Do you say "Sorry" often?

May 11, 2009 4:11am CST
When i first started this topic, i want to ask" how many times do you say " sorry" in one day?" Strange question, huh? I don't know why i asked this, maybe because my ex once told me that i was those people who always so pround of myself and never say sorry, even i was the one who did things or said saying wrong. I am not sure if i am the kind of person he was talking about, but i do know that, i don't say "sorry" often, i am always try to prove people that i was right, they were the one wrong! I realized this is not helping me, i need to admit i was wrong and say sorry, there is nothing to feel shame of. I am trying to say "Sorry" when i realize i was wrong. What about you?
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29 responses
@zzyw87 (1254)
• Philippines
12 May 09
I am also a very proud person. I don't like saying sorry and I seldom say sorry. I only say sorry if it is really and truly is my fault. But usually when I have a fight with my guy, he usually makes the first move to make peace with me even if sometimes I was the one who started the fight. I guess it is just so hard to say sorry and admit I am the wrong one.
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• Indonesia
12 May 09
Yes, I quite often say I am sorry if I am doing wrong. Usually if I made a mistake in doing my assignments or if I say something hurtful to people (because I am a talkative person and sometimes insensitive). What I notice also is I think Asian people tend to more often to say I am sorry, I think it is because our culture which not as agressive as Americans or Europeans. And from my experiences, it is very hard to say sorry to our family, it seems hard to say sorrs to our parents, sister or brother. Anyone feels like this?
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@PinkyPosh (226)
• Canada
11 May 09
I generally say sorry the minute I come to know that I'm wrong. Even if I have a worst fight with someone, and say I have so much of anger towards that person, just a single sorry from them will erase all my bad feelings for them. I just get back to normal very easily. May that is the reason that I also don't hesitate to say sorry when I feel I'm at fault. But saying sorry and admitting your fault is one of the good practice that evry one should follow. This will heal many hearts.
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• China
13 May 09
Hi PinkPosh, Thanks for responding my discussion. Yes, you are right, when you are at fault, you should say sorry.
• China
12 May 09
I agree with you.And i am the same person with you. I do say sorry to others when i am wrong. But nobody can force me to say that. I am a easy person but i won't let others offend me and my family.
• India
12 May 09
I say sorry to people , if i hurt their feelings. Sometimes , unknowingly , i hurt people physically , at that time also, i say "sorry". Telling sorry is not a shame. it consoles the person and also ourself.
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@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
12 May 09
no it depend upon the situation if it really needed. if im wrong in the discussion i will admit it. but if im not i will stand my idea. sometimes in a case that your friend argue w/ you then she admit it,just for the ske of your closeness and relationship i will be the one to accept it. to let her realize she is not fair.
11 May 09
i find i say sorry to much. im very self consionce and i always want people to tell me if ive done something they dont like etc but the people i live with dont and so i feel i have to say it all the time.
• China
13 May 09
Hi Guitarguy, Thanks for responding my discussion. Remember, say it when you mean it. It's good that you are considerate, but you don't have to say sorry all the time, you know.
• China
12 May 09
Honestly ,i think you need more self-confidence.And you seems care too much in your life.Which makes you very stressful,will affect you later. Try to easy your self. Life is easy.
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@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
12 May 09
i often do that. saying sorry is a noble and brave act. but in reality not all your sorrys are accepted. there are times that you need to wait for a longer time for your saying sorry to be answered with "it's okay" and "that doesn't matter to me now" and "let's be friends again."
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@mkchaves (530)
• Canada
12 May 09
i don't say sorry when i know that i am right, when i feel that my point is correct. But if i argue about a thing then later on i realize that i was wrong, i apologize.
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@rakesh284 (1472)
• India
11 May 09
I think asking number was not good enough so this one is better than the previous one. I think I would say it often when I do certain mistake. I don't want to specify some I guess. But I think when someone know that he or she has committed mistake and it has affected someone then that person should proudly say sorry without any hesitation because it will not make you small rather it makes you polite. Sometimes elder people avoid saying sorry to the younger ones even if it is there mistake.
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• China
13 May 09
Hi Rakesh, Thanks for responding my discussion. Thanks for pointing out that asking number is not a good way to raise a question. I think you are right, some eldder people don't say sorry because they think they know better than others.
• India
11 May 09
Sorry ,I have been telling that I don't like such type of slang words to say frequently . If I tell it so much the significance of the term will be lost. So we should use it properly, when i MAKE any wrong willingly or not then we practice to say such word.But we have a habit that we say sorry many times uselessly or not properly, we should avoid this malpractice.
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• China
13 May 09
Hi TitoRoyal, Thanks for responding my discussion. I agreed with you, just like one of the mylottor has stated, we overused Sorry! Sometimes when we say it, we don't mean it. I think that is not a good things, we should say it sincerely.
