Pleasantly surprised!

United States
May 11, 2009 10:41pm CST
Recently I was in a tough situation. Actually, I am still in it. A local church brought me a check and a gift card. The check was for $25 and was much apprciated. On the envelope I thought it said that the gift card was also $25. I went to the store from which the gift card was purchased. I took with me a "want" list and a "need" list. I thought I could take the $25 off using the gift card and pay the rest with cash. I carefully selected my items from the "needs" side of my list with very few deviations. My total came to $44.49. The card went through but to my surprise it was actually for $75. At first I took a mental trip through all the items on the "want" list; but then shortly fell content with my purchases and remaining balance on the gift card with which I can return for another shopping spree another day! Has anyone else been so pleasantly surprised?
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7 responses
@maezee (41996)
• United States
13 May 09
Wow! That is quite a huge surprise! I personally haven't been surprised like that, but I did manage to find my long-lost prepaid cell phone on Mother's Day! Which was quite lucky considering I hadn't seen it in a good six months. It was under the passanger seat of my car. .
1 person likes this
• United States
14 May 09
Hey, good news is still good news!!! Almost like finding cash!!! Glad you found it safe and secure!!
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
13 May 09
Well what a nice surprise for you, I'm sure it helped you out alot. I like to hear stories like this about a Christian church helping people out, that's one of the things we're supposed to do as Christians is to show compassion for people and to help each other out. I get so tired of hearing people putting Christians down and saying that they're this and that, I hope your story will help people to see how loving most Christians are..Have a good day
1 person likes this
• United States
14 May 09
Yes, it was very helpful. I also like to hear and share stories about when the church is really the church as we should be!
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
12 May 09
Wow, a 50 dollar surprise. That's nice! Way to go. I get all excited if I find a toonie in my pocket.
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• United States
13 May 09
LOL! yeah, I was very happy when I checked out at the store and realised I still had a balance left on the card! It was a great feeling... plus I still had the cash in my pocket!! Yeah!!
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
12 May 09
Hi macdingolinger, Yes it is a very pleasant surprise that your gift card was actually worth 50$ more than you thought. I have never ever given a gift card by anyone . Actually in India i have yet to see anyone have one, may be the gift cards dont exist here . Though i wish we too had some form of gift cards and it would be nice to get some extra money to spend this way. Congratulations for getting such a nice gift card.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 May 09
Thanks, yeah it was great!! We use gift cards a lot here. You can purchase one from about any store. They make great gifts. You can find a gift card for almost any denomination of money and at any store you know someone really enjoys! They are very pleasant, acceptable gifts... like giving money almost!
• United States
12 May 09
I haven't been surprised that way, which to me that was your miracle for that day.. One day though, which I do this as often as I can, I was helping the church with the food pantry, they didn't have enough people that morning to run it so I joined in and just started helping them out. I only live two doors from this church. It was a good day to help, it was this last month the day before Easter Sunday. We were cleaning up after the pantry closed when one of the ladies asked me if I would like a Turkey. I was like huh, then said yes we could use it. So I took home a huge turkey that day. The reason I am writing this is because we are going through some real hard times, we had nothing for Easter Dinner this year. So my miracle of that day was the surprise of having something for Easter Dinner. We were able to build a meal from that, that everyone enjoyed Easter Sunday. I felt so blessed from that, no one can imagine unless they went through something simular. Miracles happen everyday, we just need to recognize them for what they truly are.. God bless you one and all..
• United States
12 May 09
yes, indee sometimes we miss the miracles among us! Thanks for sharing your story and I am so glad you were pleasantly surprised! I am glad that the other workers there thought of you and your family as well. And kudos to you for going to help others in your own time of need! That's a cool person!
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@myskysky (38)
• China
12 May 09
I recall for a long time and find there's no such wonderful experince in my life.But i have ever encountered many kind-hearted people,they helped me generously.I'm so graceful for them ,they had helped me leap over hardships.Mircle is rare but it exists indeed.Thus when we're depressed don't forget to be hopeful.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 May 09
Yes. Thank you so much for your response. There are many miracles every day! during this very trying time for our family I have met many, many people who have been very generous. People we don't even know have given and offered support. People are amazing sometimes!!!
• United States
12 May 09
This Mother's Day was almost overwhelming with surprises. My husband and daughter went out and bought me a book. They then found out that the one they bought was given to me for Christmas by my sister. I love to read Christian books and had a few on my wish list but had not shared that with them. My husband insisted on returning the book right away and in the meantime turned around and bought me three books that I have wanted for such a long time. My husband then brought home a dozen red roses and the most beautiful words in a card. My daughter gave me a funny little card and some mini journals. I like to write down things in journals that really strike me that I can use to encourage myself and others. Then after all of that they took me out for breakfast and we went to the movie theater after that. What an amazing day. I am so happy for you and the kindness that others have shown you.
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• United States
12 May 09
That sounds like it is an amazing Mother's Day!! I am glad you are surrounded by family such as these! That's great, thanks for sharing. I have been totally overwhelmed during this experience by people's generosity and giving. There has been a lengthy hospital stay and a nursing home stay for now. It is a long road to recovery for my son.. but people have restored my hope in people!
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