomfortable, then you now know how some girls feel. She was flirting with you, I would say.
• India
11 May 09
Wow then i must be living in your country. i really feel very sorry for how the girls feel but they are so beautiful. i never know that the girls also flirt :-D it was strange.
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
11 May 09
As yuu grow older, you'll find girls look/stare st boys just as much as boys do girle, only they are more descrete. Also girls talk about boys more than boys do girls. Wait until they start asking you for dates!
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• India
11 May 09
i think you are right i am so young and still have no experience of girls. there is a far way to go ahead. i am desperately waiting for the day when they ask me for dates.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
11 May 09
hehe ^_^ are u sure that she's staring at u, or that she's just in a daze while thinking about something, and happen to be looking at your direction?? lol =D Well, if it's true that she's just plain staring at u, then u are lucky, for she's a beautiful gal.. hehe ^_^ NO matter what, u being a guy, the most basic thing u should do, is to smile at her, but not staring back at her.. That's very rude of u.. lol =D
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
12 May 09
lol =D Just kidding ya.. Maybe she really find u appealing to her, and thus she stared at u for quite a long time, without she herself realising it.. hehe ^_^
• India
11 May 09
ya i am sure(actually not that sure :-D) i was not rude i kept watching her because this was the first time when some girl looked directly in my eyes that too for 1 whole minute. my heart was jumping in air
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• Philippines
11 May 09
It's either you never tried to stare any one or you just feel weird but you like being stared at.It's simply because some girls do stare at boys who are good looking, and vice versa for girls. i looked at your profile and probably you haven't been looking at the mirror lately. you're a very hand some young man. i would personally fall for you.next time, enter a conversation so that you can actually have a now friend, ok.
• Philippines
11 May 09
you're not getting any younger. i know I am. but i did have chats or talks with guys who stare at me. didn't take long though, don't worry.
• India
11 May 09
still i am younger than you :-D it will take some time to get accustomed to it. i have chatted to many girls but when coming face to face i feel afraid and try to avoid the situation.
• India
11 May 09
thanks for the indirect complement !!!blush!!! i request you to not to make me so much excited that i jump from the roof. :-D we are friends and i am no handsome i am a kiddish person who is afraid to talk to girls.
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@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
11 May 09
I do that too to some of the boys especially when they look familiar to me, It helps me remember their name of where I met them when I will stare and sometimes, I will really smile and ask if he is the one I met in......or my classmate before... I guess you were familiar to her!
• India
11 May 09
I request you to not to stare at them they might suffer a cardiac arrest in this process :-D Now you decide what you want their name or their life :-D ha ha ha I think i met her before, may be in previous rebirth :-)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 May 09
Deepak, girls are not so different than boys. They want to be liked, admired and wanted. They appreciate a good looking guy as much as a guy appreciates a beautiful girl. It's all part of the 'mating dance' so to speak. So if a girl stares at you and smiles, smile back. It means she finds you interesting and if you like what you see too, then let her know. You never can tell, but she just might be THE one, that you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with. It's how love begins....mutual attraction. Go for it!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 May 09
Girls are taught to let men make the first approach. It makes them 'shy'. If she lives in your town, you'll see her again. Next time, just take a deep breath, smile, walk up to her and just introduce yourself and ask her if she'd like to go for a coffee, or whatever. If she says no (she might not have the time right then remember), offer to exchange phone numbers with her and then call her and ask her out. Be brave! You can do it.
• India
11 May 09
Really! but they never express themselves. i really feel that she could have been the one as this was the most beautiful girl i ever saw in town. and i am so dumbo that i didn't even asked her name.
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@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
11 May 09
There is nothing to help, congratulation that is the right word. You might be lucky, and she might like you at the moment. You should make a move and ask her out in that instant, instead of doing nothing.
• India
11 May 09
its like climbing the mount Everest and jumping from there. She was so close to me expecting me to love her. i did nothing. i am just impossible. i am a dumb little kid.
• India
11 May 09
You surely know how I am going to respond to this. Dude, you are very handsome and nothing to wonder that a girl kept staring at you. In other words, you are a male magnet who attracts every women. This might not be a new incident in your life, if I am right. Handsome boys are always supposed to face such things. You should be proud of yourselves. Girls used to star at boys who are unique. So, the girl might have thought that way. Anyway, you are very lucky in this department of Girls. I don't know whether you know the Indian word 'Manmadhan' which means a boy who attracts all girls. You are such a guy.
• India
11 May 09
no friend i am not a magnet i am a boy :-D and this was for the first time someone looked in my eyes for complete 1 minute. i was a bit taken aback. in my class i am able to attract only 1 girl and she is my gf. others use to kick me every time :-D
@vivianchen (2646)
• China
11 May 09
Hi Deepak_online. You are right. Most of the time, boys like to staring at pretty girls, but girls don't use to staring at boys. You are happy maybe because she makes you feel you are a handsome boy? You've been notice by someone? lol... She makes your day, don't forget to say thank you to her next time if you meet her again in the market.
• India
11 May 09
ya it was something like impossible going in front of me. she makes me feel blushed. she really made my day i was jumping all around. i wonder if we meet again. i would just kiss her.
@cicisnana (772)
• United States
11 May 09
It seems to me she likes what she was looking at :) From your profile picture I would agree with her! Did you try speaking to her. If you thought she was pretty and could tell she was obviously interested you should have. You may never get the chance to again if you didn't. Good luck with that!
• India
11 May 09
thanks for the complement in disguise. :-D i don't have the guts to speak to her :-) she was cool and prettiest gal i ever met. she was interested but i am so shy. i know i will never be able to see her. but i can't just help myself! :-D
• Philippines
11 May 09
Maybe she finds you cute. Girls wouldn't stare at a guy repeatedly or for a long time if they aren't interested. Next time a pretty girl looks at you like that, flash her those pearly whites (smile). If the girl is shy, she'll look away, but inside she'll be whooping with joy lol! If she smiles back, why not come over and strike a friendly conversation.
• Philippines
12 May 09
lol! She obviously found you cute for her to keep staring =) And don't worry if she doesn't smile back because a smile can be an innocent one that may also mean you're just being friendly.
• India
11 May 09
i am not that interesting. not even so cute. okay i will smile at her but if she will not smile back then i will feel very bad:-( may be she will call public to kick my a.ss.
@Maryam27 (411)
• Pakistan
11 May 09
haha! Com'n Deepak, you are a good looking boy, why shouldn't girls look at you sometimes? Girls have eyes too man and a little thing called heart :p But seriously, maybe you reminded her of someone else or maybe she just got lost into thoughts by looking at you :P Not to worry friend, it happens sometimes :)
• India
11 May 09
yeah they have heart and i love them too. the question is why me? there were other guys there, she could have get reminded by seeing them too. i think 1 minute is so long to stare at a guy. my heartbeat increased 1000 times at that time. if she hadn't stopped i would have suffered a heart attack. :-D
@manunulat (604)
• Philippines
11 May 09
Staring at your pictures (heheh!). You're hot! I guess you're one good looking Indian guy. Heheh! If I'm that gal, maybe I'll stare at you but well; I may ask your name but since you seem to be uncomfortable with that kind of gesture... so the effort may not materialize. LOL!
• India
11 May 09
no was not actually that uncomfortable. i just was so happy and amazed. i didn't knew what to say to her and how to say it. if you had asked my name the i must have felt a lot better.
• Philippines
11 May 09
maybe there's something in your face!LOL,did u check your face at the mirror before going to supermarket? no kidding
• India
11 May 09
may be there are horns on grown on my head :-D i don't know that what is wrong in my face. i think my face matches her ex boyfriend or something like that. just a thought!
@agv0419 (3022)
• Philippines
11 May 09
I also seen your picture I admit you are good looking. I think the girl find you attractive so she keeps staring at you. I think she had a crush on you. Why you did not approach her I think it is a start of relationship for both of you. I think you need to be proud of yourself that someone like you. Don't be shy next time and approach the girl if he find you attractive.
• India
11 May 09
i wonder i also had a crush on her. i was too shy and afraid. its an end because i won't be able to find her again on this city with 1million population. next i will remember.
• Cebu, Philippines
11 May 09
Oh boy!!!! are you damn so Handsome??? ehehhehe maybe she reminds you of someone else and there's no meaning whatsoever... ehhehehe
• India
11 May 09
you are joking:-) i know i am not handsome :-D in fact i am kiddish. he might be remembering her bro :-D as my face might be matching him. don't you think so? or may be her ex. :-)
@pickoy (733)
• Philippines
11 May 09
Gosh, if I were that girl i'd be pissed. You never even said hi? Next time, if you like a girl and she seemed nice, introduce yourself and just ask what she's buying, you know, simple conversation first until you're both warmed up. You just spoiled one good opportunity. She pretended to look somewhere else coz she just concluded that you're not interested, coz you never approached her.
• India
11 May 09
please don't get pissed, i am so shy to start a conversation by myself. i think she would have slapped me if i tried to flirt with her. and get arrested in super market. :-(
• United Arab Emirates
11 May 09
HAHAHAA....you really made me smile with your discussion...You should be happy that she was staring at you like this...Not so often it happens when a girls staring at a guy...Now there can be 2 reasons..Either she is not shy at all and just had the guts to stair at you just to intimidate you because she liked you, either she was thinking of something else and u were the lucky one to be stared at...:P...it happens to me sometime...I get lost into my thoughts and i focus in one point, it can be a person, object or just a wall..:) Why are you happy??...who wouldnt be happy to find themselves staring at...even though sometimes it can be unconfortable... Happy staring moments..:)
• India
11 May 09
nice to hear you liked my discussion. i was extremely happy. she was shy. ya she might be thinking of her brother. :-D she might be searching a good brother in me ha ha ha