@Morpher (76)
• Indonesia
11 May 09
I will said "sorry" if i think i make something wrong, but depent condition. Sometimes im still said " sorry" although i know thats not my mistake, i just dont wan fight with anyone. But i seldom said "sorry", cos i no make mistake or fight with anyone today ^^
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• China
13 May 09
Hi Morpher, Thanks for responding my discussions. I understand what you are talking about. When you are in your G.M's office, he shouted at you, tellingyou that you did something wrong. But it actually not your fault, it's your co-worker's fault. You have to say sorry just to avoid any fights between you and him. The same to your love. Right?
@ajzone (201)
• India
11 May 09
Well you know what, Sorry is kind of magic word, it really help you from other in any circumstances. If any mistake is done unknowingly then it can be erase by saying "Sorry". Isn't it so good? And ya I don't feel shame to say sorry because many people says that saying sorry makes you small person. That's too funny. We have to admit our mistakes if we have done mistakes in our life.
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@zhdy89 (301)
• China
12 May 09
When the son told me:"Mum,you are wrong!"I'm sure is my faulse,I will tell him very frankly"I'm sorry."Chatting with friend to see if he looks casual,I would say "sorry!"and then do not speak a word. If wrong to admit that this is not a shame thing.On the contrary,refuses to admit the fault is always the people can not be pardoned.
• China
13 May 09
Hi Ajzone, Thanks for responding my discussions. I think you are right, it's okay to say sorry when it's your flaut.
• India
11 May 09
I never say sorry till i really make a mistake. i believe in myself and have full confidence on what i say and do. but sometimes when i feel that i have by mistake said something wrong then i say sorry!
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• China
13 May 09
Hi Deepak, Thanks for responding my discussion. So you are saying you only say sorry when you realize you really made a mistake? What about when it's not all your fault, but you've involved?
• United States
11 May 09
My Husband always always asks me what im saying sorry for, "What are you saying sorry for, you dont even know. And when you need to be sorry for anything its not even gonna mean anything because you say it so much." I guess this is a horrible horrible habit. I say it non stop. I get it from when i was younger and my father would yell at me for anything and everything and it continued into my first relationship. They would state what they had to say over and over again and i only wanted to ecknowledge what they were saying and i did this by saying 'sorry'. Becasue i suppose i was in the situation of getting so-called yelled because i had something to be sorry about? Im not sure but either way my husbnad is trying his best to teach me how to not say sorry as much and to realize when i should be saying sorry which usually is most likely never in the terms that i say it in
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• China
13 May 09
Hi Jillianmc, Thanks for responding my discussion. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I think it's indeed a horrible habit that you say sorry over and over again when you don't even know what you are sorry for.
@kimutaku (145)
• China
12 May 09
I don't think you have to be familiar with "I'm sorry". Of course ,you must say sorry when you really do something wrong. But it's unnecessary to make "sorry" become your friend. to say "sorry" is easy, to say sorry honestly is hard. when you feel uncomfortable and you think you do wrong, say sorry by heart. Never become that kind of person who can say sorry easily and "say sorry" is a habit. and after saying sorry he makes the same problem again and again. It's OK if you don't like to say sorry but try to fix your false at the first time, and never say sorry for the same thing.
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@shegunx (33)
• Indonesia
12 May 09
HI vivian it's Hard to say I'm Sorry but I always try to say it although it's not my fault. As the manager of a little casino the place of awful people.... they are happy when they win but when they loss the game......don't try to get near to them. some times they have any reason to angry.... and do you know the magic word to cooling down him.....? Yes it's "I'm Sorry sir?"
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@yoyozhou (356)
• China
11 May 09
Yup,sometimes I am a stubborn peoson.I do my best to prove I am right. But most of time I know I am really wrong.Then I will correct immediately.And I will feel sorry to the people who point out my mistake.But I am a little shy to speak out the word"sorry." But I am not the kind of proud people.Yes, I will try to say "sorry."
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@Avaliu (24)
• China
12 May 09
If you are wrong,you should admit.But if you are right,you should insist on it.However, sometimes we may need to make a concession to maintain a relationship.
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• Philippines
11 May 09
i dont have any issues on saying sorry to someone. it is really my habit that if i bumped on someone while walking, its easy for me to say sorry to that person. and when i am in an arguement with my girlfriend and i realize that it is really my fault, i wouldnt mind saying sorry. but if i think that i am right and you dont deserve my sorry, i would not say it.
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11 May 09
Lol im always saying sorry. I need to find another word to say. I always get told off for saying sorry as i have nothing to be sorry for and end up saying sorry again. It makes me laugh especially when someone tells me theyre sorry for something they have actually done something they shouldnt have dne coz i end up saying dont say that dont worry
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