Im disappointed in Jacksons proposal!

United States
May 10, 2009 5:22pm CST
or lack there of.. more of an arrangement or proposition at best! i dont know i was just hoping he was gonna propose for real for real reasons not to keep his visa or whatever.. i guess i shouldnt be surprised since the writers said in an interview recently that no matter what they are gonna have susan and mike back together eventually.. what did you think of jacksons "proposal" (if you can even call it that grr) and are you glad she is going to marry him or think its a wrong move? do you think mike will end up proposing to katherine? hopefully tonight will bring some interesting stuff
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3 responses
• United States
10 May 09
I can't wait till tonight. I think that it was crappy for Jackson to propose for his reasons, but there has to be a twist. I hope that Mike gets with Susan however I think that there going to wait on that cause it is to predictable. I also can't wait to see Bree as a burglar.LOL that should be funny!
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• United States
10 May 09
yeah they said since they have a few seasons left in contract it wont be soon for susan and mike.. i think if jackson had asked in a totally different way it would have been ok but to start it off like he did and for her to have taken it that way was horrible! i cant wait either!
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• United States
11 May 09
When I saw the promo for the episode, I thought the proposal was way too rushed and therefore, annoying. After the episode, it was even more annoying, because it wasn't even a real proposal. He should have explained what was going on before he said he wants her to marry him. And of course Susan reacted by crying and blurting out all of that stuff. The extreme predictable-ness of it annoyed me too. Okay, I'm probably annoying you now, because I'm talking about how annoying it was to me :P Anyway, the marriage storyline feels like it's a recycled one. Didn't we already go through a fake-ish marriage with Susan when she needed that surgery? I feel like the storyline is just blah. I don't think it's a bad idea for her to marry him, and I don't think it's a good idea. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure it'll even make a big impression on her life. As for Mike and Katherine, I don't know if he'll propose to her. He really seems freaked out about the subject, and if he did propose, it would feel like it was because he felt sorry for her or something... and that's just not romantic. You want him to do it because he wants to, not because he feels he has to.
• United States
11 May 09
yeah exactly.. if he proposes it will seem like she guilted him into it.. i havent watched much of DH other than this season (and a few reruns of other seasons) so i dont know about it being recycled but it seems like every show has pulled it one time or another lol.. if i was jackson i would be like "hey i have this favor i need to ask.. i need to stay in the country and one of the ways i can do that is.. blah blah blah etc" i thought they rushed him to proposing too fast to be a good thing then they not only rushed it they cheapened it! grr!
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• United States
11 May 09
Oh, okay. Then, I'll keep my mouth shut about past season :D Yeah, you're right about every show recycling something. Yeah! He should have asked like that. Not by making it sound like a real proposal. Before he asked, he even said he was nervous about a question he needed to ask her :| Totally sounds like a real proposal.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
11 May 09
Last night Mike did propose to Katherine~ she is a sneak! I thought the proposal was at least honest. Do you think that now Jackson is gone, Mike will go ahead and marry Katherine?
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• United States
14 May 09
i dont know.. im hoping they some how get jackson back but who knows.. i bet katherine goes nutty thinking he wont marry her now and it ends up sabotaging